
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Photos of 3 New Dolls Coming Out Soon

Many of you have already seen this but for those who haven't, it looks like there will be quite a few new dolls coming out soon! One of our wonderful readers sent us the photos of the second two dolls, which I am almost certain will be added to the Truly Me line later this year with the fall/winter release since they are modeling outfits that will also be released at that time. I have added these to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases. ^_^ 

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Doll #1: 
Medium/Dark vinyl, Addy mold, Textured Brown Hair to mid back, Amber/Hazel/Light Brown eyes?
*UPDATE: Many people have noted this doll looks just like the currently available Truly Me #31 doll. I am still crossing my fingers this is a medium vinyl Addy with amber eyes, but please take this with a grain of salt. XD*
AG enthusiasts first noticed this doll when the pattern company Simplicity first featured her on one of their American Girl brand line of doll patterns earlier this year. 

There have been many rumors and theories surrounding this doll. Two of the most common ones are that either this doll will be next year's Girl of the Year 2017 character, or that she is one of new "Contemporary Modern Girl" characters (a new line AG is bringing out next year). Of course, it is always possible she will be just another doll in the Truly Me line as well. 

Either way, I am excited to see more of this doll and I hope AG does add her to their line up! 

Doll #2:
Medium Vinyl, Josefina mold, Brown waist length hair with right side part, Brown eyes
I am really excited about this doll! She looks like a modernized Josefina to me and this photo of her shows her wearing the Plum Lace holiday outfit to be released later this year. 

Doll #3:
Light vinyl, Classic mold, red hair with left side part, blue eyes
To be honest, this is the doll I am least excited about because to me she looks very much like an Emily doll with a side part instead of center part. However, she is a cute doll and will be nice for those who missed out on getting Emily. She's wearing the Winter Sweater/Skirt set outfit to be released later this year as well. 

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  1. Oh my goodness! I <3LOVE<3 doll #2! AHH! SHE IS SO PRETTY!

    1. I love the Josefina mold so I'm super excited about her as well. ^_^

  2. I love the doll 2 and 3 !!! I have to say hopefully the doll 1 will not be the new doll of the year.

    1. I must disagree, since she would add a breath of very much needed fresh air in an otherwise stale line for me. The Addy mold has not been used in the line at all and neither has dark vinyl representing a black character, so she would definitely be unique.

    2. Amy Walsh, I just do not like that mold.

    3. What's the problem with a face mold that looks like a Black/African Descended face? Like my own? You talk. I'll sit and wait. I'm going to need this cleared up for me, you know, the problem with having a doll of the year that might finally look something like me other than Sonali, who was not black. I'm all ears.

    4. I'm confused. As far as I remember sonali is black. Why do you say she's not?
      I have no problem with the addy face mold or black people. And to be honest my family is racist. I'm just confused as to why you said sonali is not black

    5. Sonali is not African American. Her family is from India.

    6. Canon Sonali is not black, though her face mold has been used for two black Historicals. Sonali's mother's family is from India, making her culturally South Asian.

    7. We were in the AG store yesterday and my Eurasian kids commented on how beautiful the African American dolls are. We would love to see more of them! I also love the South Asian Sonali doll. There's plenty of doll love to go around!

    8. My little sisters (ages 4, 6, and 8) absolutely adore the dolls of color. My middle sister decided 3 years ago she wanted Josefina and never changed her mind. And in every magazine they look at, their favorites always have dark skin. And we're Caucasian. It only proves that white girls can enjoy these dolls just as much as colored girls. I love that #1 doll. I really hope she's the next girl of the year!

