
Monday, March 9, 2015

Featured Etsy Shop: Pippaloo & Giveaway!

- This giveaway has ended. Winners announced here. -

Today’s Etsy feature is going to be quite the treat! And I do mean treat, because today we’re featuring the incredibly talented food sculpting genius of the well-known Pippaloo, Teresa Ciappa in the flesh! Digital flesh! ^_^ And for an extra kick of fun, she has provided 2 fun giveaway food items for 2 lucky winners.

The interview is presented first, followed by a review of the giveaway foods, with the giveaway details at the end of the post.

~Interview with Teresa Ciappa of Pippaloo~
Lilly: Lissie! Control yourself, the interview is starting!
Lissie: How can I have any control when food is involved? And especially when the food is from Pippaloo too!
Lilly: Welcome to our Etsy feature everyone! Lissie and I are thrilled –
Lilly: -to introduce everyone to the talented food sculptor of Pippaloo, Ms. Ciappa! Her beautiful pieces are known for looking incredibly realistic on top of their wonderful play value.
Lissie: Despite her fame, she is still mortal and only has 24 hours in the day. Her family comes first!
Lilly: That’s right Lissie. That’s why she only releases new items in the Pippaloo Etsy store once a month on the 15th, and she doesn’t take custom orders on previous items she has created.
Lissie: All so she can make newer, deliciouser things for me!
Lilly: I don’t think that’s a word Lissie. Now try to restrain your glutinous urges and join me in welcoming Ms. Ciappa!

Lilly: Thank you for taking the time to sit down with us and answer some questions Ms. Ciappa! My first question is how did you get started making AG scale doll food?
Pippaloo: It was sort of just a happenstance kinda thing, honestly. When my girls were a little younger (they are now 14 &10) we all loved collecting and playing with the dolls- and I found that the food was one of their main interests. So one afternoon I bought some clay and we just sort of started playing around. I think we made chocolate chip cookies. Those first batches look nothing like the ones I make today. But I was very intrigued with the idea of trying to make them look like the real thing. I knew I could improve upon them... and that is what really started the ball rolling.

Set of 5 Frosted Brownies with Sprinkles. Will be released in her Etsy store March 15th.

Lissie: Rolling… rolls… soft, warm, buttery rolls…
Lilly: Pssst! Lissie, stop fantasizing ask your question!
Lissie: What? Oh! Hahaha! I’m not salivating! Ahem, Ms. Ciappa, I shall ask you to divulge some state secrets. Can you tell us what is an everyday tool people wouldn’t think would be great for crafting doll food but is?
Pippaloo: Love this question! Rocks. Yes, rocks. I have shopped around my property for different kinds of rocks to use for texture. Also, when I'm in a store like Home Depot, for instance, I peruse the shelves with an eye for what might create an interesting texture.

Lissie: Rocks??? Rocks? I haven’t tried eating one yet, just dominatingly climbing them.
Lilly: For texturing, not eating, you hungry goose. Ms. Ciappa, who or what inspires your creativity? Do your daughters help you brainstorm or make the pieces?
Pippaloo: I get inspiration from so many sources- the internet, bake shops, clients, my girls, American Girl's books, grocery stores...really anywhere I go can be a potential source. My girls used to help, but they have moved on. I do ask my 10 yr old occasionally to hold something in her had so that I can gauge proper scale. I have to tell you that my girls have become a bit blase about the foods. They used to get wide eyed with excitement, but nothing seems to impress them anymore. They just take it for granted now that mommy can make "freakishly realistic" (quoting them here) doll sized food. Their friends come over and ooh and aah, asking questions galore, so I still get the occasional round of applause.

Pastel Rainbow Cake with 2 Slices. Will be released in her Etsy store March 15th.

