
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Leaked New Swimsuit for Maryellen or Bitty Outfit

Just yesterday, a new outfit leaked on eBay. My first reaction on seeing it was it's for Bitty Baby, but there are also speculations that it could be a swimsuit for the Beforever character Maryellen. ^_^ I guess we won't know til it comes out! 

Original eBay Photos:
The short bodice and wider waistline is what makes me lean towards Bitty with this outfit, along with the shoes and headband.

Maryellen is being such a healthy girl! First cherries and now strawberries? :D

The headband is just a simple elastic. I would have guess if it was for Maryellen, there would be a bow on it, but Bitty Baby seems to frequently have these plain headbands. 

The shoe cutouts remind me of watermelon! :D But they don't look like swimming shoes to me, and they're a bit short and fat, which is another reason I'm thinking Bitty Baby instead of Maryellen.

Overall, it's a really cute outfit, no matter who it's for. Many of the Bitty Baby outfits can be worn on the full sized 18 inch dolls too though there is a little wiggle room around the waist. ^_^

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Original eBay Link:


  1. Cute! Either way, some doll will be happy!

  2. Thats soooooo cute!!!!!

    1. It is pretty cute! XD Maybe a little too much so for my personal taste.

  3. Definitely looks too cutesy and young for the 18-inch line, so I'm assuming it's for the Bitties. On the off chance it IS for the 18-inch crew, it's one my girls will be skipping. :~P

    1. I'm also getting a little too cutesy vibe for my taste and really am hoping it's for Bitty. :D

  4. It would fit either doll and probably look better on Maryellen, but it will most likely be released for Bitty Baby. Rather than a panty, it has bloomers, which almost guarantees it will be Bitty Baby's.

    1. Maryellen`s nightclothes have colored bloomers, and Samantha`s Bicycling Outfit also has checkered bloomers.

    2. Yes, I was thinking of Maryellen's PJs set as well for bloomers, though I'd forgotten about Samantha's. :)

  5. Replies
    1. If I had to guess, AG will probably reuse Molly's suit for Maryellen

    2. Hahaha! At the rate they're recycling things, I wouldn't be surprised. To be honest, I like the style of this bathing suit, I just think the print is a little too cutesy for any of my 18 inch dolls. ^_^

  6. I think it looks like Bitty Baby.

  7. It`s really cute. While it truly looks a lot like Bitty, I can understand the people thinking it was for Ellie, because the top looks like a baby doll top, and that there are bloomers. If i remember, Ellie`s jammies are also a babydoll top and bloomers. I`m hoping it`s bitty, but that fabric is very cute.

    1. I agree, it definitely could pass as an outfit for Maryellen, though the print is just a little too baby-like for my taste, as adorable as it is. :D

  8. The picture of all of it together looks like it could be for Maryellen, and the cut of the top definitely does. However, I would prefer something else on the fabric. Strawberries don't make me want to put it on a doll.

    1. Hahaha! For some reason, small fruit print is associated with babies in my mind. XD

  9. I love it--the strawberry print is adorable! But I don't think it's a swimsuit. I think it's just a bitty summer outfit with a dress and diaper cover. It's really cute-- although I'm not sure how a diaper cover would look over a diaper that's not puffy. We'll have to see!


    1. I didn't realize the Bitty Baby outfits all had diapers underneath? But I guess it makes sense, they are supposed to be *baby* dolls after all. :D

  10. I have say this very cute outfit is most likely for the bitties.

  11. I kind of like the dress. I feel like it would work better as a skirt for the 18" dolls, though...

    1. I believe the 18 inch dolls can wear the Bitty outfits, though they're a little short and the waist is a bit big. ^_^

  12. Even if it's for Bitty, I might buy it for ME anyway 😂😂

    1. Hahaha! A Florida girl living by the beach has got to have a swimsuit!

  13. I just received this adorable outfit in the mail. It fits the 18" doll perfectly, as do the shoes. The picture shows the back of the outfit, as the front has pockets and it is a wrap around sun suit, that has 2 buttons in the front. I think it is for Mary Ellen, as it is the style of the sun suits of that era. I would not fit Bitty. It is really much cuter in person!

    1. Thank you for the info! ^_^ It sounds like it could be a really cute outfit! Was there a tag on it by any chance?

    2. Yes, there is an American Girl tag on both the dress and bloomers! And the shoes are clearly marked American Girl. It really does look good on Mary Ellen. Wish I could share a picture for you! Kind regards, Muriel

    3. I would love to see photos if you wouldn't mind sharing! My email is

      Thank you so much for sharing the info about the outfit!

  14. I think perhaps it is for the bitty babies because of the shoe size.:)
    -Nova <3

    1. The shoes and outfit aren't always paired up correctly, but I do think the shoes are more Bitty sized. :)

  15. I just tried it on Bitty, and it DOES NOT fit her! Way too small. It is for Mary Ellen. The shoes have hard soles and Bitty's shoes are usually soft soled. It looks adorable on Mary Ellen. Think about a 10 year old in the 1950's, not a 2016 10 year old.

    1. Thank you for trying it out and sharing that! I'm glad to hear it looks great on Maryellen and am looking forward to seeing how it all works out for her! ^_^

  16. Like to remind you all (as a Boomer who grew up in that era), until maybe the 1970's or 1980's, people dressed children like, well, children! Not small adults. This outfit is absolutely correct for the 1950's and 1960's. ERFFY

    1. I'm glad to hear it is accurate for the time period. My dolls don't stay in any historical period though, and I don't really have a set age for them, which is why the design is a bit too childish for my personal taste in doll clothing.
