
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Photos of New Orange Shirt & Sparkle Skirt Outfit

Late last year, we saw a neon green shirt with record on it, which looked like a store exclusive/debut gift for Melody's debut. (You can view photos of it here.) Recently, another shirt popped up on eBay, which has the theme of singing, and could possibly be another store exclusive or debut gift for Melody. It could also be for the Truly Me line, a new Beforever, or next year's Girl of the Year 2017, but it's hard to tell since there's no noticeable tag on the shirt from the leaked photos. I have added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases.

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Side by Side of the 2 Potential Melody Exclusive Shirts

Original eBay Photos:

The outfit was shown paired with a sparkly skirt which we also saw leaked last year along with sandals from GOTY 2015 Grace's Sightseeing Outfit. I don't know if the shirt is a stand alone or will really be paired with this skirt.
*EDIT 8/25/2016: Thank you to Monica who let us know that this skirt is already available for purchase (since May) at the Signature Studio as part of the Celebration package in the Chicago, NYC, and LA stores.*

The shirt is an orangey salmon color with what looks like a bird/dove graphic on it, and a tied knot in the front. On the bird are the words "Sing Your Story" which seems like it would be a perfect fit for Melody's character and plot.

Here is a closer photo of the sparkly skirt for those who may have missed it when it first leaked last year. 

Overall I love the shirt and the tied aspect of it. I like the color and the graphic, and I would love to see AG release it, whether for Melody or another line. 


  1. Hmmm...could is possible be for the rumored modern character who is a singer from Tennessee?

    1. That's what I was thinking

    2. It's possible! That hadn't occurred to me, but it's a cute top I'd love to see get made.

    3. I highly doubt that rumor. Especially since it strongly looks like the GOTY 2017 will be black, releasing two black dolls where singing is the main storyline a little over 4 months apart would be an insanely stupid move by AG.

  2. I'm begging AG for a writer.... *gets all pitiful* please.

    1. Yes, yes, yes! We should start a petition! Totally they should have a writer! That's a realistic GOTY hobby, too!

    2. Yes yes yes! I would love a writer! :D

    3. Yes, a writer! Im a writer, sort of! Maybe they will introduce a writer next year...

    4. I agree! I am a writer and I just released a book for young people that includes self esteem, bullying, respect, etc. I also happen to be a huge AG collector and have over 36 dolls and a gazillion outfits! This would be amazing! Maybe I should pitch it to them. What do you think???

  3. The color is pretty! so is the decal I love it!

  4. I love this shirt. :D

  5. The skirt was available for purchase the last week of May- it can be purchased at the Signature Studio as a part of the $48 Celebration package at the Chicago, NY, and LA stores. The photo listed is the back of it- the front has a decorative rhinestone thingy.

  6. Maybe she's into musicals. I would die if we got a black theatre kid GOTY and Lissie in the same year.

    1. Ahhhhhh don't get my hopes up! XD AG has a track record of smashing them!