Lissie: Yes, yes, yes, I can understand. Geniuses like us are never showered with the unending glory and adulation from those near us.
Lilly: …Why are you looking at me like that?
Lissie: Ah… the path of a genius is a lonely one. Now Ms. Ciappa, here is the pivotal question I need to know, do you have a favorite food type/group to create? What about historical vs. modern foods?
Pippaloo: I love to make shop is generally heavier on the cookies, cakes and candy. There is a twofold reason for that: texturally they are easier to replicate, but also I'll take a piece of cake over a piece of meat any day (I'm a vegetarian).
Historical doll food can sometimes present a challenge. Most twentieth century foods are well documented with either photographs or detailed recipes. Foods from earlier eras are harder to pin down. Some bit of guesswork, legwork and sometimes, filling in of the blanks is required. I don't like rewriting history- I like working from a photograph to replicate an item, which leaves much of what our forefathers ate difficult to replicate, so as a result, off the table. This is due in part to just not having enough information- information about how an item was served or presented, what it was served in, how large the portions were, etc. I try very hard to strike a balance between historical accuracy and appealing to our 21st century sensibilities.

Lilly: My! I never thought of the challenges that could come with replicating historical food but I think you bring up a very good point.
Lissie: Jeez Lilly! She said the 3 C’s, cookies, cakes, and candy, and you focus on history?
Lilly: I think it’s fascinating to learn what the struggles with creating historical foods are.
Lissie: Not to my stomach.
Lilly: For our next question, would you mind sharing with us what is your favorite part of what you do? How about the least favorite?
Pippaloo: My favorite part, hands down, is setting up the scenes with the foods and photographing the dolls. If I just sat all day and made food and wasn't able to have it culminate in an end of the month photo shoot, I'm not sure I would still be doing this.
My least favorite part is having to turn clients away- and not being able to accommodate custom requests. I am only able to make a certain number of items each month. I always say I wish I could clone myself- then I could make dozens and dozens of everything, and no dolls would go hungry. :)

Set of 3 Hot Cross Buns. Will be released in her Etsy store March 15th.

Lilly: Our Big Person’s favorite thing to do with us is taking photos as well! She said she would be a lot richer and our wardrobe much smaller if she didn’t make photostories.
Lissie: Now how did you miss that part where Ms. Ciappa said the month culminates with a giant buffet? Do you see us getting buffets?
Lilly: I don’t think your ego needs any buffets Lissie.
Lissie: Don’t mind her Ms. Ciappa. We can expect a non genius to comprehend the glory of a buffet. My next question has to do with blockage and overcoming it.
Lilly: Lissie! Stop describing it like a colon.
Lissie: Do you ever get a creative block? If so how do you overcome it?
Pippaloo: I did, this past month, with my comfort foods theme. But I realized that I was just not connecting with my theme at all. Usually I am never short on ideas... just time. In the past, when I would get creative blocks with other mediums, I would always just step away from my project for a few days. Usually that helps.

Lilly: I think that’s a good strategy. Everyone needs to step away for a break when they get frustrated.
Lissie: I step forward when my mind is blocked! Forward to the cake stand!
Lilly: Is that were all the cake went? Our Big Person was in tears you know.
Lissie: Ah… discipline will be good for her arteries.
Lilly: Ms. Ciappa, your pieces are always so detailed and realistic that I can’t help but wonder how much time on average goes into a piece?
Pippaloo: Now, it really will depend on the item. But I will say that all items are accomplished in steps. So I never sit down, for say fifteen minutes, and out pops an item. Some foods have only one or two steps....some have seven or eight steps. This past month, for instance, the bowl of chili I made has about twelve steps that it required.
I have been toying with the idea for some time to take a menu item and follow its progress from start to finish on my blog, so that those with an interest can see the development process and how much time and effort is required. There have been plenty of past items that I invested time and material in that never came to pass because the end result was less than stellar. I should chronicle one of those items as well... someday when I have more time.

Carrot cake with 2 slices. Will be released in her Etsy store March 15th.

Lissie: That would be brilliant! The Pippaloo cooking channel! Aside from rainbows, sunshine, and rocks, what are you favorite mediums or materials to work with when creating food?
Pippaloo: Clay. I know that answer seems obvious, but I've never had as much fun creating as I do now with this type of clay.

Lissie: Huh. Clay. I guess that’s what gives the food that special, earthy kick.
Lilly: As busy as you are creating items for Pippaloo, what other doll related activities do you enjoy besides creating food for them?
Pippaloo: Years ago my husband and I built a large dollhouse and my girls and I spent a few years decorating and filling it with all it's various pieces and parts. And it is ever evolving. I've rearranged and repainted various rooms over the years. I have a dozen other room ideas just waiting in the wings.
I also enjoy sewing and designing for the dolls. I so wish I had enough time to also offer separates and outfits in my shop. Another one of those somedays!

