
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Soon to Come Truly Me Items

AGPT and AGDH member disneytwinmom shared a picture from her daughter's most recent AG magazine which shows a picture of the hypothetical, upcoming releases for the modern Truly Me line to be released later this month. She has very kindly given us permission to share her post here. ^_^

Please do not repost her image without her permission! Watermark and lighting edits added by me.

Image from AG Magazine by disneytwinmom:
Close up of soon to come releases:

It seems like we can look forward to seeing a new school lunch set, school desk, and... A TELESCOPE! :D The board in the back looks like it will be part of a science fair project, but I am SO thrilled at the idea of more science accessories being released. First a microscope and now telescope! Admittedly, it looks very plasticy and I'm not sure if it would work (microscope didn't) but either way I am beyond happy to see these accessories being made by AG. ^_^


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad the blog can make you smile! :) Are you fully back to health now? Have you already visited the AG store?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'm so sorry to hear that! :( Hopefully the Children's Hospital will be able to offer you some solutions and help you. 3 weeks is a long time to be sick and my dolls and I are all sending you good wishes! ^_^

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I really hope you feel better soon, Dolltopia!

  2. I need that desk right now!!!!!
    Bet it's like, 200 dollars though, ugh.
    Stupid AG people.
    Sick of their stupid price tags.

    1. Hahaha I would be really really really surprised if the desk was $200. Even AG can't be that crazy... I hope. :D

  3. Great stuff! Love the lunch! My daughter would be so happy to get this!

  4. Awesome!!! I'm so happy to get a look at some of the new items, they look very cool!

    I'm still really excited about the supposed slow cooker that'll be coming out and want to see that very soon lol.

    1. Ooo, I didn't hear about the slow cooker! That'll definitely be exciting and may have to come home with me depending on the quality and price. ^_^

    2. Yeah, a slow cooker! It was one of the prizes listed under the rules and details for the Truly Awesome Sweepstakes AG is doing. It has the hot lunch and science fair set listed in the prizes, too.

    3. Thanks for the link! And I thought I couldn't get any more excited about the new release! :D
