
Friday, July 17, 2015

Maryellen Doll, Outfits, Meet Accessories, & Mini Doll

We've all been curious about what the newest 1950s historical BeForever character would look like ever since we first saw the leaked prototype images over a year ago, and with each new leak, Maryellen's look became more certain. She will formally be released on the rumored date of Aug. 27th, since that is when her books will be released. 

AGPT member sparkles29 shared that a leaked photo of the Maryellen full sized doll was on TaoBao and kindly gave us permission to share the news. :)

Karenk on AGPT has very graciously taken photos of the Red Skating and School Outfits on her #33 Charlotte doll and shared the images with us to post. Please do not repost the images without her permission.

In case you're curious to see how she has evolved, here are the prototype images that were leaked last year:

Additionally, there have been a bevy of leaks via eBay & TaoBao for various outfits in MaryEllen's collection. They are compiled below.

Meet Dress:

Cherry Outfit from Cover of Maryellen's Second Book:

Obligatory Poodle Skirt:
*Sailormolly shared photos of the prototype of the blouse top from this outfit mix and matched with different pieces here:

School Dress:

On Doll:

Ice Skating Outfit:

On Doll:

Pieces of Meet Accessories?:
(I believe the gloves, pearl bracelet, headband, and the red & blue star hair ties might be pieces from her meet accessories set, or her hairstyling set, but this is just a guess.)
*A fellow AG collector informed me the star hair ties are from the Bitty line, and the red headband is more likely for the 2015 Holiday Outfit since the pattern of the jewels match up. The watch may be for the GotY 2016, Lea Clark since the colors seem similar to her meet outfit. Thank you!

And finally, last but not least, although we have already seen the stock photo for the mini doll, we have actual pictures of the Maryellen Mini Doll as well, also leaked on eBay and Taobao! 

Maryellen Mini Doll:

Maryellen 30th Anniversary Mini Doll:
(Potentially dressed in a Christmas dress or Bridesmaid dress. I'm guessing bridesmaid since the green doesn't really seem like Christmas green.)
*You can see photos of the other 30th Anniversary Mini Dolls here:

That's all I have for now. ^_^ I feel like we've basically seen nearly all of Maryellen's wardrobe through the leaks, but I am still super curious and excited to see what accessories and furniture pieces she'll receive. It won't be long now til Aug. 27th!


  1. Hi Lily!!! Just wanna say your blog is boss and I totally recommend it for up-to-date AG news!

    Shall work on an official button on Paint in the near future.

    1. That's so nice of you to say, thank you! ^_^ I'm glad you enjoy the blog.

  2. I love your blog! Maryellen is super adorable. My favorite is the cherry outfit, so cute! Anyway, I was wondering what color her eyes are. Are they a dark green? Do you think she looks too similar to Truly Me number 33? Thanks again for the udates!!

    1. When you zoom in on her eyes they seem hazel but so far the official word from AG is that they are "warm brown." So maybe they are brown, maybe it was a typo and they are hazel, or maybe it is a new eye color all together (brown/green). She wouldn't look too much like number 33 because MaryEllen has side bangs and her eyes aren't blue, her hair might not be as curly either :)

    2. Thank you for the kind words! I think she will have the dark green eyes, since that is the color her mini doll has. I believe the "warm brown" on the mini doll description is a typo. It would be neat though if she has a completely new eye color. :D

  3. As always, you are AWESOME for doing these kinds of updates! Love having all of the Maryellen leaks in one place.

    When I first saw the mini doll, and even the first time I saw the 18" doll, I thought her eyes would be dark green. Now, however, when I take a closer look at the 18" doll's eyes, I think I see hazel eyes instead Dx. (The prototype really looks like she had hazel eyes too.) I think I'm bothered more by the overuse of hazel eyes than of the classic mold lol. I've really warmed up to Maryellen, and I still want her a lot, but she'll have to have an eyeswap if she comes here. If she has dark green eyes, they'll stay, because I'd be very happy that they're using them again since they're rare, but really I think I'd like her with amber or decal brown eyes even better. So if she does have hazel eyes, those are what I'm debating between eyeswapping her to :)

    I really love the pearl necklace and little gloves with the tiny bows, though. I hope those are a part of her meet accessories. The star ponytail holders, however, I believe are a part of the Bitty Twin hairstyling set.

    I seriously love all of her outfits so far. Even the sock hop outfit is incredibly elegant!