Lilly: Yes, we’ve seen photos of the detailed, attic room you created for your Kit! That’s quite different from doll food but equally stimulating for the creative spirit.
Lissie: Ahem, Ms. Ciappa… Now I would never ask you to predict the future, but… can you give us a sneak peek at what’s coming up on the menu to be released on April 15th?
Pippaloo: Looking ahead for April, I will be making foods exclusively for American Girl's Grace. There will be authentic French pastries, breads, macarons... all foods from her stories. I was so excited when I first learned about Grace being a baker and having a food theme. Finally a modern doll with very specific foods tailored to her!

Adorable Bunny Cake! Will be released in her Etsy store March 15th.

Lissie: AHHHH!!! It sounds SO good! Lilly, hold me back before I time travel to April 15th and indulge all my senses!
Lilly: Don’t worry, you don’t need me to do that. The laws of time and physics will do it for me. I’ve been wondering Ms. Ciappa, why do you release only a certain number of items once a month? It seems like Pippaloo has so many fans you would receive a lot of orders if you took custom requests and listed items when they are ready.
Pippaloo: Good question! When I first opened my shop I did take on custom requests and listed items randomly. However I soon became swamped with orders- so much so that I injured myself trying to keep up. Clearly my little fun side business was effecting my home life with my girls and my husband. So I made the decision that if I was going to continue with my shop, and keep it fun, that I would have to make some changes to the way I ran things. That is why I list all my items all at once, one day a month on a first come first served basis. It's not a perfect system- but I do feel it is fair to all those who are seeking the same items

Lilly: Thank you for explaining that to us! I’m so sorry to hear you hurt and exhausted yourself doing something that should have been fun. It makes sense now why you have decided to implement your policies. Before we end, do you have any advice or information you want to share with the readers?
Pippaloo: For those wanting to try your hand at making food for your dolls- I always advise- just have fun with it and don't worry about the result or how many mistakes you make or how much clay you waste. I've done all of the above. I still waste clay and make mistakes- but I am still having fun all the while. When it ceases to be fun, that's when I'll hang it up.

Lilly: Excellent advice! Now Lissie, go ahead and ask your one word bonus.
Lilly: … … … Lissie? Where did she go? You don’t think… She couldn’t have really warped to the future? Oh dear, I guess I’d better ask it instead. Ms. Ciappa, here is your 1 Word Bonus: Cake or Chips?
Pippaloo: Of course cake!

For those who celebrate Easter, make sure to pick up this adorable, sweets filled Easter Basket for your dolls! Will be released in her Etsy store March 15th.

Lilly: Thank you again on behalf of myself and Lissie, wherever she’s gotten to, for taking the time to come speak with us and answer some of our questions about Pippaloo. We are excited to see your March 15th menu, and your plans for the April 15th menu sound delicious. You can stay up to date with Pippaloo’s releases and get email reminders about the 15th on her blog and these other links.

Lilly: Let’s have one more round of applause for Ms. Ciappa! Now we’ll go to Cecile and Samantha who will review some lovely treats provided by Ms. Ciappa for the giveaway. Stay tuned as I try to find Lissie!


Sam: While you are searching for Lissie, please see if you can find Cecile too Sawako Lilly! She was here earlier and so excited but I don’t know where she has gotten off to. It looks like I will be presenting the review on my own until she arrives.
Sam: From her delightful March menu, Ms. Ciappa has very generously sent us this set of 10 Girl Scout cookies to review and giveaway!

Sam: The cookies are handcrafted from clay and include 2 of each of the 5 types. They are nontoxic and full of delicious goodness!

Sam: Can you recognize the Thin Mint, Samoa, Tagalong, Do-si-do, and Trefoil cookies?

Sam: Here is a close up of the details on the front of the cookies.

Sam: Pippaloo’s cookies are thoroughly baked, just look at the back!

Sam: One of the lovely things I love about Pippaloo’s food is that none of it is clumped! Each cookie is individual and separate so you can maximize the play value for the food. Thought I would caution parents who are concerned about choking hazards for their children keep an eye on them while they play.

