
Monday, October 17, 2016

New Outfit for Possibly Julie or Modern Girl Tenney Grant

As the flood of leaked outfits continue, we have photos of another outfit that appears to be either for the 1970s Beforever character Julie or for the rumored new Contemporary Character Tenney Grant coming out next spring. I have added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases. ^_^

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:

I love the detail of the embroidery on this top! The style is generic enough that I think it can be used for multiple time periods, including for a modern girl. 

I'm almost certain these are decorative buttons but I love the cat stitching detail on the pockets. If the leaked grey cat does turn out to be for the new Contemporary Character Tenney Grant, then I can see this outfit being for her to go with the cat-lover theme. ^_^

These clogs look similar to some of Julie's shoes, and the flower embroidery on the tips match the design on the blouse. 

eBay grey market sellers are notorious for mixing pieces from different outfits together so there's no guarantee these shoes go with this outfit, but my gut instinct is they go together. 

This is a super cute outfit and the individual pieces could work for a lot of different time periods as well as mix and match with other outfits. Whoever it ends up being for, I think this has safely made it's way onto my want list. :D

Link to Original eBay Auction:


  1. Wow, that's really pretty! I like it a lot! Have any leaks been released concerning the GOTY 2017 besides Tenny? I personally want to know if I should save up for her or for Lea before Lea is archived..
    ~ Light4theLord

    1. I have been so busy I haven't been keeping up to date on the rumors recently, but I haven't heard much personally. >_<

    2. The official GOTY will be Gabriela McBride, and I have even seen photos from AG with the name of the set titled, Gabriela's accessories

  2. What are the contemporary characters

    1. Contemporary characters are characters set in the modern 21st century.

    2. According to Amazon, it looks like AG will be releasing a contemporary character book series next spring.

  3. I think this might be an outfit for Julie- and if not, my Julie might wear it anyway.

    1. Same! I think it would work for Julie or modern. :)

  4. I really like that skirt! I'm not too sure about anything else...I'd have to see it in person. :)

    1. Hahaha that's how I feel about a lot of the AG outfits. ^_^

  5. #46 is the next Girl of the Year. BUT not really, According to what I have heard, there will no longer be GOTY. Mattel wants to change the line. They think they will make more money that way and I guess they are blind enough to think it wont bother customers. This "GOTY" since I dont know the new name (maybe 'Contemporary Charecter?) will get so much attention for being African American that fans won't see whats coming. American Girl intends to use one of the Truly me dolls as a featured Modern/Contemporary Girl or somehitng every year now, they will not change a thing. they will give her some themed clothing and a story line and GOTY as we know it will be no longer. They intend to sell through the line, not cut it off as of Dec 31 like with GOTY. In addition, the next year, when they grab a different doll to slap a name on and a story line for, the girl from the previous year will not go away forever...SHE will be put back in the Truly Me Group in the generic dresses so that people can get her later on. Mattel THINKS this will end complaints from customers wanting retired dolls. I think they are making a huge mistake
    I could be wrong, but this is what I have heard

    1. That rumor is not true and originated from an unconfirmed source. If you search on Amazon "Girl of the Year 2017" you can see for yourself that AG has already put up place holder pages for her books.

  6. I agree with you! Wow. We enjoy the GOTY

  7. Looks like something for Julie or possibly a TM?

  8. I think it is going to be the BeForever version of Julie's Summer Skirt set.

    1. XD I love her current one. It's my favorite outfit from her wardrobe.

  9. It's pretty I really like the shoes.

  10. I think it is a version of the outfit on the cover of this Julie mystery
    Jen @

    1. It does look very similar! Thanks for pointing that out! :)
