
Friday, January 16, 2015

Grace Apron Giveaway Winners

Thank you to everyone who entered the Grace Apron giveaway, and thank you to those who shared news of the giveaway with others! We had over 100 entries by 60 individuals. Originally I was going to put the names on little slips of paper and have a drawing, but since I am currently traveling in the middle of the ocean, it's not very feasible. Instead, I wrote down every entry and assigned it a number. Then I used a random number generator on the internet to pick 3 numbers for the winners! No more than 1 apron per person.

Without furthur ado, the winners are:
1) Mirenithil
2) Madonna
3) Snow Dogz

Congratulations to all 3 of you and thank you to everyone who participated!

*Important: Winners must email me at within 72 hrs (by noon, central US time, Monday 19th) with their mailing address. If I haven't heard from you by then, another winner will be selected.*
--Edited to fix the time--

Please check back on Monday, January 26th for our next giveaway as part of our first Etsy Store Feature! It will be fantastic and you definitely won't want to miss it!


  1. Congrats to the winners!

    1. Thank you for participating and sharing Monique B! I wish I had an apron for everyone who was kind enough to participate. ^_^ I hope you'll enter the next giveaway as well! It's a really fantastic prize and I'm really excited to present to everyone!

  2. Congratulations, Mirenithil, Madonna, and Snow Dogz!

    Lilly Maiden, thanks for hosting such a nice giveaway! I know it must've been incredibly time consuming to go through and comment on each entry, but I really appreciated it--it assured me that I was in the running.

    Looking forward to the etsy store feature. :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by to congratulation the winners and for participating honilee!

      It is a bit time consuming but I wanted all the entrants to know that since they took the time to think of a comment, I will definitely take the time to acknowledge I read their comment and appreciate their participation, and that their entry (entries) have been properly noticed. ^_^ I'm glad you like this system and I will continue doing this for future giveaways!

      I'm excited for you to see the first Etsy feature and giveaway! :D Thank you for always taking the time to stop by and comment on the blog!

  3. hm, the comment I left yesterday never appeared. For a while I thought it had to be moderator approved, but now I see you've posted two responses, and the comment still isn't here. I think the system ate it?
    anyway, -thank you-, Lilly Maiden. This was a -very- kind thing for you to do. When the apron arrives, I'm going to check to make sure Lissie hasn't hidden any knives or other contraband in its pockets. bwahaha
    Also, thank you, honilee and Monique.

    1. Er, and by me being "Lisa" I mean I'm "Mirenithil." Oops. XD

    2. Hahaha yes please do check the pockets! I don't want to give FutureGrace the wrong impression! I'm sorry you were having some trouble with the comment function. I haven't seen anything about the mysterious missing comments so I think the system must have eaten them.
