
Monday, July 17, 2017

Sneak Peek at New Beforever Nanea's Grocery Store

Yesterday's Good Morning America episode gave us a sneak peek at some upcoming toys to look forward to this holiday season, but some sharper eyed American Girl enthusiasts spotted a very quick glimpse of what appears to be the new 1940s Hawaiian Beforever character, Nanea Mitchell's Grocery Store set in the background. I first saw the video myself on AGPT when SailorMolly shared it. Nanea is expected to be released on August 24th, though there are rumors of her possibly being released on August 21st in stores.

These are screenshots I took from the video showing the grocery set. To me, it looks like the style is similar to the current Truly Me hotel set, with the trifold design, though it could also be more similar to Lea's Fruit Stand. I've linked the video at the bottom too for those interested!

Looks like there were be a cash register stand. I can't make out the accessories in the back in the open window. 

Blurry shot of the whole apparatus. It's a lot smaller than I had expected.

I highlighted the 3 segments I see that makes me think it's a tri-fold design, but honestly it's hard to make out from the blurry quality.

Direct Link to Original Video:

The sneak peek starts at 0:50 seconds in, and will be on the right side of the screen.


  1. I hope it's bigger than it looks it looks tiny and why does everything have to be pink AG?
    but it's probably gonna be cute which means less money wallet.

    1. Hahaha! Those were my initial thoughts too, but then after hearing some people say they're relieved it's smaller and looks like it can be folded up for storage, I can see the pros to the size. Also a lot of people have also pointed out several buildings are pink in Hawaii and it's actually a very accurate color for the time and place. ^_^ Which makes me want to visit Hawaii even more now!

  2. How old is Nanea? This is what bothers me about some of the sets. If Nanea is 10 - 12 then the store is too small; her head should not reach the ceiling. That being said, I'm betting it will be cute. :-)

    1. I think Nanea is around the 10 age mark like the other girls. But maybe she's ULTRA MEGA TALL? :D Hahaha but in truth, none of the AG buildings are ever to scale, though that would be something amazing to see!

    2. So true. I don't have a lot of furniture because it takes up too much space even at the wrong scale. AG should do like a Legoland and make an amusement area that is to scale. That would be fun to visit.

      Note: I did some searching too - archived photos of Hawaii during the 1940s and the pink is a-okay, maybe a bit dark, but still appropriate for time and locale.

    3. That's such a good idea! An AG theme park... My mind is reeling at the potential rides and food options they would have! :D

    4. I see it as something similar to Epcot with areas focused on each BeForever.

    5. Ahhh that would be so awesome! Like a history Epcot! ^_^

    6. My dad always complains about how the dolls are realistically proportionate XP

    7. for my previous comment, I meant aren't not are :)

  3. I agree with both The DollyGamer and Melody appears to be too small and is definitely the wrong colors for the 1940s.:(

    1. I thought so too, but after looking it up, a lot of the buildings in Hawaii are pink and it is accurate for the place and time! ^_^ Scale wise, I also think it's too small, but then again, AG has never made a true to size building for the dolls so that's nothing new. At least this way, hopefully more people will get it if they see it can fit into their homes.

  4. I think this set is cute but I do not think it is on my list.
    Nanea, on the other hand, is more Polynesian than Kanani and I really want to get her.

    1. I'm in a similar boat where the grocery set isn't tempting me but the doll herself definitely needs to join my doll family! :D

  5. This reminds me a bit too much of Maryellen's Seaside Diner. Nanea's hairstyle reminds me of Maryellen too. It makes me wonder if Maryellen will archiving. I DON'T THINK SHE WILL BE THOUGH!!! I think Addy will be archiving and Samantha will only be in flagship personally. (or the other way around)

    1. It reminds me of a mishmash between Lea's Fruit Stand and the tri fold Truly Me hotel set. Nanea looks dramatically different to me from all the other Beforever characters, probably due to her new face mold. :)

    2. I hope Addy doesn't retire, she's one of my favorite dolls!

  6. Hello! Nice to see you have had some time to post! we missed you!

    Personally, I don't really care about Nanea's collection, (I already have too much stuff!) but it definitely looks too small ...but I'm sure some kids will have fun with it!

    after watching the video:
    I want an elephant parade mega blocks set! awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!
    adverts are my weakness. help.

    1. Thank you! It's nice to start posting again!

      I'm still waiting to see how Nanea's collection looks in person, but at the very least the doll herself, her books, and her outfits will be coming home with me! ^_^

  7. I'm going to be making a spin off of this set. I'm making a donut shop. Kind of a Grace and Nanea sort of a thing. I'm using a trifold to make the store.
