
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Photos of Maryellen Modeling New Bathing/Play Suit

Updated 7/13 - Added photos of back view, thank you to Muriel and Shannon!

Last month, we saw an outfit appear on eBay which appeared to be a strawberry print dress that many of us guessed to be a new swimsuit for the 1950s Beforever doll Maryellen or something for Bitty Baby. One of our lovely readers, Muriel, was able to purchase the leaked outfit and sent us photos to share of her Maryellen doll modeling it. After looking at the photos, it appears that the outfit is most likely for Maryellen due to the perfect fit and the matching bloomers style shorts/underpants that the outfit comes with. I do not know if the outfit will be released later this summer/fall or next spring, though my guess is later this year. 

Edit - Many people have also suggested the tiny print of the fabric is similar to feed sack fabric, so this outfit could also be for the 1930s Beforever doll Kit.

If you missed it, you can view the original leaked eBay photos here: 

*Do not repost/copy/claim/use photos without written permission.*

Photos of Maryellen in Strawberry Dress:
The outfit comes with matching strawberry print bloomers/underpants, though it is not pictured. According to Muriel, the outfit does not fit on Bitty, and it appears to be more of a Play Suit than a swimsuit.

The front of the dress has two gigantic pockets (to stash AG's hoard of hazel eyes?).

The outfit seems to come with these cute, green sandals with 3 seed cut out designs. It may come with socks but my gut instinct is saying most likely not.

The outfit comes with a matching, simple, green headband/elastic.

Back view of the dress, this is what the eBay leaked photos showed. 

It appears the dress is a wrap around dress that buttons in the front.

According the Muriel and Shannon, it is a real button, not velcro! 

Here is a view of how the bloomers/underpants look beneath the skirt.

The photos below were shared by Shannon

I have to admit, I was not a fan of this outfit when I first saw the leaked photos of it from eBay. it looked too childish/cutesy, and I assumed it would be most likely for Bitty. However, after seeing them modeled on Maryellen, it really is growing on me. The fit on the 18 inch doll is really nice and the style is not as "kiddy" as it looked when laying flat. 


  1. Replies
    1. You're right, it would actually look good on a number of dolls.

  2. Oooh, I love it!! I might just get it once it comes out! :D

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. It definitely moved to my "must have" list! ^_^

  3. I didn't like it at first but its starting to grow on me.

    1. I'm in the same boat. Wasn't a fan initially but now I'm leaning towards the "yes" camp.

  4. It looks much better on Maryellen!

  5. omg this is cute... it would look adorable on my truly me number 7.. hope it fits her since she's a bit older.

    1. I think most of the new outfits can fit the older dolls but if you have trouble, you can remove some of the stuffing so she's not as thick.

  6. Adorable! I'd be interested in seeing a photo of the back.

    1. I would as well, I'm curious to see how the design carries over to the backside.

  7. So, in the previous photos we must have been seeing the back? It is definitely cute but I think it is funny that both of her "summery" outfits have fruit on them. :)

    1. Oh! Thank you for mentioning that! I took a closer look and it actually looks like two different outfits! Perhaps the other one we saw the eBay photos of is for Bitty and this one is for the 18 inch dolls?

  8. I just looked at it again too and it almost looks like a button- close. That would be awesome if it is like a wrap that wraps around the back and then button closes in the front. So no Velcro (she says with fingers crossed). Niki

    1. Hahaha! I would love a wrap around dress! *crosses fingers with you*

    2. It's actually era-correct for Maryellen. I saw a lot of them back in the early and middle 1950s. If you look at the eBay photos, it looks like the popover and bloomer sets made for infants and toddlers today, but the dress with matching bloomer sets were popular for size 7-14 girls back then. The style is now only common for infants and toddlers. Today's sets may have several rows of lace on the back of the bloomer.

  9. That dress is adorable. Thanks for sharing.

    1. My pleasure! I'm so grateful Muriel and Shannon sent me the photos to share!

  10. I love that dress. It is so cute and it becomes Maryellen

    1. I must say I am quite surprised at how well it looks like it's made for her. :)

  11. Heather McLaughlinJuly 14, 2016 at 4:15 PM

    This looks super similar to a mid 50' vintage pattern I saw reissued in one of the commercial pattern lines the otber day. Same pockets and wrap and button and bias trim. I strongly suspect this is for Mary Ellen. Wrong time period fpr Kit

    1. Thanks for sharing that! Kit does have a significantly larger wardrobe than Maryellen, so it would be nice if she got the outfit instead of Kit. :)

  12. Even if this is for ME, I'm getting it for Kit since I like it way better than her playsuit from 2009.

    1. All my dolls share their outfits so I don't see anything wrong with that. :D

  13. I love the strawberry pattern on that dress :)
