
Friday, May 27, 2016

Photos New Outfit for Possibly Beforever Julie

Earlier today, Wickfield shared the link to an eBay auction for what appears to be a potentially new outfit for one of the Beforever girls, possibly Julie. No clues on when it will be released, though my guess is the fall (it seems like there may be a few Beforever girls getting new things in the fall release based off the leaks we've seen so far, though all this is rumor). Since it's a live eBay auction, I won't be posting the link til it is over.

Original eBay Photos:

I'm having a hard time picturing how this outfit will work. It looks like a longer tunic top with wide shorts from the pictures. The print is cute and what makes me lean towards the 70s time period. ^_^

I don't know if these purple tights will be going with this outfit or if it was just something the seller threw together with this outfit.  

These fuzzy shoes look more like house slippers to me. XD

I have a hard time trying to picture the color coordination of all 4 pieces together, but then again.... 70s fashion has never made much sense to me. Hopefully it'll make more cohesive sense when it's modeled on a doll... :D Thus far, I'm not super impressed with it but I'll be getting it if it is for one of the Beforever girls since I'm a completionist for the historical outfits. ^_^

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Link to Original eBay Listing:


  1. I am thinking Julie. I saw this too and was thinking the shoes are thrown with it. Part of me wonders if it is pajamas?

    1. The do look like pajama shoes don't they? But looking at Julie's footwear so far... it's definitely within the realm of possibility for her. :D

  2. ooo purple and flowers :0

    1. Definitely 1970s

    2. Thank you so much for sharing the link to that! It gives a much better idea of how these pieces are supposed to go together, though I'm wondering how it will look on a doll's body. :D

    3. You're welcome :)

  3. Could the shoes be part of Melody's pjs? I think they match the photos we've seen of them...

    1. It could be! They make much more sense as PJ slippers, but then again... I wouldn't put it past AG to actually make these the outfit shoes either. :D

  4. Maybe this is an outfit for GOTY 2017? But if it's not, it's definitely Julie's.
    -Nova <3

    1. I don't think this is a style that's worn today, so I'm still thinking Julie. :D

  5. Honestly, I don't like it

  6. If it's pajamas for Julie, didn't AG already produce new pjs for Julie's collection. Her zigzag pjs?

    1. I don't think these are PJs. Most likely this is a new outfit.

  7. I saw this in the Charlotte store on Friday, August 26. It is very weird looking, it is for Julie and I absolutely do not like it. Not at all. I asked a friend of mine, who would have been Julie's age in 1974, if she would have worn it. A very firm "NO WAY". I hate to say it is rather ugly, but.................will be interesting to see if others actually like it. And $32? No way!

    1. All the prices are a bit hard to stomach, and this crazy coloring/patterns thing doesn't make it any easier. XD It's starting to grow on me, but it'll never be a "favorite" outfit.
