
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Photos of Upcoming Ballet Outfit for Truly Me

Quick Update: I am tied down this summer studying for my baord examinations so I am unable to post near as much as I would like. ^_^ Thank you to those of you who have messaged me and checked up on me. I really appreciate your concern and kind wishes! That being said, I have a few updates in the next few dates on new leaks that I'll try to get posted. 

This turquoise blue ballet/dance outfit leaked on eBay recently, and I saw Aurora share the link on AGPT, where she kindly allowed me to share the link here. Most likely this will be for the Truly Me line and be part of a fall release. (This is just my guess.)

Leaked eBay Photos:

The outfit reminds me very strongly of the 2008 Girl do the Year, Mia's Performance Outfit, with a hint of Rebecca's Costume Chest pieces. I prefer Mia's overall (I'm a sucker for embroidery details) but I do admit I love turquoise and think this outfit is lovely. Most likely it will be for the Truly Me line and my guess is it would be part of a fall release. 

A wonderful fellow AG fan was able to win the auction for this outfit and take several detail and comparison photos of this outfit which she has given me permission to share on L&L. I am in the process of watermarking them and will get them posted tomorrow! ^_^

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Link to Original eBay Auction:


  1. I am not on any of the boards you are, but I worried about you. Glad you're ok. :)

    On a side not, a blogger friend of mine would love it if you would comment on her blog- I think it would make her day. Link, if you wanted to check it

    1. Thank you for your kind concern, and for sharing the link to your friend's blog with me! I just stopped by and said hi. She looks like she's having a lot of fun with it! ^_^

    2. Thanks! You don't know how happy that made her. :)

  2. I love the color and the style! I really hope it comes out soon!! Totally understand about the whole post thing, but I hope you do another Lissie and Lily Episode soon!

    1. I will definitely have to do a new episode once my exams are over! ^_^ Gotta let Lissie work off all my pent up stress! :D

  3. This is cute! I think I may have to get this for Isabelle. Glad you're doing well! Hope to see more soon. :)

    1. Thank you for the kind thoughts! ^_^ I think this color would look good on any doll (hahaha I'm definitely biased), so I'm sure Isabelle would love it!

  4. We love this. OUR Ballerina American Girl Doll's will love this. I also like it for Mia Our Retired A/G Skater. Thanks for share the post. Love you

    1. Thank you for taking the time to stop by Miss Maxine! ^_^ Hope Grace might have to put on a Ballet-Ice Skating performance with her dolls!

  5. I really do like this ballet costume! I, being an ballerina myself, love it!!! I would have preferred it if the shoes were the normal tan/pink color. I think they went a little bit overkill with the turquoise, and the shoes would balance it put. But it really is an adorable costume!
    -Nova ♡

    1. You might be able to get pink ballet shoes on eBay or from a different outfit. ^_^

  6. I have a ballet outfit for my dolls when I did ballet, and I don't think I like this one as much as the one I have. Maybe if you model it on a doll?

    1. There are already some comparison photos modeled on dolls here:

