
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mini Josie goes all over Iowa

July 21
We all slept in, everyone was worn out from yesterday. When we woke, we visited the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. We saw the home where he was born; it is tiny, just two rooms with the kitchen on the back porch!

We forgot the camera again so there are no photos for the next few days but we have some brochures in our boxes. Here is a link about the H. Hoover Library

July 22
Today we went to Des Moines. Cousins from California were visiting Grandma. It was a lot of fun!

July 23
On our way back from Des Moines, we visited Kalona, IA
It is an Amish/Mennonite Community. We toured an old fashioned farm, very different from modern factory farms! We saw beautiful quilts, bbp traveling by horse and buggy. It was very interesting. We saw a little girl with a cloth doll and the doll did not have a face!

July 24 was another quiet day. The bbp here have a tradition they call "jammie day". They stay home, wear jammies or lounge clothes, play games and read to each other. It is not as boring as it sound. ;) Today's game was trivial pursuit. Josie wanted to win, Grace just liked stacking the pieces. Isabelle is new here, she was adopted at MCM and she has an identical twin who was also adopted at MCM.

July 25
Best. Day. Yet. 
We went to a street faire in Davenport and then to the Figge Art Museum

An installation of giant, blown glass GMO corn, Scary and also really beautiful

The Figge has gorgeous art to look at but they also have tables and spaces where you can create your own art and leave it for other people to see! This table was filled with self-adhesive vinyl and cardboard forms.

Here is another room for patrons to create art. How cool is this!?! Can you see us here?

There we are, look, right there, on top of that table by those two girls. 
We had lunch at Downtown Central Perk and we played Clue while we ate! 
This is the point where the girls noticed the bbp don't eat meat. 

July 26
bbp Ella is going to camp this week so we are taking her today. She will get to go horseback riding, swimming, hiking, spend a day at Adventure land and do a nighttime high ropes course and zip lining! Crikey! We each tried to sneak into her bag but we were found. hhmph, maybe next year.
Bye Ella! We'll miss you! Have fun.

Girl Talk

To see more of Josie’s adventures, click here to view her Travel Log!

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