
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Maryellen Collection & Prices

Maryellen and her collection have already been released at the newest AG store in Scottsdale, AZ last week but will be released at the other stores and online this Thursday, Aug. 27th. To help people in planning their purchases, here are the pieces of her collection along with the prices. 

Photos of Maryellen's debut at Scottsdale Store: 

Maryellen Doll + Book 1 - $115

Meet Accessories - $24

School Outfit - $32

Play Outfit - $28

Ice Skating Outfit - $36

Ice Skating Accessories - $24

Birthday Outfit - $34

Poodle Skirt - $36
Pajamas - $24

Crinoline - $16

Hairstyling Set - $20

Dog, Scooter - $24

Classroom Set - $40

Living Room Set - $58 

Jukebox - $90

TV and Record Cabinet - $85

Sofa Bed - $150

Seaside Diner - $275

Maryellen Meet Dress for Girls - $52

Maryellen Meet Cardigan for Girls - $32

Maryellen Poodle Dress for Girls - $52

Maryellen Pajamas for Girls - $42


  1. Everything seems adorable! Thanks for the information. :)

    1. Happy to help! I agree, her collection is really cute, though it's mainly her outfits that attract me. :D

  2. Thanks for these prices and pics!! I cannot wait to get some of these items! :) I like her meet outfit but I'm not sure about the shoes, they seem a bit out of place to me. Thanks anyway!! :)

    1. I love her outfits overall, though I am wondering why there aren't socks with her meet shoes.

    2. i don't remember wearing socks with sandal type shoes in the fifties.

    3. They look closer to mary janes than sandals to me.

  3. I love fifties style, but Maryellen's clothing collection isn't really doing it for me. I preferred the leaked version of her meet, when it was just the pink and white stripes. Love her dog, though :)

    1. I really liked her prototype blue gingham dress too, though the school outfit is really cute. :) But I have to agree, her dog Scooter is so cute with his sagging belly and baleful expression. ^_^
