
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Photos of Potential New Snowflake Outfit or PWP

This cute snowflake sweater/skirt set appeared on eBay and I am guessing it will be a new outfit for either the Truly Me line to be released later this year with the fall/winter release, or a new Purchase-with-Purchase outfit for this winter, due to it's simplicity. I have added this outfit to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases. ^_^

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:
AG seems to have a think for snowflakes this year don't they? Snowflakes and sparkles, which I suppose, kinda go hand in hand. :D There's the snowflake ballgown (you can view photos of it here) and the Wellie Wishers snowflake cape (you can view photos of it here), and now this.

It looks to me from these photos that the skirt and sweater are attached, which is disappointing if that is true. I'd like to see it as a mix and match instead of perma stuck coordinated outfit. :/ But the perma-stuck style outfits are simple, which is why I am wondering if this is a new PWP. 

You can see the pink ego tag on the bottom of the sweater, though it is difficult to make out from the blurry photo if it says "American Girl" or something completely different.

To top of the matchy-matchy look, it seems like this outfit may come with a pink, knitted beret. This outfit is not really speaking to me, even at PWP prices. I'm not a big fan of the matchy-matchy coordination, the perma-stuck skirt, and I have enough berets to last 10 lifetimes. Most likely I'll be passing this outfit up, even if it went on sale. ^_^


  1. This is super cute! I'm a sucker for sweater outfits, haha! XD

    1. I'm a fan of sweater outfits too, though they don't get much use in the south. :D

  2. It's cute, but I don't think I'll buy it.

  3. It's okay, but seriously AG permantly stuck skirt?

    1. Hahaha! It only looks that way in the photo. Hopefully it won't be actually permastuck.

  4. For anyone who wants the outfit, it is a pwp online:
    I don't know if it is in stores (I don't live close enough to one to go often enough). I liked the outfit enough to order it when I saw it online (I also got Maryellen's poodle skirt outfit, and crinoline). Online the dress comes with a beret, and scarf. I'm going to pair it with tights, and ice skates, or boots. I think its a cute winter outfit.

    1. Thanks for sharing the link! When I went to the store earlier this week, the PWP was the metallic jumper. :)
