
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mini Josie Museum Hops in Washington, DC!

After a day outside running from monument to monument around our nation's capitol, Josie's host decides to spend the next day visiting the world's largest museum and hits up several Smithsonians!

First, time to gain some class and culture at the National Gallery of Art.

Adam & Eve with a judgmental cat and a goat glaring at them.

Then lunch at the museum with the best food court: National Museum of the American Indian!

Standing on the tip of a native canoe.

Changing it up with a little bit of science at the Natural History Museum!
Hanging out with shrimp bigger than her!

Lava solidified into fluffy forms.

Standing on a meteorite!

All in all, a wonderful trip in Washington, DC. Back to Boston now!

To see more of Josie's adventures, visit her Travel Log by clicking here!


  1. Just make sure that's not a mantis shrimp! He'll come at ya!

    1. Seriously! I doubt an ordinary glass tank would hold one of those! They'd punch right through the glass. :D