Sam: The cookies are perfectly scaled for dolls like myself, though perhaps Lissie would say any cookie smaller than Jupiter is too small.

Sam: Here is a comparison to some of the food that comes with American Girl sets including the petit fours from Samantha’s Party Treats, and the cakes and tartlets from Cecile & Marie-Grace’s Banquet Table. You can see the much higher level of detailing on Ms.Ciappa’s cookies. Food from American Girl comes clumped in clusters also. While this may be safer for the very young children, it takes away some of the fun from individual pieces.

Cecile: Samantha! J’arrive! I have arrived!
Sam: Cecile! Where have you been? I started the review without you.
Cecile: I am very sorry for being late. Mais regardez ça! Look here!

Sam: Oh how lovely! Chocolate bunnies! Where did you find them?
Cecile: This is why I was late. They were on our doorstep and someone told me a bunny left them for us so I tried to find le lapin, Mr. Bunny but he was not there. I do not understand why a bunny would leave bunnies. Is he trying to abandon his family? It does not seem very approprié, appropriate.

Sam: Goodness no Cecile! The Easter Bunny goes around and leaves chocolates for children, but I bet the Easter bunny who left these for us must be Ms. Ciappa!
Cecile: But I thought Ms. Ciappa is a Big Person?
Sam: Big People can be bunnies too Cecile. Now help me put these on a plate so everyone can see them.

Sam: It looks like these bunnies were also hand sculpted from nontoxic clay. They are so adorable!
Cecile: Oui! Look at the Mama bunny with her two baby bunnies.
Sam: The papa bunny must be a milk chocolate bunny.
Cecile: Why do you say so?
Sam: Because the mama bunny and one of the baby bunnies are white chocolate so the papa bunny must be milk chocolate since the other bunny is milk chocolate.
Cecile: Ah, but what if the milk chocolate gene is recessive? Or perhaps the milk chocolate bunny is adopted?
Sam: Goodness, I never thought so hard about chocolate bunny genealogy!

Cecile: Écoutez-moi, listen to me Samantha, how do you think the giant chocolate rabbit from American Girl’s Kit Candy Making set will compare?
Sam: Well let us compare them then. Here we go!

Sam: First off, the one from Kit’s candy making set is made from hard plastic, and you can see the seam running down the sides.
Cecile: C’est vrai, and the rabbit is hollow as well. It is a good thing Lissie is not here to see it or she would be furious at being tricked with a hollow chocolate rabbit.
Sam: There is clearly a size difference as well, but we do not need diabetes Cecile.
Cecile: Oui Samantha! While AG’s rabbit is also very nice, Pippaloo’s chocolate bunny family is the perfect size to enjoy and share.

Sam: AHHHHH!!!!!! Lissie!!! We must run Cecile!
Cecile: She is like une bête, a beast, who can smell sugar from miles away! No Lissie! You must not eat these!
Sam: Save yourself Cecile! She cannot hear reason when there are chocolates and cookies in front of her! 
Cecile: I must grab the plates and give them to Marie-Grace and Rebecca! Go! Go! Go!


MG: I wonder why Cecile et Samantha threw these plates at us and then ran away like that?
Lydia: Who knows? But we do not have time to find out now. We must present the giveaway, and this giveaway is extra special because there will be two winners, one who will receive the chocolate bunnies, and one who will receive the Girl Scout cookies, since not everyone celebrates Easter.

MG: C’est une bonne idée! That is a good idea. Please be sure you put in your comment which one you would like to be entered for, or if you would like to be entered for both. Keep in mind a person can only win one set though, in the case of a miraculous coincidence.
Lydia: The giveaway is open to all readers, including international readers, and free to enter, no purchase necessary. However, if you are under the age of 13, please ask your parents to enter for you.
MG: We almost forgot the most important part Lydia Charlotte! To enter the giveaway, please comment and tell us what your doll’s favorite food is and why?
Lydia: Make sure you put your name down with your comment. You can comment using the "Name/URL" option. Put your name in the "name" option and you can leave the URL part blank.
Lissie: I
Lissie: FOUND
Lissie: YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MG: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Lydia: Now we know why Cecile and Samantha were running! Help! HELP!!!!
Lissie: No one can save you now… stand back or be eaten!!!!
Lilly: What’s the mat- Oh no! Lissie! You musn’t!
Lydia: Do something Sawako Lilly! Or we won’t have anything to giveaway!
Cecile: We’re coming! Samantha you grab her other arm!
Sam: We must hold her back no matter what! Our reputation depends on it!
Lilly: Lissie, reach into your heart of hearts and find self-control!
MG: It is no good Sawako Lilly! How can she reach her heart of hearts if she must get past her mouth first? C’est impossible!
Lydia: Hurry and enter everyone! Or else these delicious treats will all be eaten! We can only hold her back for so long!

