
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sawako Lilly's November Kimono

The weather is finally turning colder here and it's feeling like autumn/winter! To celebrate Sawako Lilly has changed into her November furisode kimono. ^_^  It is decorated with falling momiji (Japanese maple leaves) and lots of kiku (chrysanthemums) and paired with a green and gold obi belt with a deep red shibori obi age scarf. It's difficult to tell in the photos but the bottom of the kimono is heavily lined and padded. It is common for winter kimonos in Japan to have a double lining to keep in warmth. I won't keep repeating the same facts about some of the basic knowledge of kimonos since I mentioned them in previous posts. You can see and read about them in the Photo Album. :)

I love the simplicity and child-like design of these simple geometric lines with momiji leaves in them decorating the sleeves.

Some kimonos have very subtle designs can it's difficult to identify which season they are meant for. This is not one of those kimonos. ^_^ A fallen, orange maple leave floating down a stream is a Japanese slap in your face saying it's Fall! It's Autumn! It's time for hot chocolate! (Maybe not the last one...)

The front panel has a traditional Japanese carriage with lots of kiku flowers surrounding it. I like the bright colors of the cart very much. The striking blue is not a normal/traditional color to use and I have never seen a cart painted so brightly so I feel the fabric weaver took artistic licence with it. ^_^

A close up of the the obi belt and the deep red shibori obi age scarf on top. It's difficult to tell but the wavey, uneven petals on the obi are from a botan (peony) flower, not a kiku. It's a pretty common, generic flower that common appears on kimonos from all seasons.

A close up of the sleep and the kiku blossoms. I do not know what the yellow dots flower sprays are in the background.

A close up of the back of the obi belt tie. I love that the tie has the two green wings and a golden body covering the knot. Usually the pattern is more distributed so I think it's quite artistic that this musubi (knot) worked out so symmetrically.

And although no one but the wearer would ever see this, I adore the fact that inside the kimono, the red silk lining the inside has a subtle pattern on it of bamboo and bridges. The bottom is heavily lined and padded for warmth in the colder months.

To see more of Sawako Lilly's kimonos, look in the Photo Album!