
Thursday, July 16, 2015

American Girl 30 Year Anniversary Mini Dolls

Next year 2016 will be the 30 year anniversary of American Girl, which was started in 1986 by Pleasant Roland. I'm excited and curious to see what neat things AG will release to celebrate this anniversary and it looks like we've already found our first sneak peek!

AGPT member dollydeadest found these new BeForever mini dolls dressed in their "special" outfits on Taobao and has kindly given us permission to share his find! 

It looks like these newly dressed, boxed mini dolls may be part of the 30 year celebration next year, much like how AG released limited edition historical mini dolls in 2011 to celebrate their 25th anniversary. Those mini dolls were all dressed in their holiday/special outfit as well.

The dolls will be in new boxes featuring their silhouette with a book, though from the blank boxes, it is possible the final designs may change. Also it is still unclear if the book will be the meet book, second book, or journey book.

So far, only 6 of the special mini dolls have popped up as far as I know and they are all below. If anyone spots Kaya or Josefina, please let me know! :D

Samantha in Special Day Dress:

Julie in Mix-Print Maxi Dress:

Rebecca in Holiday Outfit:

Addy in Sunday Best:

Maryellen in Birthday Dress:

Kit in Reporter Dress:
Thank you to Golden Freddy for finding and sharing the link!

I am thrilled about these new mini dolls since I have a soft spot for them in my heart. :D I can't wait to find out more about them!


  1. As usual your blog wins! Thanks for posting the minis! I love Addy in her Sunday best, she looks so cute! Let's us know if you spot Josefina, Kaya or Kit.

    1. Thank you! Golden Freddy found the image for Kit and I just added it. :)

    2. wish they would go back and release the mini dolls for TGOY before saige. I wanted a Mckennna!!!!

    3. You're not alone. Many people are hoping they'll do that. :)

  2. I love Julie's colorful maxi dress and Addy's outfit. ^_____^

    1. I think Addy's mini looks so cute! I'm still trying to get used to the maxi dress but any mini always looks cute to me. :D

  3. Interesting. I love Maryellen's dress, it's very pretty. I wonder if it's meant to be her Christmas dress or if it's actually her bridesmaid gown? The green color of that dress does seem a bit springy to be for Christmas. Either way, I love it :)

    Also, what is up with your poor mini Isabelle's eyes in the fifth photo? xD

    1. Hahaha! Poor mini Isabelle! Sh'e probably blinded by the bright colors in the maxi dress. :D

      I am leaning more towards bridesmaid gown since the green doesn't really look like a Christmas green, but I can't wait to find out! ^_^

    2. I can't wait to find out either! I'm pleasantly surprised with how nice mini Maryellen's outfit looks, so I have faith that the 18" doll dress will look even better. Not all AG outfits translate that well to their miniature forms.

    3. That's true. I'm especially thinking about how frumpy Isabelle's meet outfit translated to the mini doll version. >_<

  4. love them all...I never got mini before but these are so cute :)

    1. Be careful! :D Once you get one... well... you might feel like you suddenly need them all! ^_^

  5. I saw a Kit! I'll look around for it...

    1. Mini Kit:
      Mini Lea:!!684051911-0-rate.jpg_400x400.jpg

    2. Thank you for posting pictures of mini Kit! I was getting weird the lack of a 2016 mini doll might indicate an impending retirement...

    3. Thank you for sharing the link to the Kit mini doll! I had seen the one with mini Lea and it's on the GotY 2016 post but I couldn't find Kit, Kaya, or Josefina. :) I just added mini Kit to the post and credited you!

  6. Now I'm glad I never got around to getting mini-Addy for my #58 Whitney. I'll wait and get her the 30th anniversary one. I may get Maryellen and Rebecca for my remaining Animators' Collection Toddler princesses who don't have dolls, Tinkerbell and Belle. :)

    1. I love the mini Addy! ^_^ She's really beautiful (there's no reason Whitney can't have 2 dolls right?). :D

  7. I wonder where all these mini's are being leaked from. There is a Rebecca 30th mini on eBay now. I was really shocked at the full-sized Mary Ellen, though. I wonder where they got it from.

