
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Photos of Leaked New Truly Me Pomeranian PJs

Last year when we were still snooping for tidbits about the Girl of the Year 2016 Lea Clark left and right, one of the leaks that appeared were a pair of pajamas with a Cheshire Cat looking face printed on the shirt. It was eventually dispelled as Lea's, when we found out the green parrot rompers were her actual PJs. However, since then, quite a few of us have wondered if this factory prototype was just that, a prototype, or if it would ever be produced and released. 

Recently, cdaizybug on AGPT shared the link to a finished eBay auction showing what looks to be the "final" version of what started out as the Cheshire Cat PJs prototype we saw last year. It seems the cat PJs were just a prototype with the cat face as a graphic "placeholder" and the pants made from scrap fabric (from the fabric used to make the meet dress for Lea's mini doll). The final version shows a Pomeranian dog where the Chershire cat's face was, and the pants made with a teal paw print patterned fabric. 

I do not know when these will be released or if this is even the final version but my guess is this is the final product and it will be released this fall. 

eBay Leaked Photos:

The eyes looks a little strange but I think the embroidered matching dogs on the slippers are a cute touch!

I know there were quite a few people who really liked the Cheshire Cat graphic and will be disappointed it is not being used. 

Front of the pajama pants. On the back, there is the standard AG ego tag. 

It looks like the PJs set will come with 2 matching elastics for your doll's hair.

Overall, this is not my favorite PJs set created by AG and I will not be picking it up, though I do think the slippers are cute. 

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Link to Original eBay Auction:


  1. I like the color combination of these pjs

    1. I do like teal myself, but for some reason, these PJs just aren't resonating with me. :D

  2. Replies
    1. A lot of people did! It was very different from AG's normal cutesy designs. :)

    2. AG just doesn't like me.... or my savings account...

  3. These are cute, but I preferred the original colors and that silly Cheshire Cat. I guess this set reminds me of the Honey Puppy pjs, but less colorful. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I'd forgotten about those, but you're right, the graphic concept is the same. ^_^ I guess AG figured since it's been 9 years, the majority of their target market probably has no idea the Honey PJs ever existed, though I much prefer those over this set.

    2. Yes, the Honey Puppy pjs are one of my favorite pajama sets that I have! My only complaint is that over time, the graphic has started to come off in chunks. I hope that doesn't happen with these.

    3. I've heard quite a few people mention that flaw with a lot of the older outfits. Hopefully AG's gotten better technology at putting the decal designs on! It would be a shame of the only design on the shirt rubbed off in a few years... :D

  4. NGL, I wish they'd made those Cheshire Cat pjs so I could snag a pair for my Kalea (future Kanani/not!Kanani, whoever comes first). The Pomeranian pjs are cute, though, and will come home with me eventually (because I have a serious lack of pjs for my AGs).

    1. Yeah, they would look good on a Kanani doll! I wish they'd keep the Chesh Kitty ones...)';

    2. The color is just,...bleh.

    3. I think the cat PJs were either a "love them or hate them" design, but it definitely would have been fun to see AG try something completely different like them! :D

  5. I really love these pajamas! They are so adorable. However, I agree with you on the slippers. The eyes do look kind of pod to me. I definitely prefer these to the Cheshire cat pajamas. Thanks for sharing, as always!
    -Nova ♡

  6. I have exciting news! Last night I went to the America not girl store orlando, and I came home with Maryellen! She's an gorgeous doll. I totally recommend her!
    -Nova ♡

    1. Hopefully the eyes on the slipper of the final version that is released in stores and online will be better finished! ^_^ Congratulations on your new Maryellen doll! It sounds like you found one you really like!

  7. Oh, thank goodness they replaced the cat. I thought it was pretty creepy... (My uncle has 2 Pomeranians, though, so I like this. :D)

  8. Replies
    1. Lol!! I thought it was kind of scary looking, too.
      -Nova ♡

    2. That cat is either a hit or miss with people! :D

  9. Is it just me or do these pajamas seem a little too simple to just be a regular outfit? I'm thinking maybe PWP? We'll have to see!


    1. I agree with Lissie- they seem too simple and plain to be sold as a pajama set. I think it will eventually a PWP like she said. :)

    2. They're definitely falling below my expectations in regards to AG pajama designs. :/ Even as a PWP at the $14 price, I still don't see myself tempted by this. :D

  10. Wah-I like the Cheshire Cat ones more. Can I buy them?

    1. Unfortunately for all the fans of the cat design, it was only a prototype. :(

  11. The dog one is much cuter and less scary looking

    1. I agree, though I do think the cat ones have a certain appeal even if it's not to my personal taste. :D
