
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Upcoming New Purple Dance Outfit for Truly Me

It looks like American Girl is bound and determined to burn out all of our eyeballs with their new glitter/sparkle attack. XD Another outfit leaked on eBay which looks like an upcoming dance outfit for the modern Truly Me line. Like what seems like all upcoming outfits, it is drenched in sparkly sequins to dazzle and confuzzle the unsuspecting consumer. ^_^  I have added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases.

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:
Because if you're going to burn calories... you might as well start by literally burning the retinas of all who gaze at you right?

Sliver, glittery headband. Glitter literally from head to toe. XD 

I have this theory. By rendering their customers temporarily blind by sparkles, AG effectively prevents them from seeing the prices of said outfits until... IT'S TOO LATE! XD

Sliver stripe down the side of the pants. Thank goodness for some restful black for the eyes. :D

And of course you gotta have more glitter and metallic threads on your hands too. Just in case the rest of the outfit wasn't enough. >_<

I never thought the day would come where I would say this... but this outfit has way too much sparkles. The recent releases has definitely started to give my magpie urges burnout and when I say it's too much... well.... ^_^ It's a fun dance outfit, and I realize performance outfits need to be attention grabbing, but as another outfit in the bedazzled Truly Me lineup, it's too much and my wallet is relieved I am not tempted by this outfit in the slightest, even if it went on 100% sale. 

Link to Original eBay Auction:


  1. Whoa! Sparkles galore! This is really cute but it gives me some Marisol nostalgia, haha. XD

  2. It's cute just a little too sparkly

  3. I'm just here like is it 2004 again? So many sequins everywhere!!!!

    1. LOL! I don't even think there were that many sparkles in 2004! XD

  4. I'm trying to decide what style of dance this outfit is designed for... I'm thinking hip hop, but the shoe design is way different. Maybe Acro? But you'd need lyrical shoes for that. It may be jazz (the shoes would actually be spot on) but jazz costumes usually have skirts... Ugh, this is driving me crazy!

    1. I know, Dot. I'm really thinking that this may ntp be a dance outfit. Maybe AG just didn't do their homework and it is a hip hop outfit....

    2. Modern dance? XD Or it's possible the shoes don't match the outfit, since it's a grey market photo.

  5. OH MY SPARKLE!!! To much too much! Blindfold me and the sparkles are still too bright!

  6. I just wish it wasn't purple. Also, Lissie + Sparkles =
    SPARKLY MAYHEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I'm okay with the color and the sparkles in general, but at the moment it just feels like too much with the recent releases that are also sparkle fever. :D

  7. AAAAAARRRGHHHHH! My eyes, they burn!!!!!!! I just recovered from looking at that leaked swimsuit! :)

  8. I'm sorry AG, but there's such thing as 'too much glitter' :)

  9. Someone got a truckload of sparkles and dumped them outside ag...

    1. I'm not sure it's a truckload at this point.... more like a cargo ship full. XD

  10. Maybe it'll look better on a doll?
