
Friday, March 18, 2016

Lissie & Lilly: Episode 23 - Attack of the Vinyl Zombies (Part 2)

Lissie & Lilly: Episode 23 - Attack of the Vinyl Zombies (Part 2)

MG: Oh Cecile, j’ai peur! I am so scared!
Cecile: Shhhh! Do not make a sound Marie-Grace, if they find us, it is all over.
MG: Regarde! Look! Are those… feet? Why are there four of them?
Cecile: Non! It cannot be!

MG: Au revoir Cecile!
Cecile: There are no times for goodbyes, we must run!
MG: Mais Cecile, I think I must be out of breath already because I am seeing double.
Cecile: It will be double the trouble if we do not get away, now come on!

Sam: We shall be safe here Lydia Charlotte.
Lydia: Yes, undead dolls never think to check the bathroom, and we will even have water when we need it.
Sam: Oh I do hope all the other girls will be safe! What if… what if we are the only ones left?
Lydia: You must not say that Samantha! Lissie wouldn’t let anything happen to us. We only have to stay strong til our Big Person returns.
Sam: Wait, did you hear that?
Lydia: Hear wha–

Sam: How could they find us? Are zombie dolls not afraid of rusty eyes? Will nothing stop them???
Lydia: No more questions! Move Samantha, or we’ll never move again!
Sam: Quick, shove them into the porcelain Charybdis and we may buy just enough time to flee!

Lissie: Alright, now here’s the battle plan Lilly. I’m going to go out in a screaming, flaming, magnificent fury and take them down. You hurry and go find our Big Person, or her giant blowtorch.
Lilly: But… our Big Person said that blowtorch is the ultimate weapon against the dangerous crème brulee! Can we really use such a dangerous thing?
Lissie: Look at our situation Lilly! We’re in a worse pickle than crème brulee! If we don’t fight with fire, then all we’ll have left are potatoes, and no one’s ever defeated the undead with satisfying starchy spuds.
Lilly: Oh be careful Lissie!
Lissie: You know I never am! Now get ready… CHARGE!!!!!

Lissie: AROOOOWOGAAAAAAA!!!! Take that you denizens of the undelicious! You pox ridden kidney stones! You inflamed papayas will never take us! Run Lilly! Run!
Lilly: No! Lissie!
Lissie: Don’t look back! Run Lilly! I can take them to Mars and back! Don’t worry about me, just go!
Lilly: Wait for me Lissie! I’ll be right back!

Lilly: Lissie! Lissie! I can’t find the blowtor- NO!

Cecile: Augh! I will fight you! There is only room for one stylish, curly haired doll in this house and it will not be a blond, pink, zombie wearing fashion from 200 years ago!

MG: Aidez-moi! Help me! Even if you destroy me your hair cannot grow as long as mine, o undead one!

Sam: Stay away! *trips* Oomph! I shall never wear sandals during a zombie attack again! Noooo!

Lydia: Ah! How dare you! Release my curls! Why don’t you pull your own, you uncurly copy?

Lissie: Come on then! I’ll take you all to Mars and back! I don’t care if there are two of you, even if there were 500 of you clones, you’ll never take me!!!!!

Lilly: No! Lissie! Samantha! Marie-Grace! Lydia Charlotte!
Lilly: Wait, stop! No! Stay back! Get back! Help! Someone, anyone, help!

Lilly: No…. stop…. Mhmmm… zombies….

Lilly: AHHHH!
Lilly: *breathes heavily* Wa–was that really just a dream? It felt so real! I guess that’s what I get for falling asleep while staring at colons and livers. Gastrointestinal pathology is bad for the psyche...

Lissie: Avast! It’s Lilly! We’ve been looking all over for you!
Lilly: Lissie! Why, what –
Lissie: Look at this giant box that was sitting outside the door! Throw that textbook out the window and let’s open this already! I want to see what glories are inside!

Sam: Sawako Lilly! What happened?
Cecile: Wake up Sawako Lilly!
Lydia: Why did she suddenly faint?
MG: This is bad Lissie!
Lissie: She must have been so overcome with excitement about the box that she fainted! Wake up Lilly! Or we’ll have to open it without you. You wouldn’t that would you?