    9. You don't call African American girls "colored"

    10. i think that they should add her as girl of the year. THEY NEVER HAD A African American DOLL FOR GOTY, SO I THINK IT WOULDNT BE FAIR if SHE WASNT. american girl needs to make that change

  3. I think doll 1 would make a wonderful GOTY!

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! :D

    2. I love the doll but I hope they do a better dress on her. That dress is just not exciting at all.

  4. Oh no! I want all 3 of them! Several things I want from the last release, add that to the next 2 releases, & I'll have a BIG Christmas list! My husband will not be happy with AG this year! lol

  5. What is the Contemporary Modern Girl line coming out next year?

    1. We're not too sure on that. All I know is that next year, AG is releasing a few books labeled as Contemporary Modern Girl. The main guess right now is it'll basically be like modern characters with a story (so GOTY without a year time limit?). :D

  6. I'm thrilled they finally have a jly straight red hair and blue eyes! my lil blue eyed red headed daughter will be thrilled! finally one that looks like her!!!! :)

    1. Emily also has straight red hair and blue eyes too. :)

  7. Though glad that some more DOCs may be released, I'm not thrilled with any of the three dolls as they are not so "new" looking to me. With the right wigs, any of those dolls can be custom made, and I can locate similar wigs, or get wigs that can be trimmed and styled as such.

    I was really so hoping for some truly new TM dolls that cannot be custom made, as GOTYs tend to be With all new wigs that are not out there or other feature. A dark complexioned Josefina mold would have done it. With 28, Josefina out there and Marisols not all hard to find on the secondary market, and with the medium complexion so light these days, that is not such a unique doll Same with the other too.

    Very expensive and difficult to make a medium complexioned Jess mold doll, impossible to color light or medium vinyl dark with any reliability, and eye swaps can be risky and pricey. So I love seeing dolls that are difficult to make or get from AG or the secondary market. Not the case here.

    I'd like to see an Addy mold GOTY or in a modern character line, as it has not been done. Addy doesn't rack up big numbers, however, from what I've been told at store. The modern dolls with the mold other than 58 and 26 aren't big sellers either, so as a single GOTY, my guess is that AG will go with a Sonali mold, even though it's getting quite the workout these days with a definite release coming up after bringing in 46, and Melody's recent release, as well as 62.

    The red head isn't at all unique either. Turquoise color, teal colored, aquamarine, gray eyes, something different would have been nice.

    1. I really love your suggestions and ideas. You're right, so many combinations in terms of vinyl coloring especially have not been tried and would be so refreshing to see.

    2. I agree with you. I know iwould love to see something you can look at and think 'wow, she's beautiful and so unique' 'Something radically different and fresh' :)

  8. I don't understand why they'd make doll #2. She looks just like Josefina... Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful, but still, she's just Josefina with a side part. As far as #1 goes, I hope thrygo with those brown eyes and not the amber.I'm not fond of the amber eyes, but I like her on those eyes. Green/hazel might be neat too.

    1. There's a lot of people - especailly children - who won't buy Josefina because they would keep Historicals historical. A dark haired Latina looking girl in the modern line represents those children properly, and offers things such as AG ear piercing.

    2. Doll #1 looks so much like #31 that our blogger isn't sure that this isn't that doll. Not like that red head is so different looking either. Wig's the only thing differentiating her from any number of dolls.

    3. Nethilia, that makes sense. I hadn't thought of that. I know there are a lot of people that don't like their dolls 'time traveling', not me though. Right now all my dolls (historical and otherwise) are modern summer wear. I love her, but she's too close to Josefina for me to buy her, I think. Time will tell. Maybe eventually my Josefina will get a twin sister.

    4. I never thought of time traveling as being a negative! I am a sci-fi fan mom so I always enjoyed this aspect of historical doll play! My daughter built a Back to the Future style Delorean out of Lego for her Samantha. I wonder if she will use that the day that Melody arrives!

      I personally prefer the historical dolls because they are so educational.

    5. It's strange to me that many children and parents don't like the idea of their doll traveling between times, but this does offer that modern option for them. :) And there are also those who don't know how to adjust a wig or style it either so this will fill that gap for them.