- This giveaway has ended. Winners announced here. -

The giveaway will run from Mar. 9 - Mar. 19 (midnight Central USA time).

To enter:
Comment and tell us what your doll's favorite food is and why! (Make sure you specify which giveaway item you would like to be entered for, or if you would like to be entered for both.) 

For bonus entries:
Favorite Pippaloo's Etsy store. (include username in comment for verification)
"Like" Pippaloo on Facebook (click here to go to the page) (include username in comment for verification)
"Like" Lissie & Lilly on Facebook (click here to go to the page) (include username in comment for verification)
Follow/Google+ Pippaloo's Blog. (If you are already a follower/google+, just comment with your account. ^_^)
Follow/Google+ this blog. (If you are already a follower/google+, just comment with your account. ^_^)
Share about this giveaway on social media (Facebook, Your Blog, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, Google+, Pintrest, other forums, etc.) - Be sure to include the link(s) to your post(s) in your comment so we can verify where you shared. 
*max 9 additional entries*

The winners will be announced in 2 weeks on Friday, March 20th on this post, so check back then! ^_^

*Note: I want to stress that Pippaloo releases all their items on the 15th of each month and they usually sell out within the first day. If you would like an email reminder for the item releases, please visit Pippaloo's blog and join the mailing list. Pippaloo does not take custom orders on past menu items.*

- This giveaway has ended. Winners announced here. -


  1. I would like to enter for the chocolate bunnies! My dolls favorite 'food' is icing
    Leslie Vlahos

    1. Thank you for sharing your doll's favorite food! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.

  2. LOL! This is awesome! I have some of her yummy Girl Scout cookies, but I'd love some bunnies!

  3. Oooo! Those are awesome! Maggie, like me, has a sweet tooth and loves cake, cookies and candy, and would be pleased with either of these items! (I'll be watching for that carrot cake to go on sale, too!)

    1. Thank you for sharing Maggie's favorite foods! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.

  4. My girl's favorite food is pizza because it is a complete meal and delicious. Those brownies look yummy! Please enter me in both give aways.

    1. Thank you for sharing your doll's favorite food! :) I am confirming I have your entry for both categories down.

  5. I would like to enter! My doll's favourite food mainly is steak and mashed potatoes with gravy...But we like a lot of sweets too!
    It doesn't matter to us which one we get entered for, they're both very very cute.

    1. I'm confirming I have your entries down for both. :)

  6. Mine love anything sweet...particularly tea cookies! I'd love to be entered for both!
    I liked the Facebook pages for both Lissie & Lilly and Pipaloo (username: loveandcoffee)
    I also favorite the Etsy site of Pipaloo (username: coffeeandcommunity)
    Thanks for the opportunity!

    1. I am confirming I have your entries down for both categories. :)

  7. MY DOLL'S FAVORITE FOOD IS ANYTHING MADE BY PIPPALOO!!! Seriously, they cry out for it :)

    1. Hahaha! I am confirming I have your entry down.

  8. My daughters love their American girl dolls and they are all also into the Ninja Turtles. So according to them their dollies favorite food is pizza at this time :)

    1. Good reasoning! :D I'm confirming I have your entry down.

  9. I would love to win either!! They are so adorable! I always manage to miss the sale on etsy, so it would be amazing to win.
    I would be happy with either set.

    I favorited pippaloo shop on etsy(dumanmb or Meagan Musselman)

    I like Lissie & Lilly on FB (Meagan Musselman)

    I like Pippaloo on FB (Meagan Musselman)

    I follow this blog(musselmm)

    I now follow Pippaloo's blog(musselmm)

    Thank you so much for another amazing giveaway!