Stop Lissie! Don't tease a doll in the midst of cramming for a giant GI exam! XD Sawako Lilly's mind is in a delicate state right now and any shock will shake all her hard studied knowledge out! >_<

This was a really fun story to make, and one I had on my mind for a while. Truth be told, I really don't do well with horror in any form because I'm a giant fraidy-cat, but I figured zombie dolls wouldn't be too bad right? :D The idea came last year when AG had one of their insane Jill's Steals and Deals sales, and I purchased one of each of the sale sets. It never really dawned on me just how massive and intimidating a shipment of 6 dolls would look til they arrived on my doorstep. 

I thought, "Jeez and doughnuts! I just doubled the L&L crew in one fell swoop! At this rate they'll all take over!" That thought, plus some good old fashioned studying stress jump started this story and gave me a well needed break! It made me laugh when I realized how many blond dolls had arrived in the shipment, because at that point, I still didn't own a single blond doll, and the Julie twins were the cherry on top. 

For this story, I also got to try out some photoshopping with Kit's eyes and mouth in the first part, and making it into an animated gif! It didn't seem so strange when I was making it, but once I put all 3 images together in the gif, even I had to confess it creeped me out a little. >_< 

We're currently studying the gastrointestinal system right now, which consists of the entire digestive system, from mouth to stool, and it has been our longest course yet, though thankfully, a very interesting course. I have one more big exam for this unit before I pass GI! *^_^*  

Thank you all for reading L&L and I hope you all have a lovely week!


  1. This is wonderful! Ever since I discovered your blog, I keep checking for more!

  2. So funny! I love your episodes! I hope school is going well for you :)

    1. I'm so glad you enjoy the episodes! :D School is chugging along but I'll get through! ^_^

  3. I was so excited to see this pop up on my feed! Lissie's brave attack was my favorite. : )

    1. Hahaha! Nothing less from Lissie! Thank you! :)

    2. We'd all be so disappointed in her if it didn't happen.

  4. Yes! We've been waiting on tenterhooks for the second installment and when I saw this on my feed, I was just like, YES! :)


    1. I'm so happy to hear that! :D Thank you very much!

  5. Replies
    1. Hahahaha! I would hope they've learned their lesson... but knowing Lissie, probably not. :D

  6. LOL! Poor Lily! At least it turned out to be just a dream. I'm not a horror fan, either, but this was pretty funny. Nothing like a zombie apocalypse to relieve stress! Right now, after their dolly mommy just saw "The Force Awakens" and got into Star Wars again, all my girls have been playing "Intergalactic Space Opera." And Lissie is ALWAYS the space pirate. (Except when he gets frozen.) ;)

    1. That sounds like so much fun! Star Wars + dolls can lead to lots of crazy action. :D

  7. I eagerly awaited Part 2 of the Attack of the Vinyl Zombies, and you didn't disappoint! I laughed all through Part 1 and Part 2. What a great story! You have a about another sometime? Good luck on your test.

    1. That's so kind of you! Thank you very much for your words and good wishes. ^_^

  8. How funny! Vinyl Zombies are always the best, huh? :P Good luck on your test!

  9. Oh this is too good!!! Good luck to you and Lilly on your tests!

  10. "There is only room for one stylish, curly haired doll in this house and it will not be a blond, pink, zombie wearing fashion from 200 years ago!"

    BEST LINE EVER! My son was reading over my shoulder (through both episodes) and we were both laughing.

    1. Hahahaha! That's my favorite line too! :D I'm so tickled to hear you and your son both enjoyed the zombie attack. ^_^

    2. I loved it as well. My mom now thinks that Kit looks like Hillary Clinton.
      Vote for her, she has her own doll!(LOL just kidding)

  11. So much fun! If only my own stressful studying had yielded gold like this!

    1. Stressful studying sometimes yields good and sometimes yields.... XD Thank you!

  12. Very good episode! You never disappoint me! And good luck on your test!
    -Nova <3

  13. Such a fun story! I really enjoyed it, thank you!

  14. Hey, Lilly, you finally thought of a good L&L introduction for your backlog of dolls!

    1. Hahahaha! These dolls are not part of the closet girls. ^_^ I've already given away/sold the zombie girls off. I just couldn't bond with them.

  15. This was so much fun! I love the last picture and how the dolls form a Star-shape. Lissie never fails to make me laugh.

    1. Thank you! I'm so glad you had fun reading this! :D

  16. Hi, how old are the dolls? Just wondering
