
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Potential Leaked Pet for Girl of The Year 2017?

Recently, cdaizybug on AGPT shared the link to this plush puppy that appeared on eBay. It appears to be a golden retriever with a pink rose on a teal collar. Although it is not official if the dog is a prototype pet, or which line the dog will be for, my personal guess is it could be for next year's Girl of the Year 2017. The reason I'm making this assumption is based off the style of the collar, and the body. From the photos, it appears the collar is attached, and the body is fully plush, instead of a hard, pose-able body like the current Truly Me pets. 

The other possibilities are for one of the BeForever character, or from the Wellie-Wishers line, set to debut this summer in June, though I would have no idea which BeForever character it could be for, since they all already have their respective pets, and we've already seen Melody's pet terrier Bojangles leak earlier this year. (You can view the photos of Bojangles here.) Don't forget, we still have a mysterious pet bunny rabbit that's unaccounted for as well! ^_^ (You can view photos of the mystery bunny here.)

Original eBay Photos:

The puppy is definitely adorable and I love his expression. ^_^ I will be curious to see if he really belongs to next year's GOTY 2017!

Now I'm definitely a dog person, but at this point, I'm actually a bit put out at the lack of diversity in AG's pet offerings. >_< Not every child has a dog or horse, and the lack of cats and other pets (goldfish AG.... please!) is really becoming obvious. I don't know if AG has done research and noted that the vast majority of their target market has dogs & horses vs cats and other pets, but surely the difference can't be this significant!

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  1. I do like this pet (it looks rather like my friend's dog) but AG really needs to make more cats. I wonder if they've forgotten how to. :P

    1. Definitely agree! I love dogs but it's so unbalanced that there's such a lack of cats and other pets. :D

  2. OOH he is SO CUTE! Don't show my dolls...they will demand we get him! xD

  3. Aww, what an adorable puppy! The leash and collar immediately made me think of Maryellen's Birthday Dress. I haven't read the books, so I have no idea if the dog would fit with her story at all. But if that dog is intended for a Beforever character, I would guess Maryellen for that reason.

    And I agree, AG needs more cats and other pets!

    1. The colors do remind me of Maryellen's birthday gear, you're right! :D But she already has Scooter and I didn't see mention of another dog in her stories so I don't know who the puppy would go to. XD

  4. He reminds me of Honey! It is around the time Lea leaks started, isn't it? I definitely agree with the pet diversity. I would also like if GOTY and Beforever pets were posable, had removable collars and leashed and had inset eyes (though then we wouldn't be able to tell the pets apart!)

    1. Yes! We got the Lea name leaks pretty early on, or at least her code name Gemma about a year in advance, and I think the first solid Lea leaks were around mid June when the audition scripts leaked. :D

  5. I would think that the reason there are more dogs and horses among the AG pets is because there are more children who would like to have dogs and horses but cannot. It's fun to pretend through your dolls when you can't have the real thing.

    1. That makes sense. AG probably did their market research and found that dogs and horses are what's most popular with the age group of girls they sell to. But but but... surely I can't be the only one who had fun pretending to have a goldfish? :D

  6. I'm really curious about the girl of the year for 2017..But I guess I'll just have to wait and see!

  7. I do agree with the need for diversity, like how about a..lizard? A bird? Perhaps a chicken or a pig? More hamsters and gerbils? Something like that, to make things more interesting. But that dog is pretty cute :)

    1. Ooo, a reptile is a cool idea! I don't recall if AG has ever done one before. :)

  8. It would be awesome to have a little goldfish or parrot for the dolls or maybe a guinea pig!

    1. Yes yes yes! :D I love goldfish and would love to see a little aquarium. ^_^

  9. I'm really not liking the new embroidered eyes on the pets for the GoTY and Historical girls. Looks too much like a stuffed animal for me. I think I'll stick with the Truly Me and off-brand pets for animals for my gang.

    1. I think the embroidered eyes can be cute, but I liked the glass/plastic eyes more because they just looked more realistic to me. :)

  10. They should make a fish. But I bet it would be hard to make water for it. Unless they make a toilet with it so when it dies of dehydration you could flush it, but idk lol

    1. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! That really gave me such a laugh! :D :D :D Yes yes yes, I'd love this so much!
