
Monday, December 5, 2016

Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela Silhouette & Details

UPDATE 12/12/2016: The stock photos for Gabriela have leaked! They are posted at the bottom of the post.

UPDATE 12/12/2016: A collector shared photos of her dolls modeling pieces from Gabriela's wardrobe. Photos have been added to the bottom of the post.

UPDATE 12/9/2016: The potential doll & meet outfit have leaked! I had added it to the bottom of this post.

UPDATE 12/6/2016: The cover and summary for next year's Girl of the Year 2017 first book has been leaked! I have added it to the bottom of this post! ^_^

We're less than a month away from the release of next year's 2017 Girl of the Year! Unlike in previous years, we haven't really gotten many leaks regarding the 2017 GOTY, but here is what we know so far (please keep in mind nothing is certain til AG officially releases her):

Thank you to Jennifer for allowing us to share her photo! She took this at the St. Louis store of the silhouette for next year's 2017 Girl of the Year.

1) Her name is Gabriela McBride. 
2) She will have at least 2 books, the first one which will be released on Dec. 27th, 2016, and the second book on March 28, 2017.
3) It is rumored she will be a dancer.
4) Her pet is a cat (potentially the leaked one we saw).
5) She looks identical/very similar to the Truly Me doll #46, which was retired earlier this year: Dark vinyl, Sonali mold, brown eyes, curly textured hair like Cecile's with a side part, hair tied up.
6) There are rumors saying she is the final Girl of the Year doll and American Girl will end the line after her. 

You can see photos of some of her potential outfits and her pet on the Master List of Leaked AG Releases at this link:

Since Gabriela is rumored to look identical to the modern Truly Me #46 doll that was retired earlier this year, here are photos of #46 throughout the years so you can get an idea of what Girl of the Year 2017 will look like. (Just picture her with the hair up like in the silhouette. ^_~)

Dark vinyl; Sonali mold; Curly, brown, textured hair; Side part, Brown pinwheel eyes

In current Lilac Dress Meet Outfit, front view

Back view of hair, similar to Cecile's hair.

In True Spirit Meet Outfit

In Real Me Meet Outfit

You can pre-order her books on Amazon at the links below:

Title: Girl of the Year: 2017, Novel 1
Author: Teresa E. Harris
Price: $9.99 USD
Publish Date: Dec. 27th, 2016
Title: Girl of the Year: 2017, Novel 2
Author: Teresa E. Harris
Price: $9.99 USD
Publish Date: Mar. 28th, 2017

Cover of GOTY 2017's 1st Book:

Summary of 1st Book:
Meet Gabriela McBride:
Gabby loves expressing herself - especially in the dance studio - but lately, poetry is becoming her art choice, and for a good reason: Gabby struggles with stuttering, and spoken word poetry helps her speech flow more freely. Still, compared to how confident she feels on the dance floor, speaking can be scary. When the city threatens to close her beloved community arts center, Gabby is determined to find a way to help. Can she harness the power of her words and rally her community to save Liberty Arts?

Potential Doll & Meet Outfit:
Dark vinyl, Sonali mold, brown pinwheel eyes, curly textured brown hair, right side part, length down to midback.

Meet outfit looks like a a teal tank top with a purple cropped shirt with dream graphic. Navy leggings/pants, with purple flats. The teal and purple tops match the ones seen on the leaked cover of her first book. 

*Note: This meet outfit may be incomplete or different from the final version.*

More photos and details on original post here:

Collector's Photos of GOTY 2017's Collection:

GOTY 2017 Stock Photo:

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  1. I'm excited! Such a different GOTY from what we usually get! I hope she's not the last GOTY, the most exciting thing on new year's is reloading the AG page. :(

    1. Hahahaha! I think many would agree with you on that! ^_^

    2. I hope so too I look forward to gotys every year

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The JLY doll is so cute, but I really hope they give her a characteristic that is all her own. : ( I am so thrilled for a DOC GOTY, but I don't, so far, feel like AG is giving her enough of that special treatment. Of course, I can't know for sure until her release! She'll be coming home with me either way.

    1. I agree, I was a bit disappointed to hear the rumors she will be a revised #46 because I really wanted AG to create a different and new look.

  3. LaVerne, my 46, is my favorite doll. I think I'll needs must get her sister. And I adore that lace outfit in the leaked fashion section.

    1. Hahaha yes! That lace outfit would look so good on #46!

  4. I'm delighted to see there should at last be a GOTY of color! It was about time! If she is like #46, she will be lovely. I love the Sonali mold (Cecile is one of my favorite dolls, she is so very pretty!). I love her curly hair and deep brown eyes!

    1. Yes! Me too! Cecile has always been the most beautiful doll AG ever created in my eyes. ^_^

  5. I am looking forward to seeing her and will definitely be getting her. It's about time we got a doll of colour for GOTY. I also really hope they don't end the GOTY line, I find it interesting and fun. Perhaps they are replacing it with the Contemporary dolls thing (Tenney) - they might see a financial advantage in having a doll around for as long as they'd like rather than just one year.

    1. I don't know how reliable that rumor is that she will be the last and like you said, I'm wondering if AG is trying to replace the line depending on how well the contemporary character do.

  6. My first thought upon seeing the silouhette was #58, with the Addy mold, maybe with the rumor that she is being retired, and Melody has the sonali mold and only recently released.

    1. #58 would make such an awesome GOTY design too! ^_^ Is she getting retired? I didn't know that... That means I need to pick up one ASAP.

  7. I can wait to see what changes if any are made on the #46 doll! I wish AG was little more creative when choosing her hobby we've all ready had two dancer GOTY's it be exciting if she was an animal rescuer or maybe a foster kid something a little more unique than a dancer but lots of girls are dancers so the would be drawn to a dancer doll.But enough of my whining yay for a doll of color!

    1. I've heard tap dancer being thrown around a few times but I wish it could have been scientist! :D

    2. personally i love that she's a poet!!

  8. I'm in love. And her hair. And please no dancer. I no need more dolly dance accessories. I need other stuffs. Please.

    1. I'm in the same boat, I'd love to see more science and math related accessories.

  9. Maybe she's a gymnast, a possible play on Gabby Douglas?!?!

  10. If that is the true doll. I'm assuming she will come styled like this
