
Monday, November 9, 2015

Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Explorer/Hiking Outfit on Doll

One of our readers was able to purchase the leaked Explorer/Hiking Outfit (this is what I call it, not the official name) for next year’s Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark. She kindly took several photos of the outfit modeled on her Truly Me #49 doll, and sent us the photos to share here. Since Truly Me #49 has medium vinyl and light eyes, she is a close fit in these regards to what the leaked mini doll suggests the full sized Lea Clark doll will look like.

*Please do not repost/copy/claim these images without written permission.*

Original eBay Photo:

Collector’s Photos of Outfit on Doll:
The outfit comes with a butterfly tee, dark green capri pants, hiking shoes, and yellow hair band.

The outfit does have the Lea Clark ego tag on the butt of the pants, similar to the ego tag on Lea's Pink/Yellow Tunic Outfit so I am almost certain this is for GOTY 2016.

Close up of butterfly graphic on shirt. I love the watercolor look of this graphic. It is printed onto the fabric and not a decal.

The pants have a functional green belt.

The pockets are also working pockets, though anything you put in will be a tight fit.

Close up of the shoes. I wish hey had laces to tie, but I do realize this is easier for little hands to slip on and off. :) 

Close up of the headband. The knot bow is stitched into place and cannot be undone. It is exactly like Grace's ribbon from her Baking Outfit, only in yellow.

I really like this outfit. I knew I wanted it from the moment I first saw the leaked images. It is such a good balance of bright and neutral colors with the bright shoes and dark green pants. Plus, I have a soft spot for butterflies. ^_^ The rest of Lea's outfits seem to me more casual, vacation style outfits, but this one seems very practical and perfect for a girl who will be hiking through forests and getting into scraps. 
For me this is in the "definitely will buy" category. :D

All info/leaks on GotY 2016 Lea Clark to date:
Link to eBay Photos of GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Plush Sloth:

Stock Photos for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark's Mix and Match Swimsuit & Beach Accessories:

Link to Book 2 Cover Illustration and Back Cover Summary for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Details from Mini Doll Book for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Complete Collection List for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark with Prices:

Link to Full Sized GOTY 2016 Stock Photo:

Link to Book Cover for GOTY 2016's First Book - Lea Dives In:

Link to Photos of 2-in1 Swimsuit for GOTY 2016 Lea Clark on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photoshop Images of Potential Looks for Full Sized GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Doll:

Link to Comparison Photos of Lea Mini Doll with other Mini Dolls:

Link to GOTY 2016 Lea Clark Complete Leaked Wardrobe Group Photos:

Link to Full Cast List Photos of Actresses and Actors for GOTY 2016 Movie:

Link to Potential 2-in-1 Swimsuit Set for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of Tropical Romper Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline dolls:

Link to Photos of Pink/Yellow Tunic Top Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Photos of Purple Tie Dye Outfit Modeled on Kanani & Caroline Dolls:

Link to Explorer/Hiking Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Photos of  Fancy Occasion Dress on Kanani doll:

Link to Purple Dress & Messenger Bag for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Shorts, Top, & Sandals Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Fancy Occasion Dress for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Tropical Romper Outfit for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to Potential Pajamas for GotY 2016 Lea Clark:

Link to GotY 2016's Book Summaries:

Link to Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark's Meet Outfit & Mini Doll Images:

Link to Meet Outfit Details Modeled on Various Dolls:

Link to Casting Call Audition Script for 2016 GotY Lea Clark's Movie:


  1. That is a really cute outfit! :D

  2. Wow! I think this is my favorite of all the leaked outfits. I'm big on butterflies, and I love the soft, watercolor look of this one! My thanks to the reader for sharing (and thanks to Lissie and Lilly for posting!).

    1. Yes! You just listed my favorite parts of the outfit too! ^_^

  3. This outfit is awesome! Finally, AG... you've made something that actually has other colors in it besides pink and blue!! ;)


    1. Hahaha yes! I love pink and blue, but I also love green and yellow and I am so glad AG is finally using these colors again in full force for Lea's collection. :D

  4. I love this outfit, not happy about the doll it'll be on, but love the outfit.

    1. I am really hoping that Lea will still have the medium vinyl. I was very disappointed by AG's casting decision even though I think the actress herself is talented.

  5. love it! i am definitely going to get it! also i was wondering if you think we will have any pics lea soon? btw i finally made the goty 2016 vid

    1. I think you made a great video! It's very thorough in showing her collection so far. However, I would like to ask if you could please remove the two images at 0:09 seconds and 0:12 seconds as both those images are from my reader who has asked for them to be only shared on this blog. I would appreciate if you could take them out and reupload the video without them. Thank you!

      I am not expecting any leaks on the Lea doll til at least the end of the month, most likely in December, just because I think AG is getting better at cracking down on doll leaks. :/ I can't wait to see what she looks like!

    2. ooh sorry about some of the pics i did not know they were your pics i will take those pics out

    3. Thank you for your understanding and courtesy! I saw you uploaded a second video without the images. (Why no music this time? I thought the song was very cute. ^_^) Could you please take down the first one with the images in it? Thank you!

    4. lol i forgot about the music but i just added it back and i took down the vid and sorry again by taking your pics i did not know they were yours it was a accident

    5. Thank you for marking the video private! I'm glad you were able to add the music back in. :)

  6. I like this outfit! You were right that it is for Lea! I thought it might be for the Truly Me line. I can't wait to see what full size Lea looks like too!

    1. Even if it is a part of Lea's collection, there's no reason why your Truly Me dolls can't wear it too! ^_^ I think this is an outfit that would look wonderful on many dolls!

  7. I look forward to these pants. I'm thinking they'll do nicely for a few jungle photoshoots. The only downside is that the pants will blend in with foliage. :-)

    1. Hahaha! The catch 22 of having a jungle appropriate outfit but not one that blends in with the jungle. ^_^

  8. Personally, the pants look too tight, like the kind the slide down the doll's bottom when they sit down. The shirt is TOO CUTE though!! ^_^

    1. Hahaha! I feel like all AG pants have that problem though. :)

  9. I really like this outfit!! But I think it's missing some socks! If Lea is going to be exploring the Amazon, she doesn't want to have exposed ankles!

    1. Hahahaha!!! That's so true! I didn't even think of that but you're right, AG does have a bad habit of neglecting socks. Also, since this is a grey market item, it is possible it is incomplete and the actual outfit will have socks.

  10. I guess we will have to wait and see. Would be nice to have a set of socks. Her feet are going to get some mean blisters!

    1. We can't have our GOTY racing around the rainforest trying to save her brother and the animals with blisters! :D

  11. Are those pinstripe pants?!?!?

  12. I was hoping for pinstripe pants, that would have been awesome!!!!!!!!

  13. Not my favourite outfit from her leaked collection, but could grow on me!! Now her name is definatley Lea Clark, I think I'll be renaming her since my friend who also collects dolls is called Leah with a h. I think the name Savannah suits her PERFECTLY!

    1. That's a lovely name and definitely fits an adventuring doll! ^_^
