
AG Salon Hairstyles

At American Girl stores, you can bring your doll(s) in and take them to the hair salon inside. There you can select from a variety of possible hairstyles and the stylists there will spritz and style your doll(s) hair for you. These styles include a range of braids and ponytails, as well as your character doll's (historical or GotY) original hairstyle. On top of that, there are seasonal hairstyles that change every few months. Here is a list of the current hairstyles available at the Doll Hair Salon from their style book. ^_^

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Front Cover
Smooth Hair
Close ups of Smooth Hair

Layered Hair
Close ups of Layered Hair

Textured Hair
Close ups of Textured Hair

Curly Hair
Close ups of Curly Hair

Short Hair
Close ups of Short Hair

Character Dolls (Historical/BeForever)
Close ups of Characters Hair

Girl of the Year Dolls
Close ups of Girl of the Year Hair 
Bitty Twins Smooth Hair
Close ups of Bitty Twins Smooth Hair

Bitty Twins Textured Hair
Close ups of Bitty Twins Textured Hair
Extra Services
Deluxe Hairstyle
Ear Piercing
Pampering Plus
Spa Deluxe Package
Hearing Aid
Girl of the Year Style
Summer 2015 Hairstyle
Summer 2015 Hairstyle Close up

Ribbon Colors
When you take your doll in for a hairstyle, the salon will let you select the color ribbon(s) you want them to use to tie up the hair. Here are the current three cards with the color options. Be warned, colors appear slightly different on every screen so make sure you double check at the store if the color matches what you think it looks like.


  1. Thank you so much for this amazing guide! Your pictures are extremely helpful.

  2. If you had your doll's ears pierced, would they do it in the salon or would you wait and they do it at the doll hospital?

    1. They do it in the salon. The salon worker will take your doll to a back room where I assume they drill the holes for the earrings, and appear a few minutes later with your doll, now with her ears pierced.

    2. Do you know if they have to remove the Doll from the box to pierce the doll's ears?

    3. Anonymous, yes they remove the doll from the box to pierce the ears.

    4. they can do it in the box

  3. They do it right there in store while you wait. It's pretty quick.

  4. It's killing me that the all down hairstyles are $10. I'm sure some of the dolls that are getting brushed out (or re-curled for the curly girls) are probably in dire need of help but others, like Ivy? I cackle. "That'll be ten bucks for brushing her hair."

    Others look really cute and interesting. Thank you!

    1. Hahaha I know what you mean! Especially when you think of Ivy and Kit. :D But I suppose the salon people have seen enough train wrecks that you're not really paying for the "all down" hairstyle so much as an extreme detangling. XD

  5. Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad I found those pics they really help! I have a doll with short straight hair, long layered hair, and long straight hair this really helped! But I am having a hard time trying to see which style I should try and some of them are hard. Well thanks anyways!!!!!!!!!

    1. I'm glad you find it helpful. :) A lot of the hairstyles just take practice to figure out. Good luck!

  6. Cool! I love using this page before I go to the AG store. Always so helpful!

    1. I'm so glad you find it helpful! Enjoy your trip to the AG store. :)

  7. To quote one of the vikings from Tangled: "That's a lot of hair." ;)
    Thanks for posting this! I like seeing all the hairstyles that AG has come up with. But I don't think I'd ever actually pay $20 on a hairstyle! Would you? AG has always been a bit over-priced, but this is rather over-the-top. If I really wanted to try something fancy with my dolls' hair, I'd look up a video on YouTube. I guess I can glean inspiration from the chart, however!


    1. Hahaha! I have before, back when I was desperate to fix Lissie's hair and didn't know at the time how to do it myself. Now that I know how to work with AG doll hair, I can't see myself using the hair salon anymore. :)

    2. Lol! :)
      Now that I think of it, I suppose that younger girls might not be as skilled in doing doll hairstyles. Or they might not have permission to go on YouTube. Then the salon would be helpful. ;)


    3. Yes, and the salon is a part of the store experience for many people, so it's actually very popular. In addition, most people don't automatically know how to care and style the doll hair so the salon is a great place to learn. ^_^

  8. by now, Maryellen would be next to Emily & Julie
    and Next year..........What about Lea Clark?

    1. I have not had time to go back to the salon and photograph the latest changes to the hairstyles menu, but you are correct, by now Maryellen would be included, as well as a change in the featured hairstyle to the winter special. Next year when Lea comes out, I am sure the hairstyles menu will be updated once again, and the same goes for when the new 1960s BeForever character is released. :)

  9. Thank you! This is so helpful! If their going to charge $10 for all down I'll do it myself thank you very much!

    1. A lot of these are pretty easy to do by yourself. ^_^

  10. If I'm being honest, I personally think they should be half price. All down is 10 dollars, but I can get a hairbrush for 8 dollars

    1. I agree with you, that these are all over priced, but I suppose for someone who has no idea how to work doll hair, and with a child who has completely tangled the doll's hair, this may seem like a small price for the time it would take to detangle everything. :D

  11. Great post, thank you! Perfect aid for planning my trip to AG in a few months. Gives me a general idea of what to expect. :) Would you know if the deluxe/seasonal/special hairsyles are in all stores or just the big flagship ones? Thanks!

    1. I'm glad the post is helpful! As far as I am aware, the deluxe/seasonal/special hairstyles are in all stores. :)

  12. new styles for lea are in the stores as of jan12016

    1. Thank you for the head's up! I'll have to take a look the next time I go!

  13. Can you update this with Lea's exclusive style?

    1. I haven't had a chance to go to the store yet so I will try to remember that on my next visit. :)

  14. Can you do the girl of the year styles on any doll?

    1. It depends on the store and stylist. Some are willing to do so, and others are not.

  15. I didn't see the Girl of the Year styles offered at the Nashville store. But I desperately want my Mia doll's braid put back in, and no matter what I do, I can't get it right by myself. Is something they offer but you just have to know to ask for it? Or do they maybe not offer it?

    1. If you have a salon at the Nashville store, they should be able to do it, since all the stores are standardized. I would ask them if you didn't see it specifically listed.

  16. I know ten dollars is a lot for a down style. However, my daughter was given a Pleasant Company Samantha last summer and I felt it was worth it to see how the stylist put her hair back into the "meet" style. It looked great, and I learned how to do it myself. Plus, her hair was very shiny and soft. I suspect they add something to their water spray bottles, but who knows. :)

    1. Yes, I think depending on the doll, and a person's experience/skill level with fixing doll hair, using the doll salon would be a fun experience and great learning experience. ^_^

  17. Hi. I have an old doll from my childhood (only the 2000s but still, I'm 22 now). She is pleasant company. Her hair is a bit tangled, not terrible, but hard for me to fix. Is this something the salon can fix? Thank you. I can't find any info on this.

    1. Yes, the salon should be able to help you if you are uncomfortable styling it yourself. :)

  18. I purchased a truly me doll today thats on its way. It comes with straight layered hair. Would the salon be able to curl it for me and if so how much? My neice who i bought it for has very curly hair. I would live for it to truly look like her. :-)

    1. They don't curl hair if the doll's original hair is straight at the salon unfortunately. However, that is fairly easy to do yourself. If you wrap the doll's hair in small human curlers, then dip the hair into *almost* boiling water, and wait a few minutes before you remove the curlers, you can curl the hair easily at home. ^_^ If you don't like how the curls look, dunk the hair in the *almost* boiling water again and carefully brush it straight under cold water, and voila! It'll be straight again.
