
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Maryellen in Samantha & Nellie's Outfits - 1904

Maryellen in Samantha & Nellie's Outfits

Samantha's Meet Outfit

Samantha's Buster Brown Dress

Samantha's Cranberry Party Dress

Samantha's Lacy Pinafore & Rosebud Circlet

Samantha's Middy Dress with Tam & Samantha's High Button Shoes

Samantha's Plaid Cape and Gaiters & Samantha's Elegant Hat and Muff

Samantha's Play Dress & Pinafore

Samantha's Travel Duster & Hat

Samantha's Tea Dress

Samantha's Bathing Costume I

Samantha's Talent Show Dress

Samantha's Bicycling Outfit

Samantha's Skating Party Dress

Samantha's Bridesmaid Dress

Samantha's Holiday Coat

Samantha's Lawn Party Outfit & Samantha's Party Shoes and Socks

Samantha's Spring Party Dress

Samantha's Velvet Dress

Samantha's Bird-Watching Outfit

Samantha's BeForever Meet Outfit

Samantha's Frilly Frock

Samantha's Bicycling Outfit II

Samantha's Travel Coat & Hat

Samantha's Special Day Dress

Samantha's Flower-Picking Set

Nellie's Meet Outfit

Nellie's Holiday Dress

Nellie's Spring Party Dress

Nellie's Holiday Coat

Nellie's Irish Dance Outfit of Today


  1. ME looks like Samantha and Nellie's lovechild in these and it's kind of amusing me to no end. In other periods, she reminds me a lot of Gabrielle from Xena. Which is dangerous because then I want her. Thank you so much for playing dress up with her!

    1. I'm glad you found the photos fun and interesting to see! ^_^ I can see where you're coming from. I know for me it's partly because ME has the classic mold, bangs, and red hair that makes her work as a Sam/Nellie.

  2. So in Samantha's world I think the original outfits have a lot of misses...she doesn't seem like a ruffle and lace girl to me. But the plainer original outfits and BeForever outfits look very nice on her.

    1. That's interesting because I always associated Sam with ruffles and lace since her family was well off and expected her to be a lady. ^_^

    2. For Sam they are good, but don't seem right on Maryellen. Maryellen looks great in Nellie's outfits and the less frilly BeForever collection.

    3. Oh yes, I agree ruffles and lace don't fit Maryellen's personality from the books. I did think she looked good in Nellie's coat.

  3. Oh boy, this just proves to me how much I love Sam's original clothing. Maryellen's looks great in most, though not all, of the outfits. She looks great in the pink talent dress and the tea dress.

    1. I love Samantha's wardrobe! :D I think out of Samantha's outfits, my two favorite for Maryellen are the Buster Brown school dress and the Play Pinafore outfit. They just seem to suit her very well.

  4. Replies
    1. Maybe because she and Nellie look alike? :) Both have red hair with bangs after all. ^_~
