
Saturday, August 20, 2016

Photos of Upcoming Grey Jumper for Truly Me

This strange, grey jumper skirt appeared on eBay recently for the modern Truly Me. I am assuming there is more to this outfit, or that it is part of another mix and match set. Since it wasn't part of the sneak peek AG did on Pinterest, I am assuming this will be for a later release, and not the upcoming fall/winter one. I have added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases. ^_^

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:
The dress looks like it's made from a metallic, knit fabric, and the glittery fabric matches the glittery shoes. I hope this comes with a cute undershirt to tie off the look. :) It would work as a nice back to school outfit.

I'm not sure how I feel about the zipper decoration. It has the potential to be cute, but I want to see it modeled on a doll first. Hopefully it is a working zipper because that would be really neat. It reminds me a lot of the School Jumper from 1996. 

I'm not sure if these are the actual shoes for this outfit or if the seller randomly paired them together. AG seems to be going through a glitter shoes phase for some reason, but the design of the shoes are still pretty detailed and cute. :D

Overall I think this outfit could have potential depending on what it's paired with, but I'll have to see the total outfit modeled on a doll before I decide whether I want it or not. As it is right now, it's not really speaking to me and a little plain for my taste. XD


  1. This is pretty cute! I don't like the zipper, but the shoes are gorgeous!

    1. I think the shoes are really fun, sparkles and all!

  2. Replies
    1. It'll be nice if the shoes are separate so people can mix and match!

  3. Wow Ag sure likes their sparkles :)

    1. I'm certain they recently hired a magpie as a designer. ^_~

  4. I used to have pretty much those exact shoes in human form... before I tore them up, I wore them so much. He he.

    1. I had a pair as well and I loved how comfy they were! :D

  5. I personally like the jumper, but I'm not sure about the zipper. Like you said, the outfit seems an bit....plain. I needs an little something more to spice it up! :D

    1. Yes! I want to see this paired with something that'll give it some life!

  6. In the mid 90s I actually had a pair of Sketcher shoes that looked like this jumper lol

  7. The PolkaDotPatriotAugust 20, 2016 at 6:23 PM

    American Girl already has "Sparkle Sneakers" that look like the ones shown with this outfit...

    1. Thanks for the link! I bet the seller just paired these shoes with the jumper then because he or she thought it would fit.

    2. Sure! Sparkle with sparkle always goes, right? :-)

  8. Those shoes are the best! If you want to pay $14 for doll shoes lol. I just love them though cuz they seem to match everything!

    1. I agree, they're pretty great multi purpose shoes! :)

  9. I love sparkles, but this is a little too much

    1. Hopefully the rest of the outfit will tone it down a bit!

    2. This also reminds me of the 90s a lot

  10. I actually bought this set at the AG store a while ago, it's actually the special offer outfit you get for $14 if you spend $50 or more. :) It also comes with a lavender long sleeved shirt and a shiny purple headband, and no shoes.

    1. Yes! I saw it at the store earlier this week. It's cute but I think it's not a "need to own" for me. ^_^
