
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Summer Postcard Exchange Designs

This summer, L&L hosted our first ever Summer Postcard Exchange! The idea was that dolls (doll collectors) around the country and around the world would send in postcard designs and we would then print them out and send all the participants a doll sized postcard from each person. 

We were surprised and thrilled that we had 26 people join in and 30 postcard designs to send back to everyone! It was a lot of work learning how to resize, reformat, and print out the postcards but the end result was worth it and so much fun. If time allows, we'll definitely try to host another one next summer as well. ^_^ 

Here are the 30 designs for the postcards for everyone to see:

Postcard 1

Postcard 2

Postcard 3

Postcard 4

Postcard 5

Postcard 6

Postcard 7

Postcard 8

Postcard 9

Postcard 10

Postcard 11

Postcard 12

Postcard 13

Postcard 14

Postcard 15

Postcard 16

Postcard 17

Postcard 18

Postcard 19

Postcard 20

Postcard 21

Postcard 22

Postcard 23

Postcard 24

Postcard 25

Postcard 26

Postcard 27

Postcard 28

Postcard 29

Postcard 30

This was such a fun event! Thank you to everyone who was able to participate this year! We hope you'll be able to join us next summer!


  1. Wow these postcards are so awesome :) I'm so happy to see that 2 of them are from New Zealand!!! That's so cool! I'm from NZ and I didn't know of any other collectors! I hope to join in next year :D

    1. I hope you and your dolls will join in next year too! ^_^ It's always so neat to see the postcards everyone from around the world sends in.

  2. Wish I could have joined it, but it's fun to see everyone's postcards!

  3. Thank you for sharing them all here. These are fantastic! Such a diverse and creative group. I hope you do this again. I'll definitely participate.

    1. I hope you and your dolls do join us next summer! :D

  4. Yay!! I'm so happy to see them all posted. I'm definitely doing this next year.

  5. These are great! We had meant to do one of our home town in England before we came to Florida for the summer. Time got away from us :( Really want to join in next year... or maybe at Christmas?? Christmas cards would be cute!

    1. Unfortunately, due to lack of time I won't be able to host another one until next summer, but I hope you'll be able to join in then! ^_^