    1. I'm so glad you find the posts helpful! Thank you for the kind comments. ^_^

      I really hope she doesn't have hazel eyes since it seems like so many dolls have them now. :/ My personal guess is still the dark green eyes though a little part of me is still holding out hope for a new eye color. :D

      Someone also mentioned that the star ponytail holders are from Bitty so I have gone through and edited the post to reflect that. Thank you for pointing that out to me!

    2. No problem! I'm glad to help out when I can. It does look like something the 18" girls could also have, huh? Even if it only held a small amount of hair for mini-ponies, it would be pretty cute.

    3. It does! I guess I need to work on my 50s hair accessories knowledge. :D

  4. Damn, I prefer the prototype to the actual doll. If Maryellen had kept the bangs she has in the second photo with the flower-pattern dress, she would have definitely come home with me. Now I'm just meh.

    1. I'm sure the bangs have just been pushed up from the doll moving around in the box some. They probably look better after you brush them down a little :) Remember how "meh" many were on the bangs of the Grace doll in her first leaked picture until we started seeing the stock photos and other dolls with their bangs looking more neat?

    2. I'm generally iffy on bangs in general since I struggle with styling them. XD But I also sort of wish Maryellen had the straight across bangs mainly because I don't need any more dolls with bangs and really don't need any more dolls period. :D

    3. I meant the one where she doesn't really have bangs, just a curl on one side. There's no way the doll in the box has that hairstyle - there's too much hair on her face.

    4. Oh I see what you mean! Hopefully, they won't look so puffy when you get the doll out of the box... XD

  5. The shoes sold with that eBay outfit are from the coconut outfit with the peach colored skirt.

    1. Yup, many of the leaked sets are a mish mash of things.

  6. My #58 Whitney, who gets the mid-20th Century clothing, is already poking me and pointing at Maryellen's wardrobe, saying "I want that." I know she's already earmarked the purple school dress, the blue sundress with the peach head scarf, the meet outfit sundress and shrug, and the cherry capris outfit. I already have a hand-made poodle skirt outfit from eBay...but that one does come with a shorter-sleeved shirt, and she could share the saddle shoes with Molly... ;)

    1. Hahaha Whitney is going to be one styling 50s doll with that wardrobe! I did want to point out that the blue checked sundress with the orange headscarf is a prototype of the purple checked dress and I don't think it will be made separately.

    2. Rats - I really like that one. Good thing the purple one is cute too and will probably look pretty on both Whitney and Molly! :)

  7. I do like her, but I would've ;liked her more if she would have had the original bangs seen in the prototyped dolls.

    1. I personally prefer the side swept bangs myself, but there seems to be a pretty even split between people who like the straight across bangs vs the side swept bangs. :)

  8. Thanks for all your awesome updates! I think I'm liking her more now that I'm seeing the big doll, and a lot of her clothes are cute!


    1. I feel the same way! The big doll is surprisingly cute for me, and her wardrobe is really adorable!

  9. Thanks for some great photos! Very interesting to read. Patricia:

  10. I love the doll and hope to get her but I don't like very many of her outfits...

    1. I'm the opposite, I don't think I'll be getting the doll, but I definitely want all her outfits. :D

  11. Thanks so much!! LilyMaiden I appreciate your hardwork getting eveything complied for our viewing pleasure. I can see some of Maryellen's wardobe coming to my house.

    1. Thank you for the kind words! I'm in love with Maryellen's wardrobe too. ^_^

  12. Love it all, love everything Maryellen, but I wish the outfits from the prototypes were for real, especially the blue, white, & orange dress

    1. I do too, I thought that one was so unique and pretty, and I'm disappointed they changed it, though the purple version is cute as well. :)

  13. Great Post! I'm actually really looking forward to the Ice Skating outfit! One of my aunt's childhood dolls has a very similar dress and I've always loved it. Thanks for sharing all these awesome photos! n.n

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment! I'm glad you enjoyed seeing the photos and found the post helpful. ^_^

  14. I love Maryellen and I would totally want to get her, but I already have a doll with red hair.... UGH! what to do....

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  16. I love MaryEllen! She reminds me so much of my grandma, who is from the 50's, and her collection is simply ADORABLE!! :) And by the way, I love your blog! You do a great job at what you do :D

    1. Thank you very much! ^_^ Perhaps your grandma needs a Maryellen doll of her own?
