
Friday, June 12, 2015

Truly Me Events in Stores & Store Exclusive Price Change

Throughout the summer, the American Girl stores will be hosting celebrations to kick off the revamp of the modern Truly Me line (formerly My American Girl). I was fortunate enough to attend one of these events and take some photos.

*Click on image to view larger.*

The Activity Station:
The activity station itself wasn't that large and didn't have as many activities as I expected, but it seemed like many of the girls at the store were eager about the events and excited to participate.

The times may vary per store per event. The one I attended went from 10am til 2pm. All the events were free to participate in though depending on the store associate you get manning the activity table, they may not allow adults to participate. >_< BOO!

Activity 1: Bookmarks
There were 4 options of bookmarks girls could pick from (1 per girl/person). Each had an activity on the back for the girl to fill out/color/complete. This is the front of the bookmarks.

And here are the back of the bookmarks. ^_^ As you can see each one has a different task to complete.

Activity 2: Signing the Poster Board
There was a large poster foam board that girls were invited to sign.

I don't see "Be honest, kind, hungry"... XD Lissie & Lilly signed the board too! Can you find our signature?

Here we are! Because these two words seem like an excellent recipe for mischief. ^_^

Activity 3: Truly Me Quiz
They also handed out these little pamphlets (a bit bigger than the old pamphlets that came with the Pleasant Company outfits) with a quiz inside for girls to take.

The quiz is supposed to match you up with your "color" that expresses your personality best.

What "color(s)" are you? :D

Free Tank Top Giveaway
All the girls who participated in the 3 activities were given these free tank tops. GUH that's right, I completed the 3 activities so I could get one too, though I had to have a thick skin when the worker gave me a look of utter disapproval. XD

Back of tank top. I like that it's a bit rouched in the back. :) It makes it look more interesting to me.

Store Exclusive Price Changes
Of course right after I purchase the in store exclusive Summer Sailboard Set and the purchase with purchase Swim Shirt & Shorts, they drop in price. >_<
The Summer Sailboard Set went from $68 down to $48. I'm not surprised it wasn't selling as hoped at $68 and the new price seems much more reasonable.

The PWP Swim Shirt & Shorts dropped from $14 originally down to now $10. I don't know if this was also selling poorly, but I'm guessing so since there was a plethora of stock of this left on the shelves.

Caroline Archival Stock Update
And last but not least, just a quick update to show you the Caroline display case. Everything show in the case was in stock in good supply. ^_^


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hopefully the Children's Hospital can get you better soon so you can attend one of the events when you're back to health! ^_^

  2. I got pink, light blue and purple. :)

    I like the tank top but if I don't ever get the real deal, I might make my own Truly Me shirt.

    1. Hahaha I ended up with every color except for dark blue (I guess I'm not sporty...) ^_^

      The tank top doesn't seem too terribly difficult to make and there seem to be a lot of wonderful patterns so it's a good idea!
