
Friday, January 15, 2016

Mini Josie gets a Christmas Gift in London, England

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas! Mine was wonderful, I was a little bit disappointed no to experience a white Christmas in London, and in fact it was so warm and mild that when we went out for a walk after lunch on Christmas Day there were daffodils in the park!

We didn't eat turkey at Christmas, or goose like they do in Charles Dickens novels. We ate beef and it was very good, with a huge Christmas pudding afterwards.

Here I am under the tree with a very exciting box!

Great-Aunt Helen decided I needed some more suitable clothes for winter, so she got me this super cute dress. It's got a sixties vibe to it, don't you think? Kind of Mod. And I got a lovely pink scarf and matching arm/leg warmers, plus these great earmuffs. Even though it was so mild during the day over Christmas it got cold as it began to go dark. These stopped my ears from freezing!

Here I am on the Underground, waiting for a train, all dressed up in my new things. I love those cool purple tights. Purple is on of my favourite colours. And aren't my boots great? They were in that big red box under the tree with my name on it. Even though we had no snow at all, I decided to wear my new tinted glasses to go out, just in case.

Here I am under some beautiful pine branches enjoying their fabulous fragrance!

 Sent on behalf of Mini Josie by her British great-aunt
Helen McCarthy

To see more of Josie’s adventures, click here to view her Travel Log!


  1. What a wonderful story of Mini Josie!
    Lissie, you've been nominated for an award on our blog:

    1. Thank you so much for thinking of us and nominating the blog! I just visited and read the post. ^_^ What fun! I'll have to work on that once my class load lightens up!

  2. Is that your real aunt?
