
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Maryellen's Debut at Scottsdale, AZ Store Photos

The newest American Girl Store in Scottsdale, AZ debuted Maryellen Larkin and her collection today, one week ahead of the rest of the stores as part of their grand opening celebration. The rest of the stores and the AG website will officially debut Maryellen on Aug. 27th.

I received several photos of Maryellen's collection from Thumbptak to share on the blog. The Scottsdale store also has the new winter releases for the Truly Me line and those photos are posted here:

*Please do not use these images without written permission.

*To enlarge photo, right click and select "Open in New Window" or "Open in New Tab".

Maryellen Doll & Meet Accessories:
Maryellen Doll & Book - $115
Meet Accessories - $24

Her eyes are hazel.

Display Case for Maryellen:

Maryellen's School Set & Outfit:
School Outfit - $32
Classroom Set - $40

Maryellen's Birthday Dress:
Birthday Dress - $34

Maryellen's Poodle Skirt Outfit & Seaside Diner:
Poodle Skirt - $36
Seaside Diner - $275

Maryellen's Pajamas, Sofa Bed, & TV Console:
Pajamas - $24
Sofa Bed - $150
TV Console - $85

Dog Scooter - $24
Hairstyling Set - $20



  1. At first I said, absolutely no way I was getting another doll, but ME is growing on me. Her school and holiday outfits are beautiful. I guess now that I see her with her hair down, she is so much cuter.

    1. I actually prefer her hair up in the high ponytail myself, but I agree her outfits are really lovely! :)

  2. She's cute but there's no way I'm buying another doll with hazel eyes. Thanks for posting the pictures!

    1. Hahaha! That's my feeling too. Her looks aren't unique enough for me to want to add her to my collection.

  3. Thank you for sharing! American girl responded to a facebook question about her eyes and they are saying that they are brown. It is hard to tell from the photos. They look very dark to me. I have seen catalogue photos and they look more green than brown. What do you think? Will you be getting her? Love your blog!

    1. I was told by a sales associate at the Scottsdale store that they are hazel. Weird. --Thumbptak

    2. They are definitely hazel...I think they are same color as Rebecca's current eyes (I looked at them side by side), but Maryellen's hair color makes them appear slightly different in person.

    3. I have Maryellen now and her eyes are a grey/green combination. At first I was bummed because I thought they looked too green, but luckily they have he grey on them to counteract this. And her hair is not one solid color - it is a variegated mixture of a light red with blonde; very appealing. But I am not ready to take it down yet - I love it as is ^_^!

    4. The eyes are definitely hazel, but hazel can look different to many people since it has elements of both brown and green in it. :)

  4. Do you think it'll be worth it to go to the grand opening event? I saw that there is a free gift while supplies last, but I just wonder if it'll be too much of a hassle. It's a two day event, Saturday and Sunday. Do you think they'd run out before Sunday? We don't plan on buying anything yet, but we want to see the store!

    1. I thought the event started on Thursday the 28th and would continue through the weekend. Fridayay be a good day to go. - Niki

    2. I hadn't heard that. Maybe I'll swing by tomorrow. My girls are in school though, so it wouldn't help much.

    3. Oh, sorry! I misread your comment! I thought you were talking about the Maryellen debut event, not the Grand Opening event for Arizona. The Maryellen events at the other stores are starting next Thursday. You could always ask what the giveaways are to determine if you want to go over the weekend. - Niki

    4. I like to go to the grand opening events and take photos and play with the new releases, but it's up to each person if it's something that would be worth the time or not. :) I love free gifts even if they're usually not that terribly exciting.

  5. *Friday may �� - Niki

  6. I love Maryellen's Schooldress! I also really like ME's TV. That seems cute.
    I kind of think this new collection is way too expensive. Her diner looks just like the Target one, and is almost another $200! The futon is also kind of over priced too. But is that supposed to be her bed or something???

    1. The diner is at least 2x larger that the OG one, maybe 3x, because a child can play behind it. This surprised me when I saw it in person at the AZ store Friday. But I do agree with you - even though the sofabed has box springs details when it folds out - it is still way too much! But Looking at the price list, I thought AG did a good job listening to their consumers and tried to bring many of ME set prices down as a whole. So, maybe we are getting somewhere with Mattel ^_^!

    2. The diner is amazing and such good quality! I think I'm going to sell the OG one I have hiding and get Maryellen's for Christmas. My girls loved it at the store!!!!

    3. Thanks for the size comparison Shosy G! I didn't realize Maryellen's diner was so large!

  7. I won't be getting Maryellen, but my mid-20th-century #58 Whitney has already been poking and prodding for Maryellen's sundress, accessories, school dress, ice skating outfit (she won't have to borrow Molly's anymore), and poodle skirt. I'm almost tempted to pick up Scooter as well - he's too cute. No furniture or accessories, even though I think they're cool. We don't have the money or the room.

    1. Scooter is cute - he lives with Maryellen and me now - since Friday ^_^. And dachshunds are hard to find, so he is worth it for your Whitney - along with some of the other great items you mentioned. I really love her accessories; the gloves are adorable. Take care ^_^

    2. Hahahaha! I love the outfits as well and those are definitely going on my want list. :D Scooter is cute but I'll have to see how I feel about him in person.

  8. I don't know why but she so much like isabelle but I love Mary Ellen and I have izzy oh who am I kidding I am going to get Mary Ellen :)

  9. Why Isnt Maryellens colletion online yet?

    1. It doesn't come out until Thursday. The Scottsdale store had it early.

    2. It states in the post the collection will be released on the 27th.

  10. I can see that, both of them are light vinyl, classic mold dolls with hazel eyes, same-ish length hair, and no freckles. Doesn't mean you can't get Maryellen though!

  11. Oh my gosh. I love Maryellen. She is so cute, and I love her time period!! I can't wait to see her collection on the website.

    1. She is a cute doll, though I don't really feel the need to add her to my collection. :) I love her outfits though! They're really adorable. :D
