
Saturday, February 28, 2015

It Snows *sort of* in the South Too!

This week has been quite a hectic, terrifying, but exciting week for any person living in the south because we had a rare unicorn come into town, aka SNOW! :D And of course by snow I mean ice... which is a completely different matter. >_< Snow/Ice is perfectly wonderful, dreamy, romantic, etc. when you're not driving on it. Unfortunately, classes were canceled too late and I had to make the terrifying drive back home.

For those who do not get ice and for those who usually get snow instead of ice, let me tell you now... ICE KILLS! The normally 5 minute drive home took well near an hour, and I didn't drive so much as slid home. O_O And this is swerving, slipping, sliding while not even stepping on the accelerator or break! Come back to me sweet friction!

There were so many near wrecks and accidents that I can't help but thank every ounce of sanity I hold I didn't panic and swerve into a pole or truck. We live in that strange middle zone that seems to not get snow so much as ice when we get anything at all (once every lifetime?). Snow can be driven on. It's a risk yes, but it's not impossible. Ice? That's a completely different story.

And for those who think I'm exaggerating, here is the Google traffic map for the nation yesterday:

Yup. That small very red, very very very convoluted pimple of traffic on the map is where I am.

And here is a close up of all the destruction this ice storm has left. Each yellow triangle means that a car wreck happened at that spot. Look at this! This is ridiculous!

I was so glad I lived close to campus. So many of my classmates were in an accident yesterday! It was really frightening. This unicorn was not peaceful and cute at all. This unicorn had a lot of rage pent up and released it all over the streets and freeways. >_<

Once I arrived at home and the adrenaline from the drive had worn off, I was able to take the Lissie and Sawako Lilly out to "play" in the snow. Here are some more cheerful photos to take your mind off the carnage the unicorn left in it's wake:
"Look Lissie! It's snow! How beautiful!"
"So this is that powdery nonsense people fawn over? General Washington is not impressed! At least not outwardly!"
"Will General Washington be impressed if she builds a snowman?"

Unfortunately it wasn't snow. It was ice. And do you know what does not make a good snowman? 

"If I wasn't impressed before, I'm even less impressed now."
"Don't grump Lissie, we can still make a snow angel!"
"Can I make a snow pterodactyl instead?"

Unfortunately, it wasn't snow. And do you know what doesn't take impressions for angels/pterodactyls well?

"Oh you're right Lissie! This weather is a flop. It's not at all like what the movies show. Let's go inside and get warm."
"NO! Now we're committed to living the snow day dream Lilly!"
"But it's a complete, utter failure. We can't do anything with all this ice."
"Ah! When you are given flower, bake cake!"
"Lissie... I think you're using 2 different words."
"And do you know what you do when you're given ice?"

"GO ICE SKATING! Come on Lilly! It's like just like a rink only with speed bumps!"
"Oooo Lissie, that looks so dangerous!"
"Which is exactly why we're doing it! Nothing says infinite fun like frictionless surfaces!"
"But our Big Person said that was the most dangerous surface."
"Fooey! That's because she actually tried to drive on it. Just look at her now!"
"... Oh my! Is she-?"
"Yup, she's sliding down the driveway on a piece of cardboard."
"Ack! She just tumbled head over heels!"
"And now it's our turn, come on already! Let go of the rock, you'll be fine even if you fall!"
*sigh* "Oh why was I cursed with this vinyl, unbleeding body? I shall never taste that crimson glory!"

Ah... That's right... I might have tried to live out my snow fantasies, one of which includes sledding. XD Obviously sleds are not sold here so I improvised... TOTALLY WORTH THE SCRAPS! :D (Blood and all I went for a few more rounds till the cardboard was too torn up to slide efficiently anymore.)

"Now this, this is living the snow dream!"
"Oh I agree Lissie! Even if we couldn't make a snow animal or impressions, and our Big Person used up a month's supply of neosporin on her wounds, everyone knows the quintessential part of the snow dream is coming in numb from cold and having hot chocolate."
"But don't leave out an important part of that dream Lilly! We have to do it in front of a fire!"
"It's against our lease."
"The dream-"
"Is open to interpretation."

Oh ho ho! Good job Lilly! Because I also wanted to build a fire with my old notes and papers but I had to come to terms with my carpeted flooring... ^_^ Hahaha, I know it may sound weird, especially to those who live in the north and get to see snow regularly every winter, but I really do have all these snow fantasies of playing in the snow, reading with hot chocolate while the snow comes down outside, sledding, wearing those funny tennis racket things on my shoes while walking on the snow, etc. 
One day! One day I will live the dream! :D


  1. I'll send you some of my snow, Lissie and Lilly! Most of it is dingy from the dirt and salt off the road, but I'm sure I can dig some nice stuff out a foot or 2 down. Stay warm and safe!

    1. 2 ft of snow??? You're living my snow dream! I think we ended up with 2 inches? Maybe? :D

  2. I feel your pain on the lack of snow. We've gotten snow here twice in my lifetime (well, snow that stuck on the ground enough to do anything) and I am always rather envious of people who get any while we just get rain. Not even ice (though last year's ice storm was pretty). So good on you for making the best of your ice!

    And those moon kitty mugs are adorable!

