
Monday, December 12, 2016

Stock Photos for Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela McBride

A lot of you know that over the weekend, some stock photos for next year's Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela McBride and her collection leaked and started making the rounds on social media. I wanted to wait til the source I originally saw post the leak OK'd it before I posted them here. ^_^

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases: 

Link to Girl of the Year 2017 Gabriela Information Page: 
Stock Photos for GOTY 2017 Gabriela:
Gabriela McBride Doll & Book
I don't know if it's just me and my eyes playing tricks on me, but for some reason Gabriela's hair looks more relaxed and not as "sausage" tight curled as #46's hair, which is nice because for me at least, it gives her an older girl look. ^_^

Probably Meet/Dance Practice Accessories

Tap Shoes from Tap Outfit
These appear to be the same design as the tap shoes from Molly's Miss Victory Costume, only with silver glitter and a purple bow. They most likely go with the purple sparkly leaked outfit we saw earlier this year.

Pajamas Set
I'm really glad that AG is doing stock photos of her hair in different styles and hope her other photos will show different ways to wear her hair as well. I know a lot of people are intimidated by the idea of handling her curls and I think it's great to show that Gabriela's hair is not limited in versatility just because it's textured and curly. 

Pet Cat
Okay, I'm a dog person myself, but I love the sort of derpy, silly expression this cat has. Also... all that fluff. *_* Fluff.

I'm curious to see what the other outfits she'll have in her collection are (probably a practice or performance outfit, something for everyday wear, a hairstyling set), and what her medium & big ticket items will be! I'd love to see more accessories for her poetry (books pleaaaaase AG!) and not just only her dance hobby. I'm also wondering if she'll have an "exclusive" earrings set too like Grace and Lea did, and also hopefully a movie. We haven't had any leaks/info about a movie for her so I'm worried American Girl might be trying to get away with not giving her one. :/


  1. very pretty face and like the hair in bunches --but shame she is yet another dancer --would be interested to know which mould this one is

    1. She is the Sonali mold :)

    2. Yup, Sonali mold! :) I would have loved a poet-scientist.

  2. I like the more relaxed curls look in the ponytail.

    I'm wondering how they're going to package Gabriela and not mess that ponytail up.

    1. I'm not sure, but they'll figure something out! :D I wondered the same thing for Melody's flip, but they managed it somehow.

  3. Her collection is adorable! I love that silly cat,and the dance bag that looks like a radio is super cute.

    1. Hahaha that cat has wormed it's way into my heart!

  4. Kind of feel like they are going for a more grown up look with her. I really like those tap shoes. I never got a chance to get Molly's so maybe my Molly will just have to own those.

    1. I like the idea of a more "grown up" look! :) I wonder if these tap shoes will have the weight or just be plastic?

  5. Omg she is so cute! I want to get this girl for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  6. I am a bit disappointed she's a dancer, but at least she's tap, not ballet. I'm glad she has a stutter because that's unique and I never would have thought about that! I hope she's not the last GOTY...also the cat's fluff. The adorable fluffiness is killing me. The collection is really cute. :D

    1. Yeeeesssss! The cat is really cute and fluffffy! ^_^ I wonder if it's a Maine coon?

    2. It sooo looks like a Maine Coon! It is all fluffy like a Maine Coon! I love this little kitty! C:

  7. I think she is adorable, though was hoping for a dance style not already covered by AG. But tap is a favorite, so I can't really complain, either. And that cat is great. I wonder why AG keeps pairing dancers with pet cats? Marisol had Rascal, Isabelle had Tutu, and now Gabriela will have a cat.

    1. I agree about the dance and cats. I'm not sure why they're linked in AG's mind... :D

  8. really like the meet stock photo.
    it would be great if the color of the cloth body matched the vinyl though, of all the darker skin toned dolls.

    1. That would be nice. It always looks a little off if the cloth body is several shades lighter than the vinyl. O_o

  9. Any word on a Gabriela mini doll?

  10. Loving the accesories! I hope there is a movie and mini doll, like with Lea and Grace! Well, movies with all* GOTYs after Chrissa, but still!
    *With the exeption of Lainie and Kanani*

  11. I'm...unimpressed. Seems to me like all the design effort has been going towards the Tennyson doll and they kinda forgot all about the GOTY and decided to just mash several of the past characters together into one and done and dusted.

  12. They kind of did. I went to the store. She had a very small area and it apeared that they didnt give a lot of attention to her.
