
Monday, August 8, 2016

Photos of Leaked White & Navy Dress for Rebecca

It looks like the historical Beforever character Rebecca is going to be getting a new outfit soon, along with all the other Beforever characters! It could be for another character as well, but since Rebecca hasn't had anything new in a while, I'm really pinning my hopes on this outfit being for her. :D I've added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases so you can see the whole bevvy of stuff coming out for the Beforever line.

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:
The reason I am guessing this is for Rebecca is not just because of my hopes, but also because of the dropped waist design, which is common for many of her outfits, and the style of boots. 

Front of Dress
I love how this dress looks. It's very different from the rest of her wardrobe and the blue and white just looks so crisp and sharp. 

Back of Dress

Tops of Boots

Side view of Boots
These boots are nice, but pretty standard and fit into her growing boot collection nicely. Nothing too surprising. 

I really really really hope this outfit is not a prototype and will actually be released (perhaps later this year?) because I really love how it looks. ^_^ 100% will be adding this to my collection!

Link to Original eBay Auction:


  1. sailorstitch- that's exactly what I was thinking! I think it's a pretty cute dress, not my favorite of hers (personally I like the old white lace one with the pink bow- super cute) but at least it actually looks like her time period! Yayyayyay!

    1. It reminds me of a sailor style dress for some reason. ^_^

  2. it's so cute and not to frilly it seems like most of the beforever outfits are pink or are too frilly.

    1. I like that it does seem to fit her time period fairly well! Though Rebecca is someone who could actually use some reds, blues, greens, basically any color other than purple. :D

  3. I thought it was just really saturated purple.
    In addition, the name "Nanea Mitchell" has been trademarked three times along with Nanea once.

    1. I saw that! I'm excited! It's a really unique, pretty name and I hope AG actually uses it!

  4. Agree with Golden Freddy, it looks like a very deep royal purple.

    1. On my monitor it looks like a navy but it's so hard to tell colors from these photos. :) Can't wait to see the finalized version on the doll!

  5. Seen this on another blog & the girl was claiming it was for Nanea. Um no, it's definitely not 1940's! I instantly thought of Rebecca, glad she's getting something new, & not to argue with anyone, but I see blue which is great because Rebecca don't need more purple.

    1. It was rumored waaay earlier this year that Rebecca AND Josefina are getting new outfits, so maybe we finally leaked it lol

    2. Anything is possible until AG makes it official, but my personal feeling is it might be a little too early to see items for Nanea since her name was just copyrighted. And I'm biased because Rebecca really needs more clothes. :D

  6. I find the dress a bit confusing actually, is it for a hospital ward, maybe it comes with a flying nun nurses hat. Swap the boots for some low cut laceups and stockings.

    1. lol it is strange! I think most of Rebecca's outfits are.

    2. Hahaha! It reminds me of a sailor style dress personally, probably due to the colors.

  7. So many people think its for Nanea Mitchell, but I definitely think its for Rebecca because the boots are different than all of the previous releases of two toned boots, so they probably go with this outfit. Also I think she is getting some blue for her collection because Addy might be gone by the end of the year, and her Christmas dress has a bluish tint to it. I don't think this dress could be from the 1940s.

    1. Anything is possible til AG officially releases the doll/outfits, but since the name was just trademarked, I think it might be a bit too early to see items for her yet.

    2. Although we don't know for certain if the Hawaiian girl is from the 1940s. She could be from the 1890s people during the reign of Queen Liliuokalani. During the Hawaiian Kingdom plenty of girls dressed like this. People are too quick to assume the Hawaiian girl is from Pearl Harbor because people don't know enough about Hawaiian history. Pearl Harbor is not the only part of Hawaiian history.

  8. Definitely not 1940's with those boots. I'm really have a hard time telling if I like it or not. I think I'd have to see it on a doll. The color definitely looks navy to me, not purple.

    1. That's good to know! It didn't look like anything resembling Molly's era so I wasn't really thinking 1940s. ^_^

  9. A lot of people say this is for Nanea...I'm not sure.

    1. It's hard to say since we don't know much about her. :/

  10. I was always wondering if they would make school outfits for Samantha and Rebecca. I always think of Julie's tunic outfit as her school outfit, I know Maryellen has one, and Kit has her original school outfit, Josefina and Addy.

    1. Samantha and Rebecca did have school outfits, though both are now retired. :) I thought this outfit looks more "summer" like to me, similar to a sailor style outfit.

  11. I do hope AG would make a new school outfit for Rebecca and Samantha also since Samantha is rereleased. I already have Samantha's retired school outfit and accessories +Rebecca's retired school set. I hope they make a new school outfit for Rebecca & Samantha also if some people weren't able to get their retired outfits.

    1. I feel pretty saturated on outfits for Samantha but I would like to see more things for Rebecca. ^_^