    1. And my doll's favorite food is cake 😊

    2. Thank you for liking and following! I am confirming I have your entries down for both categories. :)

  10. My google plus name is Esther Ackerman, and I'm following this blog and Pippaloo's! My etsy name is bittercollieday and my Facebook name is also Esther Ackerman, following both Lissie & Lilly and Pippaloo. I would like to be entered for the girl scout cookies! My favorite of her foods from the photos in this blog is the carrot cake because I love carrot cake...but my dolls are saying that they want the rainbow cake!

    1. Thank you for liking and following! I am confirming I have your entries down for both categories. :)

  11. It would definitely be the samoa cookies, do they come by the dozen, she is hungry!

    1. Hahaha! I guess one can never have too many samoa cookies! I am confirming I have your entry down.

  12. I tried entering but I don't see my comment so I'm trying again. :) My etsy name is peaceoutshannon and I'm following Pippaloo. Gemma's favorite food is french fries with a chocolate shake to dip them in! Thanks!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to reenter your comment! I am confirming I have your entries down. :)

  13. My doll's favorite food is broccoli (seriously!). Please enter me for both giveaways. Thanks & good luck everyone!

    1. Wow! Healthy doll! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entry down for both categories.

  14. Esmé eats Samoas like it's her JOB.

    1. Hahaha! Esmé just knows how to enjoy life! :D I'm confirming I have your entry down.

  15. Eva's favorite food is cookies-- she's just like me in that she has a terrible sweet tooth. I don't know if Girl Scout cookies were around in 1926, but if they were, she'd eat them by the box if Ma and Pa let her!


    p.s. I followed Pippaloo on facebook (Ada Elewys Hobbitt) and on have had the shop favorited on Etsy for quite a while (aemuncy).

  16. My doll's favorite food is cake. She likes cookies, too, especially Girl Scout cookies! Please enter me in both contests.

    1. I'm confirming I have your entry down for both. :)

  17. All of our dolls love to eat cupcake's and cookies !!!

    1. A most balanced diet! :D I am confirming I have your entry down.

  18. My dolls favorite food is Oreo's and I would love the Girl Scout Cookies!

    1. I am confirming I have your entries down for the Girl Scout Cookies. :)

  19. One of my dolls favorite foods is soup and sandwiches. I would love to be entered for the Girl Scout cookies.

    I favorited Pippaloo on etsy (proof: )

    I have liked both Pippaloo and Lissie and Lilly on facebook (as Rachel Koppleberger)

    I shared your giveaway post on facebook (

    P.S. I very much enjoyed the interview. It was a lot of fun to read the questions and answers, and Lissie is quite entertaining. :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed the interview. ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down for the Girl Scout Cookies.

  20. Hi! Thanks for the giveaway! I want to enter for the chocolate bunnies. My doll's favorite food is Tacos!

    1. Thank you for sharing! I am confirming I have your entries down for the chocolate bunnies.

  21. I shared this on Google+

  22. I favorited Pippaloo's Etsy store as Kathy Davis.
    Kathy Davis

  23. We love the Tea Party Treats because we love to have Tea Parties. I would like to win the Girl Scout cookies.
    Kathy Davis

    1. I am confirming I have your entries down for the Girl Scout cookies. :)

  24. I like Pippaloo on Facebook as Kathy Newsom Davis

  25. My dolls favorite food is probably cake, because it is delicious! Other than that mashed potatoes. I am following you!

    1. Thank you for sharing your doll's favorite food! I don't see you on my list of followers. Would you mind clarifying where you followed? Thanks for the trouble! I am confirming I have one of your entries down and I'll the second for following as soon as I hear back from you. ^_^

  26. I "Like" Lissie & Lilly on Facebook as Kathy Newsom Davis.
    Kathy Davis

  27. My dolls' favorite food is probably pizza! I would like to be entered for both. :)

    1. I'm confirming I have your entry for both! ^_^

  28. I'm following Pippaloo on Etsy as Clberries1 and My dolls enjoy breakfast foods. The interview was great, I'm looking forward to the release. I'm anxious... feeling like it'll be like JSDs:)

    1. Thank you! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down for both. JSD is actually a good comparison because her items do sell out that quickly since they are so popular. Good luck! I hope you're able to pick something delicious from her store!

