
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Melody and BonBon Take a Walk

It's the armpit of summer here with daily temperatures above 100 degrees, but dolls and dogs still need their exercise so our dashing hero Melody braves the misery that is the afternoon sun with her faithful companion BonBon. The two take comfort on a wooded path, the only place where they can walk without melting and being devoured by fire ants. XD

"Alright BonBon, here we go, are you ready?"
"No, no wolves here thank goodness."
"Yes, plenty of tree bark!"

"Let's take a break here. I think I've sweated enough to fill a bathtub."
"What? What do you want me to get off BonBon?"

"Come here you silly flubbery mass. Instead of telling me to get off, just come up and join me."

"See? What do you think? Much better right?"


"Rough? Of course it's rough! It's tree bark! There's just no pleasing you is there?"

"Well if you're going to make snarky critiques on everything, we might as well go home. Come on BonBon! Maybe there's still a popsicle left in the freezer!"

"Looks like that's one thing we can agree on!"

For those of you living in the northern hemisphere, stay cool in this heat! ^_^ Reward yourselves with delicious popsicles! 


  1. This is adorable, Lilly Maiden!

  2. Aww! Cute cute! Melody is gorgeous in that outfit. :)

  3. Loved the story and the pictures - so cute!!

  4. Aww, this is so cute. I love your photostories, you should do more of them.
    On a different note, I tried to join the AGPT forum the other day and it said they aren't accepting new members. I know you are part of it, so do you know why they aren't accepting new members and when they will?

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I love doing this photo stories and wish I had more time to make them. :)
      Regarding AGPT, I believe they are currently not accepting new members because they don't have enough help on the moderating team. It may take them a bit to find some help before they open the board to new members again and can manage a larger volume of members.

  5. It's a simple concept, but you bring it to life so beautifully and adorably! I love how you make all the dolls seem to come to life; I've had such a hard time doing that in my own photography given their limited articulation (and my limited skills) but your stories make me want to keep at it! You really capture magic. ^_^

    1. I really appreciate your kind comments! You're right, it's tricky and hard to bring the dolls to life in photos because they do only have one facial expression, and only a few points of articulation. I'm not an expert by any means, but some things that I found helped give them more of a range of "life" is playing with the shadows and light and trying out different angles of the camera. ^_^

  6. Enchanting, absolutely enchanting! Thank you for sharing this with us!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and look! ^_^

  7. So cute! Great pictures! And that outfit matches BonBon's collar really well.

  8. Aww this is so cute! I can't wait to see more.

    1. Thank you! I love taking photos of this pretty lady! :D

  9. Love the post. Melody is adorable.

  10. What a fun post. Melody's outfit is lovely. BonBon is cute.

  11. Haha, this is so so very cute! :-D

  12. Are you going to keep her?
