
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sawako Lilly's New Kimono for Hina Matsuri

Every year on March 3rd is the Japanese Girl & Doll Festival Hina Matsuri. It celebrates girls and many families put up a 7 tier doll display representing characters from the imperial court. Immediately at the end of the festival the dolls must be taken down (superstition says that if the dolls are still up on March 4th, the girls will have a late marriage). :O

Here at L&L, we don't have the room/money/time to set up such an elaborate display, but Sawako Lilly did receive a gorgeous kimono for the festival. She went to take photos and show off at the Japanese garden. And yes, she immediately changed out of her kimono before March 4th because at the garden, she fell straight into the koi pond and drenched herself and her new kimono! :D Luckily neither she nor the kimono were hurt but next time Sawako Lilly will probably stay far away from the water. ^_^

About the kimono: Sawako Lilly is wearing a furisode kimono, which is worn by young, unmarried women at their coming of age ceremony and graduation. They usually wear it to their mid 20s, but recently the trend has been to wear the furisode well into the 30s as well. :) Furisodes are easily recognizable by their long sleeves and bright, vivid colors. While most kimonos are muted and subtle in color and design, furisodes are a sign that a woman is mature and of marriageable age.

Around her waist is a golden obi. Specifically a Fukuro Obi would be worn with a furisode kimono. A fukuro obi is wide and long, and a more formal obi with elaborate designs and metallic threads. The purple tie around the gold obi is called an obijime and holds the obi in place. The red spotted tie right above the obi is a scarf like piece of silk called the obiage. The scarf covers any bunches in fabric and ties slipping out above the obi. With a furisode, the obiage used is usually a silk shibori obiage. Shibori refers to a traditional Japanese tiedye method that creates the crinkled, polka dotted appearance on the fabric. It is used with very formal kimonos.

It was right after this photo was taken that Sawako Lilly toppled into the water! :D I suppose some of Lissie's habits are rubbing off on her. ^_^ Happy Hina Matsuri everyone!


  1. Wow, Sawako Lilly looks absolutely stunning in her new kimono! The colors are perfect for her, and the fabric is so fresh and spring-like. I'm glad she was okay after her pre-season swim!

    1. Thank you Robin! Coming from the fashion genius behind Audra, it has to be true! ^_^

  2. Sawako looks great! Her kimono is such a beautiful combination of colors.

    Also, I've nominated you for the prestigious Liebster Award:

    1. Wow! Thank you so much! The questions looks like a lot of fun and I can't wait to get to them! ^_^

  3. Stunning photos as always. I'm amazed by your colors, and Sawako Lilly's kimono is fabulous.

    My blog and I and all my dolls have nomininated you for the prestigious Liebster Award:

    1. Thank you so much! I always admire your photos so it means a lot to me that you like my blog and photography. :D I'm heading over now to read the questions!

  4. Oh Lilly looks so beautiful in that kimono!! What a lovely setting as well!

    I have *also* nominated you for the prestigious Liebster Award! Details on this blog:


    P.S. Do you mind if I add you to my blog roll?

    1. Hahaha! Thank you very much for the nomination! My girls and I are big fans of Inky and I'm honored she added us to her blogroll, thank you! :D

  5. I love that kimono! Did you make it or buy it? I wish that AG had not discontinued the #4 doll because I would so love to have her.

    1. Oh my, I'm so sorry for the delay in responding! I just now saw your comment. :) Sawako Lilly's kimono was made by a lady in Japan named Suzuya Endo and a gift from a friend. ^_^