  29. I'd like to enter for both please and thank you!!

  30. Thank you for having this giveaway! I would like to be entered for the cookies please. My doll's favorite food is pizza (but they've been begging for mac n' cheese and beans n' franks lately. Why? Because they saw Pippaloo's and said it looked awesome and oh so yummy! ;) ).

    I have liked Lissie & Lilly and Pippaloo on Facebook. (julie koppleberger)
    I have favorited Pippaloo on Etsy. (
    Shared about this giveaway on Facebook. (

    1. Thank you for sharing and liking! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down for the cookies.

  31. My dolls favorite food is candy because it is just sooo yummy! I'd like to be entered for both! I am following your blog and Pippaloos blog! :)

    1. Thank you for following! I am confirming I have your entries down for both. :)

  32. Our dolls favorite food is macaroni and cheese, because it is so comforting and cheesy delicious! I would love to be entered in the Chocolate Bunny giveaway. I'm so glad I found your blog. Thank You.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and for liking! I am confirming I have your entries down for the Chocolate Bunnies. :)

  33. I like Lissie & Lilly on Facebook. Carrie Hall

  34. I like Pippaloo on Facebook. Carrie Hall

  35. Pippaloo is a favorite store of mine on Etsy. cchall16

  36. My dolls favorite food is cookies, but she likes anything sweet! I would love to win the Girl Scout Cookies.
    Thank you,
    Hannah M.

    1. I am confirming I have your entry down for the Girl Scout cookies. :)

  37. Oh so cute! Love, love the scout cookies (but honestly anything yummy would be great!)

  38. I would like to enter for the chocolate bunny giveaway. Our doll's favorite food is CHOCOLATE.

  39. My dolls favorite food is peppermint icecream (I'm thinking Samantha here) I would love either the chocolate bunnies (favorite holiday is easter! ) OR the girl scout cookies (daughter's first year selling them this year!)

    1. Delicious ice cream! I am confirming I have your entry down for both. :) Good luck to your daughter selling them!

  40. I would like to be enterred for both giveaways! My dolls really like cakes with whipped cream and a strawberry on top!

    I favorited the Etsy store (Sophie Trahan - Sophinette).
    I like Pippaloo's Facebook page.
    I like your Facebook page.
    I shared your post on my Pinterest (
    I follow your blog through Google+.
    I am now a follwer of Pippaloo's blog (Google+ as well).

    1. Thank you for sharing and liking! I am confirming I have your entries down for both. :)

  41. Liked Pippaloo on Facebook
    Liked Lissie & Lilly on Facebook
    Dolls like breakfast foods best (pancakes and bacon)
    Would love the Girl Scout cookies!

    1. I am confirming I have your entries down for the Girl Scout Cookies. :)

  42. Kit and Grace want to surprise their person with chocolate bunnies because her birthday is two days prior to Easter.

    1. What are Kit & Grace's favorite food? Also what name should I put your entry under? :)

  43. I thought they were real cookies! We would love to find some doll size Chex Mix, but cake is our favorite food. I would love to get her cookies.

    1. I am confirming I have your entry down for the cookies. :)

  44. My favorite foods for dolls are actually kind of healthy -- apples and peaches. Sometimes, if they're lucky, I'll break out Kirsten's birthday cake with all those itty bitty strawberries, but that's pretty rare. My dolls eat better than I do. I'm more like Lissie when it comes to food. CHOCOLATE!

    I liked Pippaloo's Facebook page. I also liked Lissie's and Lilly's Facebook page (as Carol Scheina).
    I added Pippaloo as a favorite to my etsy account (nummaria17).

    1. Your dolls are so healthy! Good for them! ^_^ I am confirming I have your entries down.

  45. My favorite foods for dolls are this loaf of bread I made for them and these donuts I made for them. Here are my extra entries:

    -I favorited Pippaloo's Etsy shop.
    -I like Pippaloo on Facebook.
    -I like Lissie and Lily on Facebook.
    -I have you in my circles on Google Plus.
    -I posted about it on Google Plus.

    Thanks for the giveaway!


