
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Quick Question about Store Photos/Measurements for Maryellen

I have an important quiz tomorrow so I will not be going to the store until Saturday to see the new releases. Would people still be interested in seeing photos & measurements of the new releases by then? If there are enough people, I'll bring my measuring tape and camera but I am assuming there will be lots of photos by then so if people don't really feel the need, I'll leave everything at home. :)


  1. Measurements are always great!!!!! Sharon

  2. Lissy and Lilly, do you think AG will have any more new releases this year?

    1. I don't think AG will release any more this year.....they have already released their holiday outfits for Truly Me, and I'm pretty sure the new doll stuff is done for this year. They will be releasing two dolls next year though, the GOTY and the new African American BeForever. I think they are also making movies for Julie and Maryellen...

  3. You do such a lovely job with in-store photos I think they would be appreciated by many!

  4. Yes! My sister and I love your in-store reports! You always have so many funny things to say and I appreciate how you take time to note small details that you can miss on the AG website, like how a bow is attached or if something is a graphic or embroidered. Yes please!

  5. I'm looking forward to hearing all about your visit today. We were in the US all summer and flew home to the UK on Aug 24th. I couldn't believe we missed Maryellen by three days! We did get to the AG four times during the summer and we brought home Grace and some of her collection. So it could have been worse ;)

  6. Stock photos never make the items look as good as your in-store photos, so "yes!"

  7. Can you please measure MaryEllen's couch?

    1. Cool! Please do post some pictures. I'd love to see them!
