
Monday, December 12, 2016

Photos of Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela's Wardrobe

We were lucky that once again this year, one of our fellow AG collectors was able to accumulate some of the leaked outfits for next year's Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela McBride, and to send us a few photos! ^_^ (I have also received photos for Tenney's collection and will get those posted later today or tomorrow hopefully.)

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases: 

Link to Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela Information Page: 
*Do not repost/claim/copy images without written permission.*

Collector's Photos of GOTY 2017's Collection:

*Confirmed meet outfit for Gabriela McBride (Missing the purple crop top shirt and pink ribbon headband)

This outfit is most likely Gabriela's tap dancing outfit. The flats shown in the image are not the tap shoes. The actual tap shoes are a replica of Molly's tap shoes from her Miss Victory Outfit, only with silver sparkles and a purple bow.

*Confirmed, these are the PJs set for GOTY 2017

*Confirmed, this is Gabriela's Cat


  1. I am very disappointed! She does not have the wow factor and I find her clothes boring, except for the sparkly tap top. I would have loved to have seen a goty with an Afro! I am looking forward to see Tenney's collection. Thanks for the post.

    1. Oh an afro would have been so perfect for Gabriela, and definitely be unique!

  2. I love it! Especially the cat and PJ's!
