
Thursday, June 2, 2016

Photos of Upcoming Pomeranian PJs on Doll

Now that we've seen the evolution of the Creepy Cheshire Cat prototype PJs from last year to the final Pomeranian PJs which leaked on eBay a few weeks ago, we're lucky enough today that a fellow AG fan was able to purchase the leaked Pomeranian PJs and share photos of how they look modeled on a doll for us all to see. ^_^ It seems like people are as polarized as ever on these PJs, with some either strongly preferring the Creepy Cheshire Cat prototype, and some strongly preferring the final Pomeranian design. 

Link to Collector Photos of Creepy Cat Prototype PJs:

*Do not repost/copy/claim/use photos without written permission.*

Collector Photos:
Here is the full ensemble of the final Pomeranian PJs. It comes with the top, pants, and matching Pomeranian slippers. There were 2 matching hair ties also that come with this set but they are no pictured.

Close up of Pomeranian decal design on top. The AG ego tag is on the other side. 
The top appeared to be white in the leaked eBay photos, but according to the owner of this outfit, the top is actually a light blue color, and for her, that added a lot to the overall look and made it more flattering. 

The pants have dog paw prints as the pattern. 

Close up of matching slippers.
They look pretty comfortable actually, though for some reason, it looks like the dogs have their eyes closed to me. It looks like the design is embroidered on which is a nice touch. It looks like AG really committed to the dog theme with this outfit! :D Now imagine what this could have looked like had they committed to the Creepy Cheshire Cat design from the prototype! ^_^

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  1. I can't wait for it to be released to everyone! Lilly Maiden, are you going to be posting more Lissie and Lilly episodes? I really wanna see more!!!! Pleaaaaassssseeee!!!

    1. Hahaha! I have a few stories in mind I would like to make, but I won't be able to do anything dolly related til after my board examinations in July. ^_^ Thank you for letting me know how much you enjoy the episodes! I'm so happy to hear people like them!

  2. Those are such cute pajamas! Now my dolls are gonna beg for the Pomeranian AND the pajamas! My poor wallet!
    -Nova <3

  3. This is SO cute, and much more appealing than the Cheshire Cat ones. It`s been a while since I liked some Modern jammies- most modern jammies seem impractical or ugly ( Lovely Leopard PJs haha). I`ll get this along with the Pomeranian soon.

    1. Ahahaha! Those may be one of my least favorite PJs in the modern line! XD

  4. So cute! I hope they don't fly off the shelves too quickly, since I probably won't hit AG again until the holidays are upon us. :( And I still kinda love the Cheshire Cat prototype PJs for Kalea, my future Kanani, since she basically has Claudia Kishi-type fashion sense, in that she wears the kinda stuff that most people wouldn't dare to. :P

    1. I wouldn't worry about it selling out. :) AG always seems to have a healthy stock of PJs!

    2. I wish the current PWP PJ's would stick around until the holiday season so I could snag a pair, but I'm sure that's not gonna happen. Just hope that when I get back up to AG, the PWP isn't something fugly that I can't use. :/

    3. I didn't realize there was a PJs set currently as the PWP. I thought it was the summer hoodie outfit.

    4. Purchase-With-Purchase, special outfits you can buy for $14 when you make an order of at least $50.

  5. AHH!! These Pajamas are so ADORABLE!!!! :D It's nice to see AG making pajamas with pets again like the Coconut PJ set! I'm not sure if anyone has them or remembers them, but they are kind of like this Pajama set. Except with a Pomeranian instead of Coconut!

    1. The Coconut PJs were cute! But they felt a little to Christmas-y for my taste. These are more year round PJs. :D