    1. Thank you! They're my special cups reserved for snow fantasy days! :D We'll just have to go to Canada one day in the winter to live the snow dream. ^_^

    2. I'll move to Canada with you guys!! We can share a cabin if we have to! (Not only do I love the cold, lynxes are my favorite animals and they live in Canada) (Packs suitcase with useless junk) LET'S GO!!!!!!!

  3. One thing us northerners do not do if we are sane, is drive on ice. We make excuses not to. So sorry you had to experience that. It's quite impossible and I am glad you made it home OK. Trucks spread salt on icy spots and roads when ice is expected so we pretty much don't have a problem except on our own small streets where we live. Never ever drive on ice. Find an excuse and stay home. Don't walk on it either unless you have cleats strapped to your shoes.

    Ally from AGFMB

    1. I'm glad even northerners try to avoid driving on ice! >_< Since it snows/ices here so rarely, at most the city will throw dirt on top of the ice for traction, but that doesn't work too well because the ice easily melts and reforms on top of it. Not driving is the safest option for sure!

  4. I understand completely -- there's nothing better than living the dream of snow when the place where you live rarely gets it! Ice... less fun. It's gorgeous to look at, but there are very few up-sides beyond that. Well done you for making the most of it, though! And I'm really, REALLY glad you got home safely -- driving in ice is absolutely the worst. Terrifying in the extreme. :(
    I chortled at Lissie's "I shall never taste that crimson glory" comment!

    1. Thank you Robin! You're absolutely right! I covet what I don't have, and that's SNOW! ^_^ (As long as I don't have to drive of course.) As for Lissie... well... All I can say is it's a good thing she doesn't have a licence. :D

  5. Lovely photos!

    Well, not the road map, of course - but everything else. ;)

    1. Hahaha! Thank you! (The road map is sort of... artsy in it's own way?) :D

  6. Yes!! Ice is rough to drive on if you must. Also, when you live in a place where it rarely snows , it's difficult for the entire population to be prepared, practiced and having the right equipment to drive in the snow. Who needs 4 wheel drive in Texas. I'm not sure how it works on a sheet of ice, but it's Boss in snow. I'm glad you made it through safely. I agree with the pp saying Don't drive in Ice. I try not to drive in the snow until the roads are clear. It's just not worth the risk.

    1. Absolutely! Since the DFW metroplex rarely gets below freezing temperatures, much less ice or snow, they are very unprepared for such weather, both regular drivers as well as the city. The regular drivers have little to no experience and their cars are not equipped for the weather. Instead of salt, the city throws dirt on the streets which quickly ice over as well. >_<

  7. I want to add in some parts of TX., everytime I drive through Fort Worth it's snowing terribly :)

  8. Oh, I'm sorry you had a rough time driving back home. :( That is rather scary. We usually get snow and ice so it's twice as fun! (Says very sarcastically) However, this year we have barely gotten any snow, so we haven't had to worry about it as much. This is a really cute little story!!

    1. Thank you Ginny! It's good that it's been relatively safer for you guys this year. :)

  9. I got really confused for a minute because we have about three feet of powder right now

    1. Hahaha! Send me some please! A foot, no, even a half foot would be such glorious fun as long as I don't have to drive in it! :D

  10. Beautiful photo's.

  11. Glad you were safe. They cancelled night church because of all the ice here. The weather's just plain nasty. I'm definitely ready for spring! Yesterday, my brother and I went sledding down a hill once, veered off to the right, straight into a bush and got all snowy!


    1. I'm glad they canceled events in order for the members to be safe, but it sounds like you and your brother are really having a fantastic time sledding! ^_^

  12. Living in a part of the world where there is *a lot* of snow, your enthousiasm makes me smile! On the first snow, I'm always like a child and want to go play outside. After that, the magic is usually off! However, playing in the snow certainly is fun (we spent the weekend out in the woods with the kids and many friends enjoying winter sports like sleding, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. The kids had a blast creating snow wars in their snow forts, too!

    I can totally imagine how crazy it was on the streets with no one having snow or ice tires, and no experience driving in that kind of weater. Even for us it'.s crazy when the first snow arrives (especially when it is too early for everyone to have the mandatory snow tires)...

    1. Hahaha! I suppose the magic of the snow would wear off after a few days of struggling through it. ^_^ Once day I'm bound and determined to try sledding, cross-country skiing, and all those other fun activities! (I guess I'll start with a snowball and work my way up.) :D

      I didn't realize in some places snow tires were mandatory! I'm glad that they exist and help keep people safer on the icy streets though. ^_^

  13. I'm so glad you made it home safely! I've can be so dangerous. I'm from Virginia so we did get some snow there. I live in Florida now, so my daughter is dying for some snow. Me not so much. I'm ready for the beach! Lol. I'm so glad that you got to enjoy it for the day! The cardboard sledding sounds amazing!

    1. Ooo, I bet snow in Florida is just as rare, if not more than Texas! :D Perhaps cardboard sledding can be reproduced on a sand dune? ^_^

  14. It's okay, I haven't seen snow since I was four so you're not the only one with snow fantasies.

  15. HAHA! I live in Florida, so I've never had any snow here in my life. :'( But I want to live in Canada when I can legally move out, since I love snow/cold. (I've been to Vermont before, so that's how I know I like snow) Lissie sounds like me lol. I'll do anything dangerous. (like backflips off of swings, swinging like tarzan out of trees, ETC) :D

    1. Hahaha! You don't need to got all the way to Canada for snow dreams! ^_^
