
Sunday, March 16, 2014

An Award? Gasp, the Liebster Award!

The L&L girls are stunned and excited that they have been nominated, not once, not twice, not thrice, but 4 times for the Liebster Award! Thank you to Among the Dolls, Super Inky, Snister's Flock, and Audra's Elements of Syle for the nominations! ^_^ Here are the questions they asked with my answers below. You can also see how they answered their questions by clicking the link to their blog!

From Among the Dolls:
1. How long have you collected AG dolls?
          I received my first doll, Felicity when I was in 5th grade (12-13 years ago). She was gift from a counselor who saw how much I loved the books and wanted to inspire me. Thinking back on it now she was probably also the first adult collector I met! :D I played with Felicity but had no money for any of her outfits/accessories/furniture, so then I put her away until Jan 2013 when I rediscovered her. Then the craziness began! ^_^

2. Who was your first AG doll?

3. How many AG dolls do you have?

          6 girls that are formally apart of the L&L Family that I actively play with. I also have a custom who will eventually become my first custom as Sailor Moon, and I also have a TLC Kit doll that I'm trying to wrestle the eyes from. 

4. Do you have any customs? How many?

          Just 1 so far, and she's not complete yet. :) MG with a Caroline wig, and Kit's dark blue eyes. Hopefully she'll end up being Sailor Moon by the time I'm done. :D 

5. Who's your next doll?

          Sawako Lilly (#4) was my next doll. She is the first doll I bought for myself as an adult because I wanted a steady, focused girl to go to medical school with me. She is also my first, and so far my only non historical girl. 

6. What's your favorite song?

          Currently? It's Everything is Awesome from the Lego Movie since I just watched it. ^_^

7. What's your favorite book?

          Hahahaha! I have no idea! I love love love reading so I have too many! Among them would be anything by Tamora Pierce, Eva Ibbotson, Vivian Vande Velde, Roal Dahl, and any of the Little House books. 

8. What's your favorite t.v. show?

          Sailor Moon!

9. What's your favorite movie?

          Anything by Studio Ghibli

10. What's your favorite food?

          My mom's cooking!

11. What's your favorite color?

          I love all colors, so I can't pick just one. It bounces from one to the other depending on my mood. 

From Snister's Flock:
1. If you could go back and live in AG time period, which one would you choose?
          Oooo, fun question! It depends! I think Felicity and Caroline's world would be so different and fun to experience, but Josefina and Kirsten live in such a unique setting that they would also be fun. Overall, I would have to go with Samantha. I love the clothes of that period, and I think seeing all the 20th century changes as they happen would be terribly exciting.

2. What's your favorite smell?
          A book's pages when you first open it.

3. What's your favorite summer activity?
          Swimming and eating watermelon in front of the air conditioning.

4. What homework do you wish your dog would eat?
          Hahaha, I'm in medical school so we no longer have homework, just endless studying. Of all my subjects, the one that caused me the most grief that my dog could eat is probably renal. You'd think, how hard can they be? They're small, and there are two of them. Let me tell you... THE UNIVERSE IS IN THE KIDNEYS!!! ALL OF SOLOMON'S WISDOM IS NOT ENOUGH!!!!

5. How many times have you camped outside?

6. If you could live in any kind of house, what would you choose (for the record, I'd live in a treehouse)?
          A French Chateau in the English countryside. 

7. City or country?
          I'm a city girl. :)

8. What magical skill do you wish you had?

9. Where would you travel if you could go anywhere in the world, and why?
          Back to England or Japan. I loved being there so much. If it was England I'd go back and have afternoon tea with my beloved clotted cream, and if it was Japan, I'd go and live out my onsen dream. :D

10. What would you travel by?  Mule?  Boat?  Wagon? 
          Instant teleportation!

11. If you could jump into any painting, which one would you choose, and why?
          Anything by Monet or Kincade would be so relaxing and fun to go to. 

From Super Inky:
1. What is your favorite animated movie or TV show?
          Overall I have to say Sailor Moon, just because loyalty dictates it. However, in reality, anything by Studio Ghibli is awesome. ^_^

2. What is your favorite animal?

3. Which animal are you most like?
          Bear, probably. I like to eat, and I like to sleep. When I get angry I feel the rage!!! Otherwise I'm pretty relaxed.

