
Sunday, November 8, 2015

Simplicity Patterns on Sale at Jo-Ann for $1

For all seamstresses and aspiring needle wielders, Jo-Ann is currently having a pattern sale, which includes 5 Simplicity patterns for $5. The sale will run for a week from Nov. 8th - Nov. 14th according to the Jo-Ann weekly newsletter. You can view it for your local store on the Jo-Ann's website by entering your zip code. From what I recall in previous sales, the limit is usually 10 patterns at this discount.

Simplicity offers a wide array of patterns for AG scale dolls, many designed by talented seamstresses on Etsy who sew specifically for AG dolls such as Cupcake Cutie Pie and Keepers Dolly Duds (both which we had the good fortune of interviewing for the Etsy Features), as well as Disney princess themed patterns, patterns for the Bitty line (Baby & Twins), matching Girl & Doll outfits and accessories, and most recently, AG brand patterns as well.

I have gone through the Simplicity website and listed the patterns currently in production that are scaled for AG dolls, so people can make and plan their purchases. ^_^ Please note that selection varies from store to store, so you may find older patterns that are no longer in production as your local store, or patterns posted here that are either out of stock, or not yet carried at your local Jo-Ann location.

*Note: I can't tell if some of these are specifically scaled for the cloth body AG dolls, or for the thinner bodied 18 inch dolls like Madame Alexander, and I am not familiar with the Bitty lines, so if I make an error, please let me know so I can fix it. Thank you!

Quick List (only pattern numbers)
American Girl Brand:

Disney Brand:
-1028 (also matching girl & doll)

Cupcake Cutie Pie: 

Keepers Dolly Duds:

Elaine Heigl Designs:

Designed by Teri:

Button & Bow Boutique:

Precious Patterns:

Matching Girl & Doll Patterns:
-1028 (also Disney)
-1348 (Ruby Jean's Closet)
-1379 (Modkid Studio)
-1514 (Elaine Heigl Designs)
-1554 (Momomadeit)
-1793 (Sarah Rose)

Bitty/Baby Doll:
-1937 (Precious Patterns)
-1952 (Carla Reiss)
-4707 (Designed by Teri)

-1087 (Joan Dickhaut)
-1134 (Drake Ferris)
-1244 (The Dollies' Dressmaker)
-1296 (Pink Balloon)
-1392 (Joan Dickhaut)
-1513 (Carla Reiss)
-3936 (Andrea Schewe)
-4347 (Wrights)

Full List (with images of each pattern)
*I personally took the time to screenshot each of these images from the Simplicity website. Please refrain from copying/reposting these and visit the Simplicity website (link at bottom of post) for the images.*

American Girl Brand:

Disney Brand:

Cupcake Cutie Pie: 

Keepers Dolly Duds:

Elaine Heigl Designs:

Designed by Teri:

Button & Bow Boutique:

Precious Patterns:

Matching Girl & Doll Patterns:

Bitty/Baby Doll:


Have fun making your pattern list seamstresses and soon to be seamstresses! ^_^ This list was compiled from the list of currently available patterns on the Simplicity website, categorized under Doll Dresses. 

Link to Simplicity website:


  1. I love the AG Brand patterns! And the fifties style dresses. They are both so cool. :)


    1. They really are! I hope AG continues to make patterns. I would love to see them release historical patterns again. ^_^

  2. Thanks so much for all the hard work that went into this post!

  3. Has anyone ever told you how awesome you are? Oh my gosh, this must have taken you hours! Thank you so, so much!

    1. Thank you very much! ^_^ It did take a long time, but I was trying to decide which patterns I already had and which ones I still needed, so I figured others would probably be doing the same and how helpful a complete list would be. :)

  4. Wow, I really love all these patterns! Thanks for all the work you did for this post! :)

    1. I'm so glad to hear it is helpful and you enjoyed looking at the patterns! ^_^

  5. This is great!!! Thanks so much for taking the time to do this!!!

    1. I'm happy to hear the list is helpful for people! :)

  6. wow this is awsome! thanks

    1. You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed looking through the list!

  7. I loved this post!!!!!! So much work!!! Thank you so very much!! Sharon

    1. Thank you for stopping by and letting me know you enjoyed it! :)

  8. If only I could sew.... *sigh*
    Hannah M.

  9. Thank you so much! This was absolutely the nicest short cut.

    1. I'm so glad to hear it saved you some time and was helpful! ^_^

  10. Cindy Hernandez (Simplicity 1244, under "Uncategorized") has a website for her historical doll clothes. It is

    1. Thank you for the information! I really love the designs from her pattern and I am really hoping there will be more from her soon. ^_^
