
Catalog Scans

I have been slowly amassing the American Girl catalogs and have scanned them to post here as a reference for people. If you have old catalogs that you would like to send me and contribute to this project, please let me know! I have scanned over 100 catalogs and am in the very slow process of editing and watermarking the images, so check back every few weeks to see if there are any new updates. ^_^

The images are posted to an album on Flickr so I don't crash your computer. Please do not repost/claim/copy images without written permission.

1992 - Spring

1994 - Spring

1994 - Holiday

1995 - Spring

1995 - Summer

1995 - Holiday 
(There were 4 different covers with the same pages inside. The last cover with Kirsten has a few alternative pages for the Girl's Matching Outfits and those are included in the album.)


  1. YAY my Kirsten is on a lot of covers too!

    1. I do seem to have a lot with her on the cover. :)

  2. Please post more catalog scans! I love looking at them!


    1. I'm glad you enjoy seeing them! I'm working on them slowly but steadily when I have a break from classwork. :)

  3. These are by far the best scans I've seen of these old catalogs! Thank you so much for uploading! Do you happen to have any from the later 90s, like 97 or 98? I'd love to see those. Thanks again, these are awesome!

    1. Thank you so much for commenting! I'm really happy to hear you are enjoying the catalog scans! Currently, I am tied down this summer because I am studying for my board examinations but once I finish with them, I will continue working on getting more scans up. ^_^

  4. Thanks so much for posting these! I have thoroughly studied them as I plan to buy molly and sew her original collection. Also, I had no idea how varied and unique bitty babies were back then. I wish they were more like that now! Thanks again and I am exited to see more! :)

    1. Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed and found these scans helpful. Best of luck as you sew Molly's collection! ^_^

    2. Thanks :) I received her and was delighted to find she was pleasant company.....I screamed silently for at least 5 minutes :)

  5. Love these!! Hope to see more. XD

    1. So happy to hear you enjoy these! My schedule is completely unforgiving at present but I'm definitely still working on getting more up! ^_^

  6. These are fabulous, I hope you can do more. :)

    1. Thank you! I have over a hundred more catalogs to add!

  7. I am working on a large AG project and would LOVE more scans! If you need or want any help, I would love to be of service! I have been amassing quite a collection of AG catalogs, but I don't have very many of the older ones like these, so any help I could give! I am starting a FB shop for selling my own collection of AG, Caraway Ventures, so you can reach me that way of you would like! Thanks again for such a wonderful site!

    1. How exciting! What's your AG project about? I have a lot more catalogs that have been scanned, but I just need to take the time to go through and edit and post them. ^_^

  8. Thank you so much for these! I love them, they are so awesome to see the old catalogs <3

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed them! I love looking through old catalogs at how AG has changed throughout time. ^_^
