
Monday, April 27, 2015

Sawako Lilly's April Kimono

For the month of April, I think of rain and new growth! ^_^ Sawako Lilly's furisode (long sleeved) kimono this month features soft blossoms on a light blue background, reminiscent of rain and the promise it brings.

The furisode is made from chirimen (crepe) silk fabric, recycled from an antique human sized kimono. :)

The obi (wide belt) is bright green with an orange/red obijime tie and shibori (resistant dye) obiage (scarf) to match the orange accents in the obi tie.

Although the patterns on this furisode are not as flashy as some designs, the muted colors fit the imagery of a landscape misted over with rain, and the pattern is throughout the entire kimono.

The back of the obi is tied in the fukuro suzume (plump sparrow) musubi knot, which is traditionally used with furisode.

One of my favorite parts of this kimono is that when you get up close you can see the very subtle speckled pattern on the background, like the speckles on an egg. There are little birds flying throughout the kimono but you have to look closely to find them. ^_^

Wishing everyone a wonderful start to spring! Stay dry! ^_^

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Mini Josie explores Kihei on Maui, HI

Mini Josie spent the day exploring her host's home in Kihei!

First stop: SHAVE ICE. Guess which size I want. This is one of -four- shave ice stands in Kihei, all of which cater to tourists.

Kanani had promised to bring me.

She posed for a picture by a piece of outdoor art attached to their wall. Pretty! 

Next stop: The beach Kamaole I, known as Kam 1. We’re in the parking lot across the street, and already I’m excited.

“No ka oi” means “the best” in Hawaiian.

I feel a little bit overdressed for the beach!

Such a pretty flower!

… I’m -really- having trouble finding boards in my size. Let’s play Where’s Josie? 

*sings* Everybody go surf, mmm mmm, ahhh mmm! (This is at Kalama Park, the surf spot known as the Cove. It was pretty flat today, but they were out there all the same.)

Mini Josie: I already have one tattoo. I’m thinking I should get another. Maybe a skull and crossbones, or a bleeding dagger going through a heart with the words PLEASANT COMPANY on a banner across it.

Time to do a little shopping. We go into Longs Drugs.

No, I didn’t suddenly go to Japan! There has been heavy, heavy Japanese cultural influence in Hawai’i, and I’m guessing that Boys' Day must be coming up?

Little windsock koi are cute, but I am THE QUEEN OF THE VIENNA SAUSAGE MOUNTAIN. Here I am, sitting on my throne. I know seeing this big stack of vienna sausage in a drugstore might look odd to visitors, but Vienna Sausage and Spam are very, -very- popular with locals here, no kidding! 

Seems like we’re focusing on food for a while. I must be hungry. Best potato chips -ever-. No, seriously.

Li hing mui anything and crackseed in general is very popular among locals.

The. Best. Chocolate. Covered. Mac. Nuts. Of. All. Time.

Let’s visit a tourist trap. They are always fun.
As always, it’s wall to wall souvenirs.

But I like the soap. Smells so good!

OK, let’s head home, but let’s make one last stop at Kalama Park. Whales spend the winter in Maui waters, and seeing them breaching and blowing are common sights even from the beaches here, Kanani tells me. I think this whale statue is life size. There’s a big whale festival here in Kihei once a year, and they put a lei on it. An actual lei, made of real flowers and everything. It has to be enormous! This is the top side of the whale, which is shown breaching sideways. The other side of the statue shows its belly.

I’m really excited because I got to see sea turtles. They poke their head up out of the water from time to time to breathe. They didn’t cooperate with the camera, but THEY WERE THERE, AND I SAW THEM. They like hanging out off the shore of Kalama Park. Notice how this isn’t a sandy beach? They like to hang out in spots like this. 

Surfers near The Cove surf spot, valiantly trying to catch a wave on a day when there isn’t much wave action going on.

To see more of Josie’s adventures, click here to view her Travel Log!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Cover for Josefina's Journey Book Released

Jenny on AG Collectors shared with us the new book cover for Josefina's Journey Book from the Georgetown Publications website!

Josefina's Journey book will be released on Aug. 27, 2015! I was worried that AG decided not to go through with revamping her collection and decided to retire her instead so I'm so happy to see her book is finally coming out with a cover image! Here is the Amazon ordering information:

Song of the Mockingbird: My Journey with Josefina

Link to Georgetown Publications Image:

Thank you very much for sharing the information and image with us Jenny! ^_^

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mini Josie Goes Shopping in Maui, HI

Josie has arrived at her host in the beautiful islands of Hawaii!

First, a bath and hair wash to clean off the exhaustion of traveling!
Geez. Let a girl have her vinyl cleaned and her hair washed, and she flips out. XD

Host: Uh, Josefinia?…
*She ignores me to go streaking* 

Mini Josie selected her own breakfast this morning. Sorry, Mini J, we’re going to let this lil’ thing keep growing. You’ll have to have papaya or spam, scrambled eggs, and rice instead. Sound good?

Josie changes into her lighter dress, and we head out to the mall.

Don’t forget the sunblock. That tropical sun is a lot stronger than the sun at home.

Making friends! (Like Where’s Waldo, but Where’s Mini Josie instead!)

Making even more friends!

Hanging out with the local wildlife? (there aren’t actually any monkeys in Hawaii, oh well!)

90s kids will recognize the POG logo. The drink is still sold in Hawaii (and it’s still delicious.)

It’s a pretty mall. Open air, as all malls on Maui are.

Let’s head back inside for some mochi ice cream. This is really popular in Hawaii.

Mini Josie: $8.75 for a newspaper, are you kidding me?! (to be fair, this IS today’s paper! how did they get it here so fast? it says Printed in California on it, but still, California’s a -long- way away!)

Finally, surfboards in Mini Josie’s size! Not for sale, alas. The hunt continues.

There’s a fair amount of President Obama merch available, since he’s a local boy! 

Mini Josie: Yay! Chocolate! Wow Wee candy bars are made in the town I’m staying in, and they are legitimately -awesome.- They’re as long as I am tall and *CRUNCH CHEW SNARF* oh are they good. I’m saving the wrapper from the one I’m eating now.


Mini Josie: I think I might take up a new hobby while I’m here. The neighbors across the street and a couple doors over are evidently into drag racing. Portia tells me she’s seen the blue car plenty of times before, but the white one was new. They were working on them yesterday, tuning them up, and holy smokes are they ever LOUD!!!! ... I wonder if I can fit these in my carry-on? … on the other hand, getting these anywhere near Lissie might be a dangerous thing.

Mini Josie: So I went shopping today. Don’t worry, I only spent $48,000. (None of the clothing or accessories anyone had on hand fit me, can you believe it? All of it has to be custom made in Milan and Paris. Ridiculous.) On the bright side, they’re putting a Prada in, and they’re hiring. I think I’m going to stay in Maui and work at Prada. 

To see more of Josie’s adventures, click here to view her Travel Log!