    1. Thank you for liking and posting! I am confirming I have your entries down. :)

  46. Hello! Thank you for the giveaway. My doll's favorite food is MACARONS! They love desserts. :) I would like to be entered in both contests, thank you.

    1. I am confirming I have your entry down for both. :)

  47. I'd love to enter the giveaway; thanks for having it! I'd love to win either the GS cookies or the bunnies. My dolls love pasta! I've crafted lots of spaghetti and lo mein for them.

    1. Thank you for liking and following! :) I am confirming I have your entries down for both.

  48. Bonus Entry - I have favorited Pippaloo's Etsy shop! (I'm Laura H/starryeyeschick on Etsy).

  49. Bonus Entry - I have liked Pippaloo's FB page (I'm Laura H.)

  50. Bonus Entry - I have liked Lissie & Lilly on FB. (I'm Laura H.).

  51. Bonus Entry - I follow this blog (via this username, obviously)!

  52. All those foods look amazing. We love the Girl Scout cookies best!
    Daniellex at gmail dot com

  53. Annette Sullinger HeniginMarch 14, 2015 at 3:11 PM

    The food items are adorable. Will definitely be purchasing some for my girls. (and me!)

    I would like to be entered to win both. My doll's favorite snack is popcorn.

    I like both facebook pages (Annette Sullinger Henigin)
    I follow both blogs (Annette Henigin)
    I favorited the etsy page (Annette Henigin)


    1. Thank you for following and sharing your favorite food! I am confirming I have your entries down. :)

  54. Mt dolls favorite food is Mongolian Barbecue!
    I would love to win either dolly treat.
    I also Favorited Pippaloo, under Tabbycatcouture
    Thanks for holding this giveaway! :)

    1. Thank you for sharing your favorite! I am confirming I have your entries down. :)

  55. I'm still working on Isla's character, but I'm pretty sure that she prefers strawberries and blueberries with ciabatta, mostly because that's the treat I buy when I finish the week of midterm exams. I'd be very grateful if you would enter me in the Girl Scout cookie giveaway. Thanks so much for running the giveaway!

    1. Isla has awesome taste! :) I am confirming I have your entry down.

  56. Well, my dolls favorite food is...

    COOKIES!!!!!!!! Of all kinds! Rig the drawing so we win, mkay?

    Heh, sorry about that. Mia stole my keyboard XD (Please don't rig the drawing, despite what Mia wants! And please enter us for both!)

    1. Hahaha! Sneaky Mia! I am confirming I have your entries down!

  57. I Google+ followed you and Pippaloo's blog, and posted about it on Google+.

  58. My daughter is having birthday parties every day for the dolls, so I'd have to say cake is their favorite food right now.

    I also "favorited" Pippaloo on etsy (kimprins)

    1. Oh, I forgot -- I'd like to be entered into both drawings.

    2. Thank you! I am confirming I have your entries down for both. :)

  59. Thanks for the fun review and giveaway. My dolls really enjoy all sweets, especially cake. They would love to be entered in both giveaways. Thanks again.

    1. Thank you! I am confirming I have your entry down for both. :)

  60. I would like to enter for the chocolate bunnies! My dolls' favorite food is Chocolate Cake! (They got one from Pippaloo a month or two ago :P)

    I have favorited Pippaloo's Etsy store, username skayh754
    I have liked Pippaloo on Facebook, username Sarah Kate Holley
    I have liked Lissie & Lilly on Facebook, username Sarah Kate Holley

    1. Thank you! I am confirming I have your entries down for the chocolate bunnies. :)

  61. Hi. I know this giveaway has ended but Pippaloo's foods are sooooo cute! OMG those cookies..... *drools* *stuffs face with samoas* lol! :) How did you make it look like Lissie was doing a flying jump? That was my favorite part, I would have been furious, too, Lissie!

    1. Hahaha yes! The Pippaloo food is beautiful. ^_^ Lissie would tell you she is flying fueled by her fury, but what you don't see behind the screen is a serious of ropes and pulleys hoisting her up. :D

  62. I know it is to late to enter but my doll's (Grace) favorite food is sugar free chocolate because she has the diabetes set.

    1. Awesome! I'm glad your Grace has the diabetes set now!
