
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sawako Lilly says Happy Chinese New Year! ^o^

新年快乐!恭喜发财!Happy Chinese New Year! (Technically it's tomorrow on the 31st, but we did our end of the year cleaning today in preparation.) The Year of the Snake has ended and Sawako Lilly wanted to welcome the Year of the Horse with everyone! :D If we were at home, there would be more actual Chinese New Year themed photos (with food!) but since I'm at school, I just changed Sawako Lilly and we made dumplings, then went out to snap a few photos. :)

And here is our handiwork! ^_^

Fun Fact: The reason it is tradition to eat dumplings on Chinese New Year is because the shape of the dumpling looks like the large pieces of money back in ancient China. So we eat dumplings to represent prosperity and hopefully be financial successful in the coming year!  :))

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