4. If you had the chance, would you go into space?
          Definitely! I used to dream about going into space ever since I first read Sailor Moon.

5. Would you rather go on a boat trip to Alaska or the Caribbean? 
          Alaska. I love the cold and sweating scares me. :D

6. What is your favorite holiday?
          Chinese New Year! SO much delicious food and wonderful family!

7. Do you speak any other languages? Which ones?
          Chinese, Japanese, and a little French. I can also say cow in over 30 languages.

8. Do you collect anything? If so, what do you collect?
          American Girl, Books, Sailor Moon RPG toys, Antique Japanese Kimonos, Keychains

9. What is your favorite candy? 

10. What do you like to drink when you are especially thirsty?
          Water. ^_^ I don't drink alcohol, soda, and energy drinks. I occasionally have juice or tea, but I'm a water girl.

11. What is your favorite outfit?
          For myself or my doll? For me it would be my cotton summer dress, and for my dolls, it would be any outfit that was a major player in their stories (ex. Felicity's Christmas gown, Addy's School outfit, etc.). For Sawako Lilly, it would be any outfit that looks light and airy and fluffy and lacy on her! :D

From Audra's Elements of Style:
1. If you could visit any country that you've never visited before, which one would it be?
          I'd love to visit Sweden and see the Alps for myself! (Really I just want to pretend to be Heidi.)

2. What is one thing that you're afraid of?
          The dark! I'm terrified of the dark. XD I used to make my little brother get up and turn on all the lights so I could go use the restroom at night.

3. Who are your top 3 favorite musicians right now?
          Right now I'm rather obsessed with Jason Derulo, Shinee, and Pitbull.

4. How would you feel about wearing an outfit that was made up of really bright colors and patterns, that would make people turn and look at you?
          Love it! I'm such a fan of bright colors and patterns! :D I'm not too terribly shy so it wouldn't bother me if people were looking.

5. What is your favorite kind of clothing to wear?
          Um... Summer romance? As in clothing that is really light and fun to wear, and looks cool and comfortable. ^_^

6. What is (or was) your favorite school subject?
          English! I was a literary studies major in college and I love reading of all kind!

7. What are your feelings about broccoli? Pick 3 words you'd use to describe your feelings.
          Bleh. Ugggghhh. BLARGH.

8. Would you rather spend an afternoon at a museum, at an ice-skating rink, at the seaside, or in your room with a book?
          Ooooo, tough question... I could do museum, seaside, or in my room with a book! I love history, reading, and I grew up near the ocean so any of them would work. 

9. What is your favorite place that you've ever visited?
          It's a tie between Japan and England. I love afternoon tea and clotted cream, as well as the history of England, and I love the food, shrines, and unique culture of Japan. In both countries I was treated with lots of politeness and given help.

10. If you had a time machine, when and where would you go?
          I would go to ancient Egypt and see if it's as cool and blingy as movies make it out to be. :D

11. Who is your best friend and how would you describe her/him?
          Each of my friends are special to me in their own way, so I can't really put one above the others. The main thing they all have in common that endear them to me though, is that they are very loyal to me and will look out for me. For that, I treasure them. 

Now here are 11 questions from me! Anyone who would like to is welcome to complete these questions! :) There are so many blogs I love it would be impossible to pick just a few.
1. What got you started in American Girls?
2. Your favorite American Girl furniture piece ever made?
3. Favorite activity to do with your dolls?
4. How many people know about your doll collection? What do they think of it?
5. How do you display your dolls?
6. What do you focus on in your collections? Outfits? Accessories? Food? Furniture? Beds?
7. You have a $500 gift card for American Girl. What would you get with it?
8. Did you read the books first or buy the doll first?
9. Other than the main 18" dolls, do you collect anything else from AG? Bitties? Hopscotch Hill? Angelina? Mini dolls?
10. What do you wish American Girl would make?
11. Secret collector confession?

Thank you again for the nominations! This is really fun! :D

1 comment:

  1. I (and Audra) loved reading your answers! I'm glad several other folks tagged you too, so there were more questions. :) And I totally share your feelings about sweating. I think traveling to ancient Egypt would be really awesome. I think I'd like to go WAY back, to the reign of Ramses II around 1200 BCE.

    (Robin, posting from Audra's account)