  9. They all are adorable! I've got my fingers crossed that the GOTY looks something like number 1! :D I particularly love #3, as I always seems to be drawn to red haired dolls for whatever reason. Kind of ironic, but I actually did miss out on Emily and I really wanted an long haired doll version of her....and she also looks like Petra from mine craft story mode (my favorite character)

    1. I missed out on Emily as well. :( But I have such a soft spot for the historical dolls that I think I'm still going to track her down on eBay instead of getting the modern version.

  10. I think that all three dolls are beautiful but #3 is a bit boring in my opinion because she looks like so many other AG dolls. I really want AG to come out with an Asian doll but my Eurasian daughter is all about Melody. I also really love Melody so I secretly bought her for a first day of new school surpise but I am looking forward to the day that we can add an Asian doll to our collection!

    1. #1 is even more boring as she is likely TM31 and not even a new doll.

    2. If #1 was a new doll with medium vinyl coloring, I'd love that. #3 doesn't excite me as much as the other two since she reminds me too much of Emily with a side part. :/ It's awesome your daughter loves Melody! I'm so excited she can start off the school year with that awesome doll!

  11. Wow, #3 definitely looks like Emily with a side part and feathered eyebrows.

    1. Hahaha! I thought so too! But I love historicals so Emily is still #1 in my heart! :D

    2. Same here! :-)

  12. All the dolls are cute! but doll 3 looks too much like miss emily.

    1. It seems like a lot of people think that, which makes sense. AG probably figures their target market don't know about Emily or have forgotten her already.

  13. Since I don't have Emily and am partial to redheads it's # 3 for me

    1. Lissie chimes in that red heads are the bomb diggidy. :D

  14. Hey, how did you know that Doll #1 is not #31?

    1. I don't, which is why I added the note underneath her picture she could be doll #31. She just looks so different in the Simplicity photo.

  15. I have a question for you all to chime in on. We are surprising my daughter with a Melody doll when we pick her up after her first day in her new school. I think that we should keep her in the box because doll unboxing is fun. My son thinks that it would be more exciting if Melody were sitting in a doll car seat next to my daughter, ready for immediate play. What do you all think?

    1. I personally like the excitement of deboxing and that's part of the thrill for me in receiving a new doll. Either way, I'm certain your daughter will be thrilled. ^_^

    2. I agree with you but I did not collect dolls as a child so I didn't know what a kid might think. I appreciate your insight!

  16. I like doll No 1 her colour and her hair. It would be nice to see a doll of this colour with green and blue eyes. I have seen mixed race children with both colour eyes and they are very striking

    1. I agree children with mixed backgrounds are beautiful, but since we haven't had a single full character of color since Marisol, and none at all representing a black girl, I'd love to see the next GOTY be a doll that reflects them. ^_^

  17. I brought my truly me 61 to the melody release (well, to be honest I took all my dolls), she was banging her head against the glass saying 'why, me imposter? WWHHHYYYY?' But I am hoping that now AG will sell hair sets for dolls with 'red' hair, :)

    1. (me again) Still, I am not that exited about her. I'd love to see something radically different, like a jess mold with a different hair colour or addy with medium skin colour and amber eyes like #1 appears to have.
      I believe the Josephina doll is a great idea, as although Josephina is a beautiful doll true to her culture, some young children prefer dolls that they can style the hair of and to be honest, I personally would feel almost guilty about taking off her traditional outfit (I feel the same about kaya). Anyway, I'm sure some child will be delighted they've brought out a doll that looks just like them :)

    2. Josefina is a beautiful, versatile doll but it is good those who like to keep their characters canon have options for a modern doll of Hispanic descent. :)

  18. Bc doll #2 and #3 are released now, and doll #1 isn't it could mean doll #1 could be got 2017

    1. I'm really leaning towards doll 1 is #31, though I think she would make a stunning GOTY!

  19. Doll number 1 on here is Truly Me #31. Doll #2 is Truly Me #66,and doll #3 is Truly Me #65. Copy and Paste this link: They keep it pretty much up to date. :)

  20. For those who love dolls that are different, this year a BEAUTIFUL Hawaiian doll is being realeased, as well as an asian doll with glass's.
