
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Upcoming New 2 Piece Swimsuit for Truly Me

It seems like the Truly Me line will be receiving a new swimsuit next summer! Photos of this upcoming outfit leaked on eBay recently and I'm assuming it is for the Truly Me line due to the distinctive long oval ego tag American Girl has been using for the line. I have added it to the Master List of Leaked AG Releases. ^_^

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

Original eBay Photos:
It looks like the outfit will be a two piece swimsuit and come with plastic sandals, a headband, and tube of "sunscreen". 

You can see the opaque AG ego tag more clearly here on the bottom left side of the top piece. The colors and print are very bright and tropical, but from the leaks so far, it looks like that's the direction AG is going for next year. 

Plastic sandals

Ribbon hairband

Tube of "sunscreen." I am assuming it is all one piece of plastic and the lid does not screw off.

All together, I think it's a cute swimsuit set, and I like that it might come with something extra like the sunscreen. But I have enough swimsuits as it is, and this one is not outstanding enough for me to desperately want it in my collection. ^_^

Link to Original eBay Auction:


  1. It's super cute, but I don't personally 'love' the sandals. They look more like OG or something, not like AG. I like the print, though! Is there still nothing on GOTY 2017 besides Tenney?
    ~ Light4theLord

    1. I've been swamped with work this semester so I haven't had the time to keep on top of the rumors, but I haven't heard anything else personally.

  2. I think it will be a replacement for the Boho Beachy Swimsuit. The Boho Beachy Swimsuit will get retired next year.

    1. It would be about the right life span for an AG truly me outfit. :/

  3. I like the colors and the style but I probably won't buy until on sale.

    1. I personally like the current swim suit more, so I don't think I'll be tempted even if it goes on sale.

  4. It could be a store exclusive swimsuit and the sunscreen could be from a new accessories with a beach bag

    1. That's true enough, AG has done that in the past before.

  5. I like it! it is a bit different from what they actually do. :)

    1. Hahaha even though it's not to my taste, I'm always glad to see them try new things! ^_^
