
Sunday, August 21, 2016

All Stock Photos and Prices for Melody's Collection

As many of you have already seen, Melody's collection that will debut later this week, is already view-able on the America Girl website! I have included the link to the page at the bottom of this post. Here I have just compiled all the stock photos of the products (excluding the mini doll and books) given to us by AG into individual collages with prices for ease of quick view and reference. ^_^ These are also posted to the L&L Instagram page if that is easier for you to access. 

What is on your "to buy" list? ^_^ For me ALL the outfits and doll of course! 

Melody Doll & Book - $115

Meet Accessories - $24

Fancy Floral Dress - $34

Hairstyling Set - $22

Recording Studio - $250
Side A

Side B

Microphone Set - $38

Electric Piano - $48

Pajamas - $24

Starry Pajamas for Girls - $42

Dog, Bo - $22

Bed & Bedding - $95

Bedroom Accessories - $45

Play Outfit - $28

Table & Chairs - $85

Block Party Set - $68

Christmas Outfit - $34

Fancy Coat - $34

Travel Essentials - $48

Blue Bow Top for Girls - $32

Pleated Plaid Skort for Girls - $42

Link to Melody's Page on AG Website:


    Ahem. XD
    I want to buy the doll, her floral dress, her coat, possibly her hair styling set and possibly her accessories.

    1. Her floral dress and coat are really just stunning in design!

  2. Wow! Those are so awesome! I love just about everything! Now we're seeing all the leaked stuff! The Truly Me stuff, the holiday dresses, and Melody's stuff!

    1. Yes! I always get so excited near new release time! :D

  3. AHH! I want it all it's all so cute *grabby hands*

    1. I can't wait to see and feel the things in person! Everything is just adorable!

  4. Cute! I think her pajamas are my favorite from her collection.

    1. I love her PJs. They really stand out since they're the only pair that is dark colored, and the star print is too cute!

    2. I can't wait for PJ's either! I think besides Melody, they are my favorite of her collection.

  5. As of this time - nothing. Love Melody's stories, think her doll is just adorable, but trying to warm up to those 60s fashions. Not my favorite time period when it comes to clothing. Love the 50s, love the 70s, but the 60s leave me cold. Plus, I'd rather buy her sometime next year, to keep sales going after the new and shiny of her has worn off. I have one other collection to add before hers, so she'll probably come home late spring or summer if I can get over the clothing.

    1. I wasn't a big fan of the 60s fashions either, but I think seeing them so often on Melody has really made the outfits grow near and dear to my heart. :D Her meet dress especially is one of my favorite, just because the color is so flattering on her, and because green is not used near enough in AG world. ^_^

  6. If money were no object, I'd get everything except the bed and gold holiday dress. I think that the block party set, table & chairs, and travel 'essentials' are all nice but appear to be overpriced, though my opinion could change after seeing them in person. I love everything else!

    We bought the pre-order set which included the doll, dog, meet accessories, hairstyling set, and fancy floral dress. Most of the items will be holiday gifts for my daughter but I...ahem she...will get to open Melody on her first day of school. At the top of on our wish list are the recording studio, microphone, piano, and radio (if the rumors that it works are true). I also like her pjs, play outfit, and coat.

    1. Yes! I also heard that the piano works, which is exciting! :D I agree, the Travel Essentials and Block Part Set seem to be overpriced by my standards, considering what's included.
