
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Jill's Deals & Steals *2/18/2015*

The code is JILLSFEB!

KellyinWA from AGPT pointed out to me in the GbG thread that the language on the Caroline's Travel Outfit mentions it will be part of Jill's Deals & Steals. This just appeared because earlier in the evening I didn't see this when I added the outfit to the GbG list an hour ago. I'm excited to see what other outfits will be a part of this sale! :D Looks like an early morning for me!

Added Sale Items: 
PleasantMemories on AGPT and KitandKat from AGC found the links for several of the sale bundles:

Exclusive offer: $55

Classic Kaya® Doll and Pow-Wow Dress: Jill's Steals and Deals

Exclusive offer: $55

Classic Caroline® Doll and Nightgown: Jill's Steals and Deals

Exclusive offer: $55

Classic Rebecca® Doll and Pajamas: Jill's Steals and Deals

Exclusive offer: $55

Classic Kit® Doll and Striped Nightie: Jill's Steals and Deals

Exclusive offer: $55

Classic Julie® Doll and Pajamas: Jill's Steals and Deals

Exclusive offer: $55

Classic Julie® Doll and Patchwork Outfit: Jill's Steals and Deals

Exclusive offer: $84

Caroline's Skiff

Exclusive offer: $16

Caroline's Travel Outfit

Exclusive offer: $210

Julie's Car Wash Set

Exclusive offer: $56

Kit’s Bed & Quilt Set

Exclusive offer: $75

Rebecca's Bed & Bedding

Exclusive offer: $18

Addy’s Nightie for Girls

Exclusive offer: $14

Rebecca's Robe & Slippers

Exclusive offer: $18

Rebecca's Pajamas for Girls

Exclusive offer: $18

Kit’s Nightie for Girls

Exclusive offer: $18

Julie’s Pajamas for Girls


  1. Replies
    1. I'm so grateful to all the people that brought them to my attention. :) I hope you were able to check out with what you wanted! ^_^

    2. Sale wasnt supposed to start until it aired at 8:45 but everything was sold out by 8:30?!?!?!!? How does that work????? How many of those went to people who are going to ebay them for a profit??? My daughter has wanted and AM Girl doll FOR YEARS but I cant afford $130... $55 would have been pushing it but I would have made sacrifices to get it for her. SAD!!!!

    3. Darren Gilbert: Do you live near Wisconsin? There is a doll sale that goes on during the middle of July in Madison. That would be a great chance to get a doll for your daughter. They usually sell them for less than $55 on Sunday and it is open to the public. There will be a limited choice though on dolls.

    4. I'm so sorry both of you missed out on the sale. :( It's frustrating but I believe AG has these a couple of times a year so hopefully you'll both be able to grab a good deal at a future sale!

    5. 100% agree with Darren, Not a single one of these "deals" was available when I logged on during the broadcast. Plus the American Girl website could not even process the traffic once you clicked on a doll. Total waste of everyone's time, but great publicity for Today Show, American Girl and Jill's Deal! Great scam!!!!

    6. I was able to get the classic Julie through hip2save around 12pm Eastern time

  2. You really should not offer these deals if your website cannot handle the traffic.

    1. Or rather American Girl shouldn't...not you....Thank you for posting the deals!

    2. Sorry if that came across negative. I appreciate you posting the deals! It's just frustrating when you have them in your cart, have put in your card info, and AGs site can't handle the traffic....and now they are gone.

    3. No problem! I understand it's directed at the AG website. :) It's really frustrating when the website is not working properly to handle the large volume of orders.

  3. I'm not sure whether I'm happier to have apparently missed it all or if I'm disappointed at not having had the chance to try. On the one hand, don't need a new doll. On the other hand... those prices.

    1. Hahaha! I want to say I have buyer's remorse... but then I look at those prices. XD

  4. Got in immediately. Selected doll, put in all my cc info, hit submit order only to be timed out. Not able to order as all dolls unavailable for purchase. Dissatisfied consumers need to contact AG Hdq at 608-836-4848 and flood them with calls. I was informed that the "Steals & Deals" is "Good Advertising" for AG. When I asked how many dolls were available I was informed that that it "Proprietary Information", which is legal mumbo jumbo for level of confidentiality. As the proverbial expression goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

  5. What is the GbG list?

    1. It's the Gone but Google-able list here:

      These are items that are no longer found on the main AG website but can still be found via a Google search and ordered. Usually they are on their way out and if any of them are high on your want list, I would recommend getting them sooner than later if you are able to do so.

  6. I am glad I got to order Rebecca! Thanks for posting this- I can hardly believe I was actually able to figure this out before everything sold out like every other JS&D. :D

    1. Congratulations on your new Rebecca! ^_^ I'm so glad you were able to get her in the chaos of ordering!

  7. not able to add any of the dolls... received the following message... "Sorry, Classic Caroline® Doll and Nightgown: Jill's Steals and Deals (DMH47) could not be added to shopping bag." anyone else?

    1. I believe the sets sold out before noon Stacey. :( I'm sorry you missed out on the deals this time around. It's very frustrating but AG has these sales a few times a year so I hope you'll be able to participate in a future sale!

  8. I stared at a waiting screen for nearly half an hour while watching a thread on Facebook everyone was saying this dolls sold out and that doll is sold out... finally the waiting screen took me to the checkout and when I got the order confirmation I actually teared up!! My daughter has wanted an American girl for years but I couldn't afford one. Now Rebecca will be her first :)

    1. Wow! What a crazy, nerve racking experience you went through this morning! I'm so glad to hear you were able to get a Rebecca doll for you daughter! ^_^ I'm sure she's going to love her new doll very much.

    2. I was able to get Julie with patchwork outfit, Rebecca, and Caroline at 8:50. I hate the fact that Kit was sold out the second I logged in at 8:45. People on Facebook were claiming they bought Kit way before the segment came on. That is totally unfair!
