
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Leaked Photos of New... Flamboyant Outfit

*UPDATE 8/20/2016* Thank you to Ashley on Facebook for sharing photos of her doll dressed in a white lace version of this outfit! I have included the photo at the end of this post.

Er.... when I first saw the photos of this outfit, I scratched my head and wondered if this really is for American Girl. Is it a new outfit? with built in curtains and mosquito netting? XD I have no idea if this is for the Truly Me line? Wellie Wishers? Or a new Beforever historical character? A last minute Lea outfit? An outfit for next year's Girl of the Year 2017? WHAT IS IT AG??? :D Whatever it is, I have added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases. ^_^

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:
This outfit has *all* the colors. That's not necessarily a good thing. XD

Okay, teasing aside, I am having the hardest time imagining what this would look like on a doll. I can't make out the shape from these photos. I do like that the top is tropical themed, and even the lace overlay is fern patterned. 

The waistline of this skirt looks a little strange to me, which is why I wondered if this could be for the WellieWishers line, which would also explain the shockingly bright colors. >_< I am not a fan of this mustard yellow as much as I like lace....

The sandals are cute! XD At least.... 

I have no idea what to make or think of this outfit. My first impression is very much to hold it at arm's length and discreetly drop it in a pot of boiling eye swap water. I'll be curious to see if AG actually releases this outfit, and how it will work on a doll. ^_^

Photos of Outfit on Doll:


  1. I love your reaction to this outfit! lol It is interesting to say the least. I think I like it? And my guess is this will be for the next goty bc dark girls look great in bold colors.

    1. a very reliable source is saying GOTY17, is not going to be dark skinned afterall.. white with dark I don't see another tropical themed goty, after lea

    2. I saw that as well, and she has always been on point with her info so I'm inclined to believe her, which is really devastatingly disappointing. :(

    3. But why would they hire a black lady to write her books though that's almost insulting to that lady

  2. Replies
    1. Hahaha! Built in mosquito netting! Perfect for humid, summer nights!

    2. Lol, that's hilarious!

  3. I think they are not meant to be worn together. That first one looks long enough to be a dress to me, but even if it is just a top it could be that these are two pieces of a group of coordinating mix-and-match apparel.

    I don't like that print though. It just seems too big and like you said, curtain-y. The lace's pattern is nice, though. I kind of like the first piece though, because the overlay of lace helps tone down the shock value of the print.

    1. I just added new photos, which show the top is a long tunic top. :/ But it seems a little too much with the skirt.

  4. It's.... interesting. I love the sandals, though! I might buy it just for the sandals. XD

    1. Yes! That is my favorite part of this outfit! The sandals are so nice and different!

  5. The PolkaDotPatriotAugust 17, 2016 at 1:23 PM

    Interesting is a very good word for it! The whole outfit says WellieWishers to me.

    1. I just posted new photos which show the outfit on a full sized doll. :/

    2. The PolkaDotPatriotAugust 20, 2016 at 6:33 PM

      Wow, the dress looks way different on the doll. It's actually kinda cute--except for the weird mosquito netting overlay. :-)

  6. Hawaiian Dance costume for Our next 1940's Hawaiian Historical doll

    1. Hawaiian dance costumes sometimes billowy tops that are tucked into skirts.. while I've never seen any with lace, it may have been popular before the WWII

    2. Sandals However look totally modern, so maybe just a truly me outfit :/

    3. And Lace with palm leaves.. very modern.. unlikely that type of lace was around in 40's.. but i'm no expert...

    4. Based off the ego tag in the photos I just added, I'm inclined to say this is for Truly Me. :(

  7. It screams wellie. And, to the above Anonymous, wut? you say our next like there has been a long line of them?

    1. meant next historical (rumored 1940's Hawaiian) just poor

    2. Looks wellie in design, but if those are the right shoes, they look more full sized AG.. and the arm holes are a bit long for wellies..

      hopefully the buyer will post some pics on a doll soon.. I almost bid on it just out of crazy curiosity!! ;)

    3. I hope there won't be another 40's charrie- I did like Molly, and it would be rather odd for them to make another one...

    4. I just added photos that show it modeled on a full sized 18 inch doll. Based off the ego tag, it looks like it's for Truly Me.

  8. I thin it will be for the Wellie wishers, as on the shoe you can see a little bit of a W.

    1. I believe the W is just part of the product code. I just added new photos that show it's for Truly Me due to the size.

  9. I think it might some type of swimwear for the wellies but I'm not sure.

    1. It looks like from the new photos that it's for Truly Me though it's design suits Wellies more.

  10. Might not be a wellie wisher outfit since the shoes aren't plastic looking from the pics.

    1. Yup, you're right. It seems from the photos I just added it's for Truly Me.

  11. Hi Lilly, I wanted you to check out the Detroit Free Press to see photos of some of Melody's collection. You will see a closer look at her recording studio, a bingo table and chair set, a fun short set and what may be the cover of the next American Girl catalog. In this photo you can see what the outfit for girls will look like to match Melody's meet dress and the pajamas for girls. Cute stuff! You may have seen this already, but I enjoy your blog so much, I wanted to share! DollyParadiseAG

    1. I really appreciate you telling me about this and thinking of me! I looked up the photos and am thrilled with how cute and detailed the studio is. I can't wait to see it in person! Thank you so much for your kind words and sharing this with me!

  12. It could be for Lea..

    1. Since there's no Lea ego tag, and it's unlike to get another release for her this late in the year, I think it's more likely for Truly Me. :/

  13. The sandals look too long and thin to be for 18" dolls... They look more WW size to me.

    1. From the photos I just added, they're a perfect fit for the 18 inch dolls, though I'm surprised the outfit isn't for WW. :/

  14. This outfit is definitely....special. The shoes are the best part.


  15. NO I do not like this outfit at all

  16. Ha ha, I like your name for it!

  17. I... really don't think that's AG at all. There's no tags in the sandals or anywhere else, although to be honest just about anything could be hidden under that outfit. XD

    1. And hidden it is! XD I just added new photos that show the tag inside and outside the outfit. Still surprised it's AG though...

  18. what a lovely pair of curtains....:)
    love the shoes, but that outfit has too much going on...:)

    1. I agree! I hope the final version is more polished! ^_^

  19. Could it be an out fit for the possible rumored Beforever american girl doll nanea mitchell? She is rumored to be Hawaiian the tropical feel from this outfit could be explained.

    1. I haven't heard much about her, but based off the oval AG ego tag, I think it's for the modern Truly Me line since AG's been using that for the line.
