
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Maryellen Eye & Hair Comparison Photos

Ever since we first found out about Maryellen, there’s been the question about what her eye color is. AG classifies it as “Hazel” which has brown and green in it, but I was told by store clerks it is a new “dark hazel” with more brown than previous eyes. I am uncertain if this is just a variation in the batch or if it is a distinct color in AG’s mind (as in if you were to send Maryellen to the Doll Hospital for new eyes, would she get the same dark hazel or any regular hazel eyes).

The fantastic KitandKat sent us several comparison photos she took of Maryellen with various other dolls to share. The compare both hair colors and eye colors so you can see for yourself what the differences are. SailorMolly on AGPT also sent us some great photos comparing Maryellen with Lanie which are included below as well. 

***Do not repost her images without written permission!***

You can view full sized image by right clicking on the image, and selecting either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window"

Hair Comparisons

Side by Side Hair Comparisons
Maryellen and Mia

Maryellen (left) and Mia (right)

Maryellen (left) and Mia (right) with glasses

Nellie and Maryellen

Emily and Maryellen

Eye Comparison Charts

Hazel Eye Variation Chart

Side by Side Eye Comparisons
Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Mia (yellow hazel eyes)

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Rebecca (regular hazel eyes)

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Kanani (regular hazel eyes)

Cecile (regular hazel eyes) and Maryellen (dark hazel eyes)

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Samantha (decal brown eyes)

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Truly Me #25 (regular pinwheel brown eyes)

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Caroline (seafoam decal eyes)

Modern Doll without Hair (Dark Pinwheel Green Eyes) Maryellen (dark hazel eyes)

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Ruthie (grey eyes)

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Lanie (regular hazel eyes)
Photo by SailorMolly

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Lanie (regular hazel eyes)
Photo by SailorMolly

Maryellen (dark hazel eyes) and Lanie (regular hazel eyes)
Photo by SailorMolly

Individual Doll Headshots
'Dark' Hazel Eyes

'Yellow' Hazel Eyes

'Regular' Hazel Eyes

'Regular' Hazel Eyes

'Regular' Hazel Eyes

Decal Brown Eyes

Regular Pinwheel Brown Eyes

Dark Pinwheel Green Eyes

Seafoam Decal Eyes

KitandKat's Tumblr Page:


  1. This is very interesting! I think Maryellen does have a new type of hazel! I have 7 dolls with hazel eyes and I was wondering if it would be okay if I did my own post comparing hazel eyes on my blog? I'll give you credit for the inspiration :)

    1. Thank you very much for asking Jaclynn! I think it would be great if you also did a hazel eyes comparison post with your dolls. There is so many variations of this eye color, the more images, the better! Please let me know when you post it so I can link to your post!

    2. Yay! Thank you so much! I'll definitely give you a link to the post when I make it! :)

  2. ...this post made me realize just how many dolls have hazel eyes.
    Also, Maryellen is very pretty! She's definitely growing on me, oh no...

    1. Wow this was really helpful. Thank you for posting this! I am definitely thinking about getting Maryellen now.

    2. Yes, I'm surprised at how frequently AG is using hazel eyes. I'd love to see dolls with grey eyes again, or other rare colors.

    3. So glad to hear you found the post helpful! ^_^

  3. Out of curiosity... What kind of hazel eyes did Isabelle have?

    1. Isabelle has the "regular" hazel eyes, but of course there were multiple bath variations with all hazel eyes. :)

  4. I would love to see a comparison of Maryellen with #33 as far as hair color if anyone has both. I have 33 but not Maryellen.

    1. I do not have 33 so I can't help there. Hopefully you'll be able to find someone who can do the comparison. 33 is a pretty common doll.

  5. I think I'm an anomaly. Or just weird (but what else is new there?!), but when I look at Kanani's eyes, or pictures of my Kanani, I don't see hazel, I just see green. I'm a weirdo.

    1. That's interesting! I think brown when I look at Kanani's eyes, opposite of you. :)

  6. Thank you for this post! I don't have Mia or Maryellen, but I was pretty sure that they had unique hazel eyes. This confirms that. Thanks again! :)

    1. I'm glad you found the post helpful! Maryellen's eyes were confusing me trying to figure out if they were unique or not. ^_^

  7. Nice post. Good comparison. Thank you KitandKat for supplying photos.

  8. Very informative! To me they look just a tiny bit different but not enough to sell me on the doll.

    1. That's how I felt too, and ended up selling Maryellen because she didn't stand out enough in my collection.