    1. From the locations on the TaoBao links, I am guessing they are being taken straight from the factory production line. Same for the full sized dolls. You can frequently find the full sized dolls with box and book on sale on TaoBao too, also shipping from locations where there are a lot of factories.

    2. This is true, but it seems like there is a large amount of leaks specifically of unreleased things. I talked to a fellow long time collector about it this evening, and she said it's way more than usual.

    3. You're right, I also think that the amount of leaks in such a short time span is quite unprecedented though I am not sure why that would be the case. I wonder if the resellers/grey market sellers working in the factories are starting to realize how popular AG is, and how much more profit they can make by selling not yet released items?

    4. Judging by the links you provided, it's the same three or four sellers.

    5. Actually all of them are from one seller. The "nicer" looking images are user feedback photos from those who purchased the doll from the seller. :)

    6. Whoops! I was counting the 18” Maryellen despite the fact that this post is clearly about the mini dolls. Sorry about that. So that means there are two people selling unreleased mini dolls. One is the TaoBao seller you linked to, and the other is an eBay seller located in China. The eBay person sold a Rebecca mini a few days ago. Here is the link: I’m assuming it’s two different people instead of one person listing the same toy on both sites to increase the chances of being purchased because the TaoBao dolls all came with books and the eBay doll didn’t.

    7. Yes, I saw that! That was the seller that also had the mini Lea doll too. It does look like it's two different people, but all the leaked outfits so far are from the same 3 eBay sellers, plus 2 TaoBao sellers. I am surprised that so many individuals would be able to walk out of the AG factory with these dolls/outfits to sell. I wonder what the policy in the factories on this is? Or to be more specific, how it is being enforced.

    8. Mini dolls and a few outfits are pretty easy to walk out with if you slip into into parts of your clothing other than your pockets, and I'm sure the factory has hundreds of people. I'm wondering how the seller of Maryellen got all those full-sized dolls. They had over at 14 at one point.

    9. Oh wow, I didn't realize that many had "walked" out of the factory! Jeez, I can't envision how a worker could get a crate of dolls out of the factory without being noticed, unless he/she was working with several others? If they're going to take dolls out of the factory to sell on TaoBao or eBay, I hope they grab a Lea Clark doll next. I'm really curious to see the full sized version.

  8. I own one historical/ befoerver mini for each doll they have ever released, So which one of the special editions should I get? I love samantha in her special day dress, but I already own beforever Samantha. Yes, I know this is quite a first- world problem. I am so lucky and blessed to have so many dolls.

    1. I collect the mini dolls so I'm going to end up getting one of each. :)

  9. Mini Maryellen is in her birthday dress. So cute!!

    1. ^_^ I think so too! But then again... I think they're all pretty adorable. :D

  10. Maryellen is in her birthday outfit. They released her. She is going to be here Friday!

  11. All of a sudden I love the mini dolls! Lol.....
    I love the outfits they chose for the little dolls. Julie's Maxi Print Dress looks so fun, and I also really like Samantha's. Also, Maryellen's dress will probably be so fun for the mini dolls to wear!
    Thanks for the posting this. I can't wait to get these dolls next year. :)

    1. I can't wait either! ^_^ I've never been excited for mini dolls before but I'm really forward to seeing these!

  12. Oh I cannot wait to get them! I missed the last special edition dolls because I wasn't really into American Girl dolls at the time for some reason. Now they are so pricey on eBay! As if I would ever sell mine. Cannot Wait!

    1. I wasn't actively collecting during the 25th anniversary so I'm also really looking forward to these special edition mini dolls! ^_^

  13. i might start saving up for those!

  14. Just think, in 2021 we'll have 35th anniversary dolls!

    1. Hahaha and in 2036 we'll have the 50th anniversary! :D
