
Thursday, December 15, 2016

Book Covers for 1774 Felicity's Beforever Reprint Released

Yesterday, Scoop Fairy Jenny shared on AGC the new book covers for the Beforever reprinting of the soon to come back 1774 character Felicity Merriman from the American Girl publishing website! We knew this spunky girl was coming back a few months ago when we first saw the book listings on Amazon. Felicity's original 6 books will be reprint in the standard 2 book Beforever format, with an additional 3rd "Choose your own adventure" journey book. I have updated the Master list of Leaked AG Releases with these covers.

Link to Master List of Leaked AG Releases:

*Regarding the Felicity Doll: Rumors say her release date will be February 9th, 2017. She will only be available online, and at the 3 flagship stores (NYC, LA, & Chicago).* 

Book 1 - Love & Loyalty:
Title: Love and Loyalty (book 1)
Author: Valerie Tripp
Price: $9.99 USD
Publish Date: Feb. 9th, 2017
Summary: Felicity loves riding horses far more than stitchery or serving tea. When she falls in love with a beautiful chestnut mare, she schemes to save the mare from its cruel owner with the help of Ben, her father’s young apprentice. Yet as talk of revolution rumbles around her, Felicity finds it harder to tell right from wrong. Ben wants war, while her best friend Elizabeth’s family remains loyal to the king. Then Felicity receives an invitation to the Governor’s Palace—and she must decide where her own loyalties lie. In Love and Loyalty, the first volume of her classic stories, Felicity finds out what independence really means as the American colonies begin their fight for freedom.

Book 2 - A Stand for Independence:
Title: A Stand for Independence (book 2)
Author: Valerie Tripp
Price: $9.99 USD
Publish Date: Feb. 9th, 2017
Summary: When Felicity overhears a plot against the colonists, no one believes her but Ben, her father’s apprentice. The two risk great danger to warn the colonists themselves and soon afterward, Felicity finds a secret note from Ben. He has run away to join George Washington’s army, and he is injured. Felicity is worried about him but knows it would be wrong to help a runaway apprentice. Then she is turned away from the door of her best friend, Elizabeth. Will the war for independence come between Felicity and her friends? A Stand for Independence, the second volume of Felicity’s classic stories, tells how she finds the strength to follow her heart during the Revolutionary War.

Journey Book - Gunpowder and Tea Cakes:
Title: Gunpowder and Tea Cakes (Journey Book)
Author: Kathleen Ernst
Price: $9.99 USD
Publish Date: Feb. 9th, 2017
Summary: “My name is Felicity Merriman,” says a girl her age. Instead of shorts or jeans, she’s wearing a long blue gown. “Have you just arrived in the city?” She must be one of the junior interpreters, she thinks. She’s really good, like an actor. She decides to play along. “It seems so.” Felicity nods. “Many have arrived since the royal governor schemed to steal the colonists’ gunpowder in the dark of night. Patriots have been streaming into Williamsburg like a river in flood!” What if a girl suddenly found herself in Felicity’s world during the American Revolution? Together, she and Felicity could hang out at her father’s store, sip tea at the Governor’s Place—or get caught up in a gunpowder plot! As she reads, she decides what happens next by choosing her own path through this multiple-ending story.

Felicity 3 Book Boxed Set:
Title: Beforever 2017 3 Book Set
Author: Valerie Tripp & Kathleen Ernst
Illustrator: Juliana Kolesova
Price: $29.95 USD
Publish Date: Feb. 9th, 2017
Summary: Girls can enjoy adventures with Felicity Merriman in this three-book boxed set. They’ll journey to the American colonies where talks of revolution rumble, and the war for independence looms close to heart and home. Plots, balls, and midnight rides all come together in a story that shows how important it is to follow your heart. Then, they’ll travel back in time to meet Felicity in an exciting story that lets them choose what happens next!


  1. That is so cool! Her books sound interesting :)

    1. If you haven't read her books before, I highly recommend it! ^_^

  2. Oooooh I love how the blue gown is her meet dress!

  3. We grabbed Elizabeth before they were retired and I still believe she is the prettiest AG girl! We may have to get her best friend for her!

  4. The covers are so pretty! it also looks like AG will reintroduce her riding outfit!

  5. I'm so excited they are bringing back Felicity! She is my favorite retired AG doll :D

    ~Lydia~ <3

  6. Felicity is my fav doll. I am so glad they are bringing her back. I can't wait to see her new collection.

  7. I sure hope the book covers are indicative of some of her collection, I so want the riding outfit!!!!

  8. Did you see that Tenney's full photo leaked?

  9. LILLY!!!!!!!! HAVE YOU BEEN UNDER A ROCK? Logan's full photo, new BF stuff, Felicity's stock photo, Tenney's entire collection, and a lot more has leaked!

  10. may I share this on my blog please!

  11. How are you doing? We all miss you! 😄❤️

    1. yes! hope to see you soon, Lilly, I'm sure everyone else feels the same